Cyber-Soldier being vague and unclear

Rules Questions

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The Cybernetic Combat class feature of the Cyber-Soldier (Fighter archetype in the Technology Guide) has some unclear text.

At 5th level, a cyber-soldier gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls with implanted weapons, cybernetic arms, and melee or thrown weapons wielded with a cybernetic arm. Weapons wielded with two cybernetic arms receive double the bonus, except when such weapons are thrown. This damage bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels gained. This attack bonus does not stack with the attack bonus for weapon training. A cyber-soldier gains a slam attack for each cybernetic arm. These attacks deal 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage for a Medium cyber-soldier and 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage for a Small cyber-soldier.

Emphasis mine. First of all, the first sentence talks about an attack bonus in certain conditions. In the third sentence, it's suddenly a damage bonus, but changes back to attack in the fourth sentence.

Second, the text says the bonus increases by one for every for levels gained. As written, this suggests that the bonus starts off as 2, as you have already gained four levels.

I hope these questions can be answered, as I really like the archetype, but it's really confusing as written.

I am pretty sure it is mean to act just like weapon training except for any weapon wielded with a cybernetic arm. Which makes the weapon training gained at later levels quite useless unless you for some reason have weapons you are not wielding with your cybernetic arm. But considering how useful Cybernetic Combat is I would just have it replace weapon training 2, 3 and 4 as well to begin with.

The whole archetype is damaged… where are you going to get the money and they access to a lab like that to GET a cyber limb at 5th level??

so you easily reach 5th level without being able to even use one of the archetypes abilities.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Or you could get to 5th level and find you are no longer in a region where tech is readily available...

A cyber arm costs 4,750 gold. going by wealth per level, the 5th level cyber soldier could conceivably have one by level 5, two by level 6, assuming you don't have any "items" worth more than 1/2 total wealth.

That being said, it makes no sense OUTSIDE a game that has this kind of tech in it, kinda like most of the stuff in that guide.

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The ability has had eratta since these posts, however it is still unclear...

Cybernetic Combat (Ex): At 5th level, a cyber-soldier gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls with implanted weapons, cybernetic arms, and melee or thrown weapons wielded with a cybernetic arm. Weapons wielded with two cybernetic arms receive double the bonus, except when such weapons are thrown. This damage bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels gained. This attack bonus does not stack with the attack bonus for weapon training. A cyber-soldier gains a slam attack for each cybernetic arm. These attacks deal 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage for a Medium cyber-soldier and 1d4 points of bludgeoning damage for a Small cyber-soldier. This ability replaces weapon training 1.

So now that it has been somewhat clarified, I would just like to make sure I am reading it correctly.

According to my reading the ability grants +1 to attack and damage at level 5, (assuming you somehow replaced your arms already) or +2/+2 if you wield a two-hand.

However only the damage bonus increases as you level. So at level 9 your 1 hand attacks get +1/+2 and your two hand attacks get +2/+4

Complicating this is that at level 9 you have access to the regular fighter weapon training. I presume this is because of the attack bonus not scaling and also so that you can use items like Gloves of Dueling. BUT Cybernetic Combat says only the attack bonuses dont stack. Therefore the damage bonus I assume does stack.

So at level 9 if you took training in the weapon you are using you get an additional +1 damage. If you use a two-hand with Gloves of Dueling, you will get up to +3/+7. At 11 your bonuses with this setup become +4/+10. The standard fighter would have had +5/+5 at this point. A one-hand fighter would be getting +4/+7.

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I do like this archetype, for iron god's at least, but I do see the problem. The way I read it, and would probably house rule it would he to treat it as weapon training, +1 to hit and damage at each interval, and neither stacks with weapon training.

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