Planar Ally 12 hd worth of Outsider


Sovereign Court

So my cleric is CG and yeah I'm that point of the game where I have enough gold that it seriously doesn't matter and got all the essential magic items and more, granted only going to need the planar ally for a day. (Using rod of extend to make him last more than 24 hours but anyway)

So 12 HD worth of outsiders, so far I'm thinking a movanic deva. It seems to cover nearly everything for a combat intensive day.

What are your suggestions?

Sovereign Court

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Eltacolibre wrote:

So my cleric is CG and yeah I'm that point of the game where I have enough gold that it seriously doesn't matter and got all the essential magic items and more, granted only going to need the planar ally for a day. (Using rod of extend to make him last more than 24 hours but anyway)

So 12 HD worth of outsiders, so far I'm thinking a movanic deva. It seems to cover nearly everything for a combat intensive day.

What are your suggestions?

I've planar bound a movanic deva in PFS - different spell but same end effects - and it's certainly a useful outsider.

Huge elementals are great, in part simply because they're huge - I'm partial to huge air elementals myself.

Really, though, it's a matter of what you need. When I bound a movanic deva, I was with a healing-lite party. I've bound a Hound of Tindalous to track an enemy, an Erinyes as a bodyguard (true seeing + high perception), a Kolyarut Inevitable to track down someone, a succubus for the profane bonus to charisma, and a bebelith (for demon-hunting).

In the case of Planar Ally, you can get some of the high-save/high-charisma outsiders which are harder to bind, like an Akhana Aeon (which can raise dead) or a glabrezu (an amazing bodyguard/tank with powerful SLAs).

For a "combat intensive" day, my recommendation is something huge-sized and tough, like an earth elemental, bebelith, or glabrezu. Barbed devils are great, too, if you need medium-sized combatants, as are movanic devas (and they have a nice aura).

A couatl I've always found cool (my 3.5 wizard had a couatl henchman, from the Leadership feat! Good arguments since he was LG and my wizard was CG...)

Sovereign Court

I can possibly discuss the alignment with the DM, would depend if I can fluff it enough.

It's planar ally. Your diety (a.k.a, your GM) gets to pick what's showing up. I strongly recommend discussing the spell with him =P

If the two of you have time, you could shoot for working with the GM to come up with a unique outsider.

If you're chaotic good and following a similar deity, azatas with class levels are an interesting option. Like a lillend with bard levels.

Looking at the lists of unique servants for deities, and then making one of those unique servants, could also be entertaining.

You'd conceivably be writing up a recurring NPC.

The movanic deva is definitely the go-to option if your GM just wants to hand you a strong ally and not worry about it.

Seriously, the deva's aura of protection is crazy.

Sovereign Court

I like that coming up with an unique outsider mmm, I'll discuss with my DM.

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