Pathfinder Society Crazy Appearance

Pathfinder Society

Shadow Lodge

ok i think this is the right thread for this since it does relate to PFS lol, anyway i was wondering on how crazy you can get with a characters Physical Description, like can i have a tiefling alchemist that has transperent skin/organs/muscle leaving only the bones visible, that to crazy for PFS or what? lol

The Exchange 4/5

Believe that is possible though chance some GM's wouldn't allow that kind of description. If you did though, and it's allowed, he'd be frightening nearly everyone he meets of not covered up. Why would the Pathfinder Society ever want him doing missions for them if it requires speaking to people or putting a good face up for the Society? He'd have to stay masked and covered most of the time.

If you want a super freaky looking Tiefling, go for it. Just also consider how realistically people would react to seeing a 'skinless' person. Might want to tone that down instead...

Shadow Lodge

after all, a tiefling can be the child of pretty much any devil and demon and such, fuigured that could mean they are vastly differnt from a human apperance or close, it all depends on the character, like a Devil born tiefling whose one of his parents is a bone devil, looks much like a skeleton lmao not sure on right on this but i've just been getting bored of the typical tiefling apperance of late and fuigured why not ask here before going to a society play and make a fool of myself about the limits of "appearance Fluff"

Shadow Lodge

true he would be a sight to behold lol, but i fuigured "Why not" could be fun to play a character that is highly charismatic but looks like a skeleton, lol having a ton of rp moments lol

5/5 5/55/55/5

I think you need to have some justification for your appearence. YOu can do a rakasha spawn as a sorta cat person, but unless there's an invisible skin monster bloodline tiefling or a sorcerer bloodline i missed you can't.

Grand Lodge 4/5

BigNorseWolf wrote:
I think you need to have some justification for your appearence. YOu can do a rakasha spawn as a sorta cat person, but unless there's an invisible skin monster bloodline tiefling or a sorcerer bloodline i missed you can't.

I can see a case being made for a transparent skinned Qlippoth Spawn, based on their description.

Shadow Lodge

i was thinking devil-born with like a bone-devil parent lol

Shadow Lodge

or he could just be a alchemist with a experiment that went wrong lol

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I got a red-skinned Onispawn whose most recognizable features, besides the skin pigmentation, are oversized jaws so full of sharp piranha-like teeth that they are stuck together; a vestigial third eye partially covered by a film of skin; a mutated spine rising above his shoulders like a bony ridge and a permanent limb that makes a squishing sound with every step. And that's only the tip of the fugly iceberg.

When tieflings were opened as a race I jumped at the chance to play with the idea. The character is like a poster child for why mixing with evil outsiders(native or not) is a bad idea.

I'd think a transparent-skinned skeleton is fine in comparison.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

The real question is, do you have a race boon for a new character, or have you already played said character. If not the question is moot since tieflings are no longer available to start playing without a boon.

Liberty's Edge 5/5 5/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, Indiana—Martinsville

I have a character Half - Orc that is somewhat unique.

-- Pasted from Profile --

About Uh Oh

Uh Oh is the Daughter of Grog. She has the snout of a pig, tusks coming out from her mouth, one ear is pointed while the other has fur on it and flops over. Her hands are bigger than usual to match the boulders on her chest and one foot is bigger than the other, making it so she had to buy two pair to make a set.

(Thank -- magical boots resize for fit!!)

She is a little miffed at Half-Orcs right now, as her own dad gave her away to the copper dragon Zonaladin in a failed Diplomancy try.

She is light hearted and a little daredevil in situations.

-- end paste --

Just thought I would put that out there.

Shadow Lodge

lol i love that Muser, i always fuigured there might be cults which summons the stranger evil outsiders and do some cult magic to knock up someone lol.


I think the idea of planetouched races is that there's a demon, devil, angel etc. in the bloodline a few generations removed, rather than as an actual parent - I mean, it's plane touched.

Actual devil/demon/angel parentage is where you get half-fiends and half-celestials, a whole other kettle of fish!

That said, I am partial to the whole "Rosemary's Baby" origin story for a tiefling.

As for being a skeletal being with a translucent skin and musculature - and a full on "Slim Goodbody" display of internal organs - I'm all for it if the player's willing! You're not reskinning something which has an open descriptive.

I would hope the player would be okay with me, as a GM, playing to the appearance - I mean, that's definitely coming with some baggage! (aka "roleplaying implications"). Just because there's no "mechanical effect" doesn't mean there's no effect on mechanics (like circumstance bonuses to diplomacy or intimidation, which I'd happily apply as a GM!)

As a player, I'd go a step further like having tracings of infernal runes on the bones, maybe listing the character's infernal lineage, or having subtle agonized faces - the remnants of damned souls ("devil DNA") - occasionally manifesting themselves on an expanding lung or pulsating heart. Those energy resistances must come from somewhere.

A walking anatomy lesson, you could (as a player) buy a Pathfinder Chronicle (K:Planes) and "lend" it to other characters by saying they can "read" planar lore in your revealed anatomy. (Okay, that's reskinning, but I'd go for it as a GM - I'm such a scofflaw!)

The Exchange 5/5

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Raphael Valen wrote:
i was thinking devil-born with like a bone-devil parent lol

what would you need the transparent skin etc for? Here's my description from my table tent...

Female Tiefling, Black hair, Yellow Cat’s Eyes, Veiled face
Unnaturally thin, picture "walking skeleton" here, she is normally dressed in dark silk clothing (blacks, grays & brown), with a veil & headscarf. She has only 3 fingers (and thumb) on each hand.

No tail. No horns. Really.

add in the continual flame spell on a tongue ring, so whenever I smile (or talk) flames flash thru my teeth... so I wear a veil... though it still flashes whenever I talk ... ;)

5/5 5/55/5 *** Venture-Captain, Germany—Hamburg

just fyi, there's a table in "Blood of Fiends" with lots of examples for cosmetic features, and translucent skin is among them. So of course that's ok. You shouldn't describe what the visible organs look like in detail, though, especially not if there are minors at the table. You never know if they are grossed out by gory descriptions ;)

5/5 5/55/55/5

Seems good to me then.


so long as you follow the - ahem - reskinning rules and it doesn't affect any mechanical rules you should be fine <eg>


Andreas Forster wrote:
just fyi, there's a table in "Blood of Fiends" with lots of examples for cosmetic features, and translucent skin is among them. So of course that's ok. You shouldn't describe what the visible organs look like in detail, though, especially not if there are minors at the table. You never know if they are grossed out by gory descriptions ;)

In my experience, adults are much more likely to be disturbed by gore than minors are, who usually find it awesome! :P

Shadow Lodge 3/5

I have a half-elf witch with green skin. Nobody's ever complained about it.

I think the key is to make sure your appearance can somehow add to the game, rather than detract from it. Don't get weird-looking-eidolon syndrome happening to your character. Make it a good part of your character concept that people will enjoy having in the game.


I made a shackleborn tiefling whose prehensile tail looks like a chain growing out of his butt.

I think that is pretty consistent with his kyton ancestry, and the fact that some other outsiders have metallic skin.

The Exchange 5/5

just be sure to avoid the "Yellow Tengu".... ;)

Shadow Lodge

lmao wow so many awesome descriptions lol


nosig wrote:
just be sure to avoid the "Yellow Tengu".... ;)

Yeah, the planetouched characters have a built-in versatility that I didn't appreciate until it was almost too late. Maybe someone can get Paizo to write an official random features chart for each of the other races so that we can get a better grasp on the acceptable diversity in every gene pool.

5/5 5/55/55/5

Mimo Tomblebur wrote:
nosig wrote:
just be sure to avoid the "Yellow Tengu".... ;)
Yeah, the planetouched characters have a built-in versatility that I didn't appreciate until it was almost too late. Maybe someone can get Paizo to write an official random features chart for each of the other races so that we can get a better grasp on the acceptable diversity in every gene pool.

Or just, you know, accept that other people may make characters for their tastes and not yours?


BigNorseWolf wrote:
Or just, you know, accept that other people may make characters for their tastes and not yours?

Yeah, or that. (My previous comment was tongue-in-cheek.)

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