Trouble in Fergietown!

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thejeff wrote:

Planning to be arrested is a common protest activity. A lot of people don't do it because they can't afford to be arrested. Assuming it's organized and planned and not because the arrestee was being violent or something, it's generally considered positive by the protesters. If the people protesting in Ferguson don't think he's an ass for doing so, why do you have to?

Him being there and getting arrested helps them get those headlines you want them to have.

The headline "dude no one outside of protest circles has heard of get arrested" doesn't help them, especially when the article talks about how he went there to get arrested. It will just as likely drive people away from their cause as help it.

For a similar reason, if I were among the protesters I would ask Al Sharpton to shut up and go away, since he is a more divisive figure than anything else.

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Caineach wrote:
thejeff wrote:

Planning to be arrested is a common protest activity. A lot of people don't do it because they can't afford to be arrested. Assuming it's organized and planned and not because the arrestee was being violent or something, it's generally considered positive by the protesters. If the people protesting in Ferguson don't think he's an ass for doing so, why do you have to?

Him being there and getting arrested helps them get those headlines you want them to have.

The headline "dude no one outside of protest circles has heard of get arrested" doesn't help them,

If you think no one has heard of Cornel West,.... well, that says more about you than about the protesters.

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Caineach wrote:
thejeff wrote:

Planning to be arrested is a common protest activity. A lot of people don't do it because they can't afford to be arrested. Assuming it's organized and planned and not because the arrestee was being violent or something, it's generally considered positive by the protesters. If the people protesting in Ferguson don't think he's an ass for doing so, why do you have to?

Him being there and getting arrested helps them get those headlines you want them to have.

The headline "dude no one outside of protest circles has heard of get arrested" doesn't help them, especially when the article talks about how he went there to get arrested. It will just as likely drive people away from their cause as help it.

For a similar reason, if I were among the protesters I would ask Al Sharpton to shut up and go away, since he is a more divisive figure than anything else.

Just because you don't pay attention to/don't like black people, doesn't mean they aren't important.

Irontruth wrote:

Do you think that police brutality, corruption and abuse of power is something we should accept quietly? Or do you think people should stand up to them and call attention to their wrong doings?

The other aspect of what he did is help lend his voice to what other people were already doing. He didn't start that protest or was the sole organizer. He showed up to lend his voice and credentials, to show support for the locals and help magnify their cause.

Some random guy gets arrested in a protest in Ferguson, it just gets lumped in with the numbers. Cornel West, a former Harvard professor gets arrested, you get additional art and column space nationally, helping maintain a higher profile for the situation.

Really what I get from you is that the people of Ferguson should shut up and accept their lot in life. That people outside of Ferguson should stop thinking about the topic and let it go away. That's what I get from you when you say "this isn't newsworthy". You might not intend that, but that's how it comes across.

They should not stop others from doing their business or robbing and destroying the property of others. That makes them NEED to get some extra police attention

Krensky wrote:
Just because the Ferguson police are jack-booted asshats does not mean that Dr West isn't an asshat as well.The asshatterey of the involved parties are not mutually exlusive.

And what does Brother West's asshattery consist of in your opinion, Citizen K(e)rensky?

Caineach wrote:

The headline "dude no one outside of protest circles has heard of get arrested" doesn't help them, especially when the article talks about how he went there to get arrested. It will just as likely drive people away from their cause as help it.

For a similar reason, if I were among the protesters I would ask Al Sharpton to shut up and go away, since he is a more divisive figure than anything else.

Well, all I can say is that was only one of many articles about the weekend's resistance. I chose to link that one because I have had a man-crush on Brother West since he was kind to me when I was a wee young goblin militant.

(I was a little disappointed that he went ga-ga for Citizen K(e)rensky's boss [are you still an active Democratic Party hack, Alex, or was that a past gig?], but he has made up for that by becoming the most vocal black critic of Barack "The Global George Zimmerman" Obama.)

Btw, those protesters that told Sharpton (and Jackson) to shut up and go away? Those were the angry young ones that Brother West was referring to when he said "We have failed you."

I can't remember if I posted this in a Ferguson thread before, or in one of my own commie threads, so please forgive me if I am repeating myself:

Love Me, Ferguson, I'm a Liberal

(More fun for commie watchers: the comrade referred to in the article, Greg "Joey" Johnson, is the same comrade whose American flag-burning antics back in the nineties led Bush I to contemplate an anti-flag burning Constitutional amendment.)

Also, if you're in NYC in the middle of November, Brother West is going to be debating Chairman Bob, or, as I shall refer to him from hereonin, the Jimi Hendrix of Revolution.

You Have a Chance to See “The Jimi Hendrix of Revolution.” Live.

[Bumps more of Brother West]

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

I haven't, alas, been able to follow the news as closely as I would like this past week--busy with Anklebiter clan shiznit mostly--so I hadn't yet seen any Cornel West commentary.

Cornel West on Missouri: "Obama reeks of political calculation not moral conviction" - Newsnight

Hee hee! I haven't even finished watching it yet and I already love it. Had me at "Obama reeks."

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JurgenV wrote:
They should not stop others from doing their business or robbing and destroying the property of others. That makes them NEED to get some extra police attention

I have a question for you, Citizen V. I noticed you came on board five days after Citizen R. disappeared. Are you Citizen R.?

Caineach wrote:
thejeff wrote:

Planning to be arrested is a common protest activity. A lot of people don't do it because they can't afford to be arrested. Assuming it's organized and planned and not because the arrestee was being violent or something, it's generally considered positive by the protesters. If the people protesting in Ferguson don't think he's an ass for doing so, why do you have to?

Him being there and getting arrested helps them get those headlines you want them to have.

The headline "dude no one outside of protest circles has heard of get arrested" doesn't help them, especially when the article talks about how he went there to get arrested. It will just as likely drive people away from their cause as help it.

For a similar reason, if I were among the protesters I would ask Al Sharpton to shut up and go away, since he is a more divisive figure than anything else.

Hey, I don't go to protests, and I have heard of Cornell West.

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Caineach wrote:
For a similar reason, if I were among the protesters I would ask Al Sharpton to shut up and go away, since he is a more divisive figure than anything else.

I don't think there is a civil rights activist/leader in history who wasn't called divisive.

From my experience, almost any sympathetic public attention to your cause is very important when you are dealing with the police. I was very happy when Al Sharpton joined us for a critical mass ride one night. It brought lots of attention and diversity, and was really magnanimous of him to help us out. David Lee Roth mentioned joining us on his radio show, but as far as I know, Al Sharpton is the most renown person to join NYC critical mass during those 'police crackdown' times.

Also have to mention the support of Norman Siegel.

Cornell West is the strongest supporter of the rights of the people of Ferguson that I can think of. I can't name anyone else of much fame publicly supporting the people on the streets. Am I missing anyone?

Liberty's Edge

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Krensky wrote:
Just because the Ferguson police are jack-booted asshats does not mean that Dr West isn't an asshat as well.The asshatterey of the involved parties are not mutually exlusive.
And what does Brother West's asshattery consist of in your opinion, Citizen K(e)rensky?

Primarily that he looks like he's wearing an ass as a hat. Have you seen the man's hair? I rest my case.

Plus he hasn't told you to shut up and stop being a stooge of the degenerate party bureaucracy.

Cornel West's hair is perfect and I'll run through any of you Uncle Tom Obamabot hacks who say differently.

I did some further research (i.e., I went over to my Facebook feed) and found more articles about Brother Cornel and the [crosses fingers] burgeoning new revolutionary struggle for black liberation in the United States of America. Vive le Galt!

More Huffington Post: Young Activists Challenge NAACP President At 'Ferguson October' Event

The Guardian: St Louis protests: Ferguson activists reject religious leaders’ platitudes

LA Times: 'Ferguson October' rally highlights divide among St. Louis activists

Initial impressions: Far from asshattery, lynch mob ho-dom, or any other crazy ass shiznit you pinkskins can come up with to slander my burning hunka Revolutionary Christian man-love, it looks to me like Brother Cornel was reacting to

(Suspicious ultraleft orthodox Trotskyist thought: trying to contain?)
the raw, seething anger of the youth.

Either way, he still has biznitchin' hair.


At that point, the planned programme fell apart and the focus shifted. Some younger black speakers demanded to know whether the people on the stage had a plan of action.

“All those speeches before, you’ve heard them all before. That’s not going to change, right?” said one. “I was hoping for a plan from our elders and I was disappointed,” said another.

A young man used more graphic language. “I’ve been out there since motherf@+#ing August 9,” he told the various preachers. “If you don’t turn up at the protest get the f*~% out of here.”

Krensky wrote:
Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Krensky wrote:
Just because the Ferguson police are jack-booted asshats does not mean that Dr West isn't an asshat as well.The asshatterey of the involved parties are not mutually exlusive.
And what does Brother West's asshattery consist of in your opinion, Citizen K(e)rensky?

Primarily that he looks like he's wearing an ass as a hat. Have you seen the man's hair? I rest my case.

Plus he hasn't told you to shut up and stop being a stooge of the degenerate party bureaucracy.

I see nothing wrong with Mr. West's hair.

I vastly prefer it to the standard issue side-part.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Irontruth wrote:

I see nothing wrong with Mr. West's hair.

[Hand on pommel]

You better not.

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This is a really good rundown on how differing the police response and media coverage have been of Fergusson vs Keene:
Fergusson protestors arrested for pumpkins - college kids flip cars and loot for fun

Live free or die!

Liberty's Edge

Gaberlunzie wrote:

This is a really good rundown on how differing the police response and media coverage have been of Fergusson vs Keene:

Fergusson protestors arrested for pumpkins - college kids flip cars and loot for fun

No it's not. It's a collection of twitter posts pretending to be journalism. It's internet hipster douchebaggery and click bait.

Here, have some actual coherent pieces about it that actually say something:

CNN - Why Pumpkin Fest riots are not like Ferguson - Keene Is Not Ferguson—Despite the Police, Fires, and Tear Gas

Atlanta Black Star - Black Community Notes the Difference in How the Media Covered Ferguson Protests vs. Pumpkin Rioters

Alternet - White Privilege and the 'Pumpkin Fest' Riot of 2014

Krensky wrote:

No it's not. It's a collection of twitter posts pretending to be journalism. It's internet hipster douchebaggery and click bait

He says, and then links Alternet.

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, you know what the Alternet piece had?

Words and a byline.

You know what the articles that you linked also have?

The same rundown of pictures and tweets that Comrade Lunzie had in her internet hipster douchebaggery piece.

Liberty's Edge

And words and structure so you know what the hell they're talking about. Of course they have those twitter posts, because the articles are about the media presentation of the two events and the twitter posts and whatnot are part of that. Lunzie's link is just some random twitter posts aggregated and presented as news or analysis or whatever its supposed to be.

Oh, you know what the Alternet (and the other pieces I posted have in common) has and that the thing Lunzie posted doesn't?

A masthead.

Aren't you guys basically making the same overall point? IE. The media is saying nicer things about riotous white kids than about riotous black kids?

We really should just focus on the fact that we have police departments with frickin tanks...tanks...TANKS!? That should be the sole focus of all of this, getting people to realize what these police forces have become. Perhaps instead of spending 300k on an armored vehicle, we pay that on training and recruiting quality individuals to I dunno "Protect and Serve".

PS. Not a Commie Goblin myself but still have respect for the little Anklebiters.

Krensky wrote:

And words and structure so you know what the hell they're talking about. Of course they have those twitter posts, because the articles are about the media presentation of the two events and the twitter posts and whatnot are part of that. Lunzie's link is just some random twitter posts aggregated and presented as news or analysis or whatever its supposed to be.

Oh, you know what the Alternet (and the other pieces I posted have in common) has and that the thing Lunzie posted doesn't?

A masthead.

What are you talking about? It says Revolution News! in the top left corner with a picture of the planet.

But the Swedish comrade, I'm guessing not as English-language media savvy as the Democratic Party functionary, posted a link without a byline. Clearly, this is a job for Citizen K(e)rensky to denounce internet hipster douchebaggery.

Liberty's Edge

The police don't have tanks. Well, I suppose some might, I don't know but that's not what you're talking about. They have APCs or IFVs.There are legitimate uses for certain types of them in police work. The issue is that most of the ones being disposed of by the DoD as surplus and transferred to police departments are not really useful for those departments and aren't generally needed. Smalltown police department of ten officers does not and will never have a use for a MRAP. Their county ESU/SWAT/Whatever probably doesn't either but they do have a need for some sort of APC.

Also, the police aren't paying for these vehicles, they're being given military surplus equipment. They do have to pay to refit, paint, maintain, and operate them, but that's different than them buying the thing.

I indeed did use the term "Tank" to describe the different types of armored vehicles that police departments have/use. I have yet to hear a compelling, fact based argument for how/why these vehicles are needed for ANY police department. Quote me some statistic that shows that police departments with "Tanks" have less crime than those that do not, or perhaps one that shows that since the arrival of the shiny "tank" crime dropped to record lows.

As for who pays, in the end we all do eventually. I don't believe that these are paid for individually by these small towns, no. I think most of them were paid for by Homeland Security money, in which case my original argument still stands. Use the DHS money to recruit and train quality individuals instead of useless toys.

Your confusion is understandable, Citizen Niles.

Police 'Tank' Purchase Riles New Hampshire Town

"It's not quite a tank. But the quaint town of 23,000 -- scene of just two murders since 1999 -- had just accepted a $285,933 grant from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to purchase a Bearcat, an eight-ton armored personnel vehicle made by Lenco Industries Inc."

Liberty's Edge

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Krensky wrote:

And words and structure so you know what the hell they're talking about. Of course they have those twitter posts, because the articles are about the media presentation of the two events and the twitter posts and whatnot are part of that. Lunzie's link is just some random twitter posts aggregated and presented as news or analysis or whatever its supposed to be.

Oh, you know what the Alternet (and the other pieces I posted have in common) has and that the thing Lunzie posted doesn't?

A masthead.

What are you talking about? It says Revolution News! in the top left corner with a picture of the planet.

But the Swedish comrade, I'm guessing not as English-language media savvy as the Democratic Party functionary, posted a link without a byline. Clearly, this is a job for Citizen K(e)rensky to denounce internet hipster douchebaggery.

A masthead lists the owners, publisher, editor, staff, etc. It also gives the address, often telephone number and, in print media, the circulation.

Fair enough, I always thought that was called something else.

But I'm glad we had this exchange over which articles saying the same things are internet hipster douchebaggery and which are responsible journalism.

Liberty's Edge

nilesr wrote:

I indeed did use the term "Tank" to describe the different types of armored vehicles that police departments have/use. I have yet to hear a compelling, fact based argument for how/why these vehicles are needed for ANY police department. Quote me some statistic that shows that police departments with "Tanks" have less crime than those that do not, or perhaps one that shows that since the arrival of the shiny "tank" crime dropped to record lows.

As for who pays, in the end we all do eventually. I don't believe that these are paid for individually by these small towns, no. I think most of them were paid for by Homeland Security money, in which case my original argument still stands. Use the DHS money to recruit and train quality individuals instead of useless toys.

Police units typically use APCs for the same thing militaries use them for. Moving people in relative safety in hostile environments. Not every police force has need for them and the are not frequently needed. When they are during barricaded suspect incidents or hostage situations there is no substitute.

Does Podunk, Wherever need one? Assuming that the police aren't in a shooting war with some hypothetical drug gang, no. Does the county need one? Maybe, depends on the county.

As for the money. Most of them were paid for by the DoD and used in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. They are military surplus. They are not being purchased new by DHS. DHS is disposing of them for the DoD. DHS is giving out grants in some places too.

And allow me to reiterate this since I have a feeling you're going to ignore it again:

Pretty much no police force in the US needs a MRAP type vehicle, and those that do need it more for the clearance and hardened suspension then the armoring. Police forces do have need for armored vehicles, often at a county or multi-county level. They are tools for the specialists in a SWAT/ESU/whatever unit or a bomb squad, not regular police. This is largely a case of the defense industry wagging the dog to make a new market now that US deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan are going away.

White Knight Doodlebug wrote:
Cornel West's hair is perfect and I'll run through any of you Uncle Tom Obamabot hacks who say differently.

He has needed a haircut for the past 10-20 years. My black manliness stands in direct opposition to his hairstyle choices.

And to think, when I first met him there wasn't any white in that hair or beard.

[Sighs fondly, remembering the past; then stabs Comrade Freehold]

Krensky wrote:

Police units typically use APCs for the same thing militaries use them for. Moving people in relative safety in hostile environments. Not every police force has need for them and the are not frequently needed. When they are during barricaded suspect incidents or hostage situations there is no substitute.

Does Podunk, Wherever need one? Assuming that the police aren't in a shooting war with some hypothetical drug gang, no. Does the county need one? Maybe, depends on the county.

As for the money. Most of them were paid for by the DoD and used in Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. They are military surplus. They are not being purchased new by DHS. DHS is disposing of them for the DoD. DHS is giving out grants in some places too.

And allow me to reiterate this since I have a feeling you're going to ignore it again:

Pretty much no police force in the US needs a MRAP type vehicle, and those that do need it more for the clearance and hardened suspension then the armoring. Police forces do have need for armored vehicles, often at a county or multi-county level. They are tools for the specialists in a SWAT/ESU/whatever unit or a bomb squad, not regular police. This is largely a case of the defense industry wagging the dog to...

Turns out I agree with like 85% of what you are saying, the part I'm not agreeing with is the idea that we need them at all. They serve no credible purpose. These toys have no effect on crime, they do not make us, or I would wager police any safer. I have yet to read any news report that credits an armored vehicle as the reason that an officer was not slain in the line of duty. In my opinion they exist only to fuel the jobs program that is the DHS.

Liberty's Edge

You completely reject that a SWAT or ESU unit has need for an APC? That a EOD unit doesn't need an armored truck? That HAZMAT or Airport fire fighters don't need armored attack vehicles?

Truly the mind boggles.

Read up on SWAT operations. The North Hollywood shootout is an example. The LAPD had to commandeer armored cash trucks to use as ambulances. The original B.E.A.R. was designed to transport SWAT officers and other personnel, extract civilians and injured people, serve as a moving shield, a self mobile ladder and a battering ram. The BearCat in question is a smaller version of the same truck.

Also: Bearcat Survived Standoff; Police Cars Did Not

Something clicked in my memory banks, and I recalled a New Hampshire town motivating its purchase of a BearCat to counter the terrorist threat posed by Occupy New Hampshire and the Free State Project (whom I don't like, but their most terrorist-y activity is going around putting quarters into expired parking meters), but, alas, it turned out to be Concord, not Keene.

Still gonna link it, though.

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White Knight Doodlebug wrote:

And to think, when I first met him there wasn't any white in that hair or beard.

[Sighs fondly, remembering the past; then stabs Comrade Freehold]

I may find him nutty as a fruit cake, but I don't begrudge you enjoying meeting him. I wish I could get my dad to meet him.


Liberty's Edge

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:

Something clicked in my memory banks, and I recalled a New Hampshire town motivating its purchase of a BearCat to counter the terrorist threat posed by Occupy New Hampshire and the Free State Project (whom I don't like, but their most terrorist-y activity is going around putting quarters into expired parking meters), but, alas, it turned out to be Concord, not Keene.

Still gonna link it, though.

Well, if I was a conspiracy minded sort, I might think the Keene, NH police let the 'drunken rowdies' get so out of hand to show why they needed the BearCat they got from DHS.

Plus, you know, shooting rich white college kids will get you in trouble.

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
Krensky wrote:

No it's not. It's a collection of twitter posts pretending to be journalism. It's internet hipster douchebaggery and click bait
He says, and then links Alternet.

And CNN - the propaganda page that has acted as the police' megaphone, spreading their fabrications over and over.

Also, note how much CNN's article are just empty words mixed with concern trolling, pretending to be journalism. It's corporate douchebaggery and right-wing propaganda.

Also, Krensky has misunderstood the term "clickbait".

Krensky wrote:

You completely reject that a SWAT or ESU unit has need for an APC? That a EOD unit doesn't need an armored truck? That HAZMAT or Airport fire fighters don't need armored attack vehicles?

Truly the mind boggles.

Read up on SWAT operations. The North Hollywood shootout is an example. The LAPD had to commandeer armored cash trucks to use as ambulances. The original B.E.A.R. was designed to transport SWAT officers and other personnel, extract civilians and injured people, serve as a moving shield, a self mobile ladder and a battering ram. The BearCat in question is a smaller version of the same truck.

Also: Bearcat Survived Standoff; Police Cars Did Not

What the hell are airport firefighters going to do with assault vehicles? Or Hazmat?

In the handlfull of situations like this across the country over the course of the year that might warrant gear like this, the local national guard could be called in. And if your most recent example is from 1997, that is a lot of expense to justify a freak occurrence.

The vast majority of swat operations are to serve non-violent drug offenders warrants. They don't need this gear.

Freehold DM wrote:
White Knight Doodlebug wrote:

And to think, when I first met him there wasn't any white in that hair or beard.

[Sighs fondly, remembering the past; then stabs Comrade Freehold]

I may find him nutty as a fruit cake, but I don't begrudge you enjoying meeting him. I wish I could get my dad to meet him.


No personal attacks, gentlemen.

From another thread...

Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:
Schools get tanks too!

Liberty's Edge

Caineach wrote:

What the hell are airport firefighters going to do with assault vehicles? Or Hazmat?

Putting out fires without getting blown up. Note I said attack vehicles, not assault vehicles. An attack vehicle is one used to attack a fire.

Caineach wrote:

In the handlfull of situations like this across the country over the course of the year that might warrant gear like this, the local national guard could be called in. And if your most recent example is from 1997, that is a lot of expense to justify a freak occurrence.

I gave you one from 2012. Pretty much any hostage or barricade situation has a potential need for an armored transport. Especially if negotiations fail and an assault is called for.

Caineach wrote:

The vast majority of swat operations are to serve non-violent drug offenders warrants. They don't need this gear.

The vast amount of police operations call for nothing more than writing a ticket or warning. They don't need handcuffs.

Comrade Anklebiter wrote:
But I'm glad we had this exchange over which articles saying the same things are internet hipster douchebaggery and which are responsible journalism.

Actually, I take it back. I don't think a single one of Citizen K(e)rensky's links mentions Ferguson protestors being arrested for smashing pumpkins.

I'll post and doublecheck.

Well, the Atlanta Black Star page keeps freezing on me, but if it's not in there, then score one for internet hipster douchebaggery.

More sexy Cornel and other assorted asshattery:

Cornel West’s New Book, Black Prophetic Fire, Drives Home His Critique of Obama: West reminds us that the age of Obama is also the age of Ferguson, drone wars, the new Jim Crow and Wall Street.

(Although, pretty much every era of American History is the era of Wall Street...)

Marchers Protesting Michael Brown Shooting Block Atlanta Highway

A fast march by Garfield students, a forceful message for Seattle police

More internet hipster douchebaggery: Black Lives Matter Boston: Newbury Street Shutdown!

Paizo Glitterati Robot

Removed a post. There's no reason to stoop to this level of condescension towards other people on our messageboards.

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