I have a different take on Obamacare, and, yes, it involves Senator Baucus's chief health policy counsel going on to a lucrative job at Johnson and Johnson, but Captain Yesterday is correct. We've been going over this shiznit for years.
I think I'm gonna go get high and watch Captain Blood.
Well, it's certainly better than "I voted for Bush II and have been overcompensating for it ever since by telling everybody that doesn't agree with me that they don't understand how the political process works!"
Shall we trot out your political decisions at age 19 as an example of why you overcompensate, Anklebiter? Or have you always been the firebrand that you are?
I joined the International Socialist Organization when I was 15 or 16.
Then credit to you for sticking to your guns. Meanwhile, the rest of us are allowed to change our views as we're exposed to more of the world.
I don't really care about your consistency or lack thereof. I do care about you being an insufferable, hectoring* asshat towards Citizen Home.
"This article explains that men and women experience and understand sexual harassment in different ways. Dougherty makes the argument that in order for effective policy on sexual harassment to be created, the standpoints of both men and women will have to be taken into consideration."
I scanned some of it, but it was pretty academic. Might be of some use for some in the thread, though.
*"When a man approaches me/Sometimes, I throw a fit/Why? Because Brothers. Ain't. Shiznit." Which I take to be a black woman's [unlike MC Lyte I don't know if I'd say Sister Shante was a feminist] version of the leftist chant "Womans/(or Workers) rights are under attack/What do we do?/Stand up, fight back!" Or, as the brothers and sisters at OUR Wal-Mart would say (Black Friday's just around the corner, comrades!) Stand up, live better.
I like it so much I'm trying to grow hair just like it. Unfortunately the hair on top of my head doesn't cooperate, so I grew out the hair on my chin instead. There's not as much white in it yet, but it's started.
I commend you on your superlative taste in hairstyle fashions.
Well, you certainly made it further than I did in Hebrew, which never progressed beyond the kiddie level with the vowels added in. But let's stick with this for the moment:
Btw, Mama Kelsey, I just started a campaign in Cheliax. The party doesn't include any paladins, but it does have three halflings.
I foresee that they be kings in end of the campaign.
Actually, they seem to be more interested in dealing drugs than freeing slaves.
We started at 6th-level and one of them looked in Ultimate Campaign--which I haven't even opened--and invested in a Black Market. Next level, he's planning on taking Leadership.
I'm provisionally calling the campaign Kingpinmaker.
[Fascist Hellknight]You see what happens when you give the slaves their freedom? They wallow in crime and vice like a hog in filth! Lord Dice is right![/Fascist Hellknight]
Mama Kelsey's halfling paladin lies a-molderin' in the grave,
While weep the sons of bondage whom she ventured all to save,
But tho she lost her life while struggling for the slave,
Her soul is marching on!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, halleluuuuuujah,
Her soul is marching on!
The new Osirion book might add some fuel to this fire:
Slavery is deeply embedded in Osirion's culture, but while it's still common it's not as comman as it was about a century ago. Andoran's foundation led to increased discontent among Osirion's slave population. Khemet III, the current pharaoh of Osirion, was faced with choosing between severe economic harm to Osirion by aboloshing slavery or risking the ruin of their recently reformed government through slave revolts.
His solution was to compromise: Khemet III put in place the Laws of Equitable Use, which abolished hereditary slavery, established guidelines for slavery as punishment for criminal activity, and prohibited harsh treatment of slaves and killing or marrying them against their wills. He also established the Council of Liberated Slaves. Slaves can still be freely imported, but once in Osirion the current protections begin applying to them as well.
This compromise ended the threat of rebellion and restored order to Osirion. Now Osirian slaves today are much better off than those in Cheliax and Katapesh(and probably Qadira given the chilling description of Sedeq).
Cool detail: Slavery was apparently abolished(by Menedes XVII*) and later reinstated(by Menedes XX**) during the days of Ancient Osirion.
*Apparently one of the more beloved pharaohs of Osirion's history, having even earned a rare place of honor, buried in the Pahmet-run necropolis of Erekrus.
**Apparently one of the least beloved, and not just for the slavery.
Another fun tidbit I forgot to mention above: I was reading an article in The New York Review of Books years ago, a review of a couple of new high-falutin', university-press history books and one of them was an analysis of some Jamaican slaveowner's diaries. [EDIT: Behind a paywall, but here it is.]
The dude was quite the list maker. Among many of the other things that he listed, he kept track of all of the slave women he had coitus with. I don't recall the exact number, but it was somewhere in the three-digit range.
Just ignore anything the Lord Dice has to say on the subject. He's been especially grouchy since, after days (if not weeks) of consultation with the family lawyer, I explained that his official title henceforth would be "The Lord-Consort Dice" whereas I should be addressed as "The Lineal Sovereign Lady Dice."
Yes, I will gladly give kickbacks to goblins. And if the coffers at Manse Dice are running low, so what? Tomorrow is another day! I'm an half-elf, I'll just outlive this Lord-Consort Dice and marry another! (Yes, for the money, that's how it works in the upper echelons of society; no insult, Doodles, but I wouldn't expect a goblin to understand.)
What else is kinda not funny but sad in an ironic way is not two weeks ago somebody accused me of reductionism and said chidingly, "It's okay; we understand.....mostly Americans do this reductionism thing..."
In all fairness to Madame Sissyl and all other non-Americans, this somebody was an American.
And thanks for sharing that interview, Doodlebug Anklebiter! Ursula K. Le Guin's reimagining over time is really evident in the Earthsea books—it's fascinating to read through them in proximity and watch her tease out parts of the earlier books that are problematic, and then dive in and explore the consequences.
My search engine is always at your service, milady.
And, although maybe not feminist per se, I thought The Tombs of Atuan and its subtext of female sexual repression bumped it a notch above the other two in the original trilogy. (Little did we know, at the time, about its subtext of male sexual repression!)
Considering having the Hainish books jump their place in the Great Doodlebug Anklebiter To Read Queue, but not sure...
Apparently not according to paizo's new auto-correct. But everyone knows that Goblins can't read. Add in Galt, and I'm honestly astounded they can even speak a real language.
"About this time an armistice was agreed to and the commanders allowed the troops to communicate with each other. Gallic soldiers used frequently in talking to tell the Romans that they knew they were starving and ought therefore to surrender, and the story goes that the Romans, to make them believe that they were not, threw loaves of bread from various points in their lines down in to the Gallic outposts. None the less the time soon came when hunger could no longer be either concealed or endured. Camillus was raising troops at Ardea, where after instructing his Master of Horse, Lucius Valerius, to bring up his men from Veii, he was busy training a force fit to deal with the Gauls on equal terms--while the beleaguered army on the Capitol waited and hoped. It was a terrible time: ordinary military duties were by now almost beyond their strength; they had survived all other ills that flesh is heir to, but one enemy--famine--which nature herself has made invincible, remained. Day after day they looked to see if help from Camillus was near; but at last when hope as well as food began to fail, and they were too weak to carry the weight of their equipment when they went on duty, they admitted that they must either surrender, or buy the enemy off on the best terms they could get--for the Gauls were already letting it be known pretty clearly that they would accept no very great sum to abandon the siege. The Senate accorindingly met, and the military tribunes were authorized to arrange the terms; Quintus Suplicius conferred with the Gallic chieftain Brennus and together they agreed upon the price, one thousand pounds' weight of gold--the price of a nation soon to rule the world. Insult was added to what was already sufficiently disgraceful, for the weights which the Gauls brought for weighing the metal were heavier than standard, and when the Roman commander objected the insolent barbarian flung his sword into the scale, saying 'Woe to the vanquished!' [Vae victis!]--words intolerable to he Roman ears."
--Ab Urbe Condita Libri V, IL, translated 1960 for Penguin Classics by Aubrey de Selincourt
As my goblin teacher used to intone in the classroom we had converted out of a couple of refrigerators and milk crates down at the dump, "Know your Livy!"