Adopted + Racial Feats

Rules Questions

Was wondering if there was a way to take racial feats from another race or also count as a another race for racial feats RAW. Aka, for my particular case, is there a way for a Gnome to take the Risky Striker Halfling feat? The Adopted trait (was already considering it for my backstory anyway) doesn't mention anything about counting as that race or similar wordage.

Reason for wanting this:
I'm trying to see if I can create a decent small TWF barbarian. My idea was to go Gnome for the SLAs to qualify for Arcane Strike and somehow count as a Halfling to pick up Risky Striker. This is to make up for the reduced damage TWF normally has along with the smaller damage dice and lower PA/Str bonus to damage. Something like a stat array of 13-18-12-10-12-11 after racials 25 PB to qualify for PA, 11 Cha to have the SLAs, and have max Dex for Agile enchantments. Probably Urban Barbarian and/or some form of mounted to take advantage of the medium sized mount goodness.

Thanks in advance!

About the only way to something close is take a small non-human Garuda-Blooded aasimar with Scion of Humanity. Take racial heritage (Halfling).

Think about the new Savage Technologist barbarian. It's rage is dex and strength (no -AC too) and you gains TWF with weapon/guns. It's pretty sweet.

Well that's certainly a confusing way to go about what I wanted Lol. My DM probably wouldn't go for the small Aasimar since it's something you normally roll for. I do like that there's a way though.

The way I read the Savage Technologist I was thinking that it was +Dex and Con (the second part of the rage text seems more likely) and the melee weapon has to be light. My DM isn't too keen on technology (heavily discouraged us away from the Gunalinger before) but maybe he'll let me redskin it to a hand crossbow or something. I certainly like the flavor!

EDIT: I reread through the d20pfsrd website (my DM usually goes off that site since it's easier to access/link) and they specifically call out Halfling as a possible thing for Aasimar. I had originally wanted to be a Halfling but wanted scaling SLAs for Arcane Strike. Maybe he'll be fine with Scion of Humanity causing me to count as a Halfling instead and being small. Not really rules forum stuff, but certainly a reasonable DM request (he'll probably make me put the two racial +2s into Dex and Cha, or maybe have to same racial stats as halflings to balance it out a bit). Thanks for the help!

Also, if anyone else knows another way I'm open to it.


Just ask your GM if he'd allow a Gnome to take Risky Striker.

It's certainly something I'd consider Gnomes to be capable of.

I'm liking the Halfling Aasimar idea, but a Gnome with Risky Striker is probably less cheesy. We'll just have to see.

Alternatively, you could just be a halfling and take a trait like magical talent to qualify for Arcane Strike.

Dave Justus wrote:
Alternatively, you could just be a halfling and take a trait like magical talent to qualify for Arcane Strike.

Yep there's several that grant arcane spells and a scaling caster level.

Oh snap, wasn't thinking of magic traits. That's definitely legal. That's the option I'm going if heavenly bird Halfling doesn't fly (no pun intended). Thanks community!

Moved somewhat into my living area so I had a bit of free time.

Looked through all the traits. Using ctrl+f to find the phrase "your character level" only comes up with one non-race trait, Alluring. All the others were tied to a specific race (other than Child of the Necropolis but that's a Regional trait and wouldn't be valid all the time). ctrl+f of "spell-like" turns up 41 hits and most of them say "caster level 1" (such as Magical Talent) or "highest caster level gained" or are faction/regional traits. Marked by Unknown Forces comes in second only in that it doesn't mention what level the spell Light is equivalent to.

I'd want the SLA to scale with my character level because spending a feat on Arcane Strike that would always stay at +1 wouldn't be worth it. So, is Alluring legal? Normal Pathfinder/PFS/whatever.

Looked through Nethys a bit as well. Wedifa Apprentice seems blea. Also, Nethys has Alluring as requiring worship to Bolka. Light Bringer is worshiping Sarenrae which isn't too bad. This is all I could find on the two websites.

The Alluring trait comes from Dwarfs of Golorian. I have the "Additional Resources" PDF that was last updated on Jan. 29, 2014. It says for the book "Traits: all traits except Coin Hoarder, Eldritch Smith, and Toilcrafter." are legal.

Marked by Unknown Forces is in a book that came out later (March 25) than the PDF I've got. Light Bringer is from Inner Sea Gods which doesn't appear on the PDF either.

So it looks like I'll be using Alluring for Arcane Strike and it's the only one that I know is legal (for PFS) and scales with character level. Kinda interesting that it's better than Weapon Specialization for Fighters (after level 9?) but it does use a swift action and a trait on top of it. It's not like they don't have enough feats anyway though so could just add it on top. Still, it provides some flavor and a nice mechanical benefit.

Thought I'd let others know about the legality in case they were wondering lol.

If this is for pfs, you may want to take a look at the updated additional resources, as it has been updated very recently.

Dimminsy, you have to look at places other than the PRD. Offhand there's The Patriarch and The Lantern Bearer. Occult Mysteries, having the line "treating your character level as your caster level".

EDIT I see you used d20pfsrd. Try Archives of nethys.

It may be for a home game, but I'd also like to know if it's legal for PFS because my college runs an "almost PFS" thing on Friday nights and I might want to play him there. The college is going to wait a while for errata's and FAQs to come out for the new class book before implementing it. I emailed the people to see if they're going to use the updated Extra Resources document or not.

I actually did look through Nethys' trait section. I didn't find any more than what I found on d20pfsrd. Is there another section of Nethys I don't know about?


d20pfsrd changes the names and text of several traits, feats, and even classes in an attempt to avoid copyright infringement.

Archives of Nethys, as far as I've observed, keeps everything original. They even mark PFS-legal options with the Glyph of the Open Road.

Go to traits section, then click on cosmic. You'll find the two there (The Patriarch and The Lantern Bearer). Also, the additional resources page says that "Traits: all traits on page 37 are legal for play." for Occult Mysteries. It's still in red so that means it's the "most recently updated content".

Huh, interesting. I skipped Cosmic traits because I didn't think they would be legal for PFS. Are they? I'm not seeing the book on the Extra Resources page. Also, Cosmic traits look like they only work on certain days of the year, which isn't really something I'd be interested in lol. The "Requirement(s) 21 Abadius - 16 Calistril" looks like it corresponds to the Pathfinder calendar.

Scroll down to Occult Mysteries. "Traits: all traits on page 37 are legal for play."

Full listing:
Pathfinder Campaign Setting: Occult Mysteries
Equipment: all equipment and magic items on page 55 are legal for play, Prestige Class: the pain taster prestige class is legal for play; Mystery: the occult mystery is legal for play; Spells: all spells on pages 50–51 and 54–55 are legal for play, except rapping spirit and possessive dead; Traits: all traits on page 37 are legal for play.

Now, "Requirement(s) 21 Abadius - 16 Calistril" means that's when you where born NOT when you can use it. ;)

Ahh, that makes more sense. Interesting. I'll look through those again. Thanks for the help! Was going to try to TWF Dex Barbarian as a Halfling, maybe ride something too, but even with Fighter I might not be able to pull it off either Lol.

Dimminsy wrote:
Ahh, that makes more sense. Interesting. I'll look through those again. Thanks for the help! Was going to try to TWF Dex Barbarian as a Halfling, maybe ride something too, but even with Fighter I might not be able to pull it off either Lol.

No worries. I can see how it's confusing seeing it out of context online instead of reading it out of the book. Those traits are like the astrological signs.

Good luck with the character! :)

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