Pathfinder the movie! (no, not THAT Pathfinder movie)

Paizo General Discussion

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ok, Paizo has an RPG, and have expanded into a board/card game, they have miniatures and toys, novels, comics, and we're looking at an MMO, a CRPG, and definitely a tablet app for the card game.

So when will we see licensing for a movie?

Sovereign Court

Dont know anything about the license but I talk about how Id do the movie here.

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my people will call your people

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Maps, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I was thinking they might consider a licensed marshmallow cereal!

Pathfinder... its a breakfast now! Pathfinder... it's a cereal wow!

Bonus points if you get the reference.

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Personally, I'm looking forward to Pathfinder: The Flame Thrower

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I had to look it up ... no points for me!

... its a breakfast now! ... it's a cereal wow!

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How about a Pathfinder Meat-Like Product (contains no actual meat)?

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Gambit wrote:
Personally, I'm looking forward to Pathfinder: The Flame Thrower

So which iconic gets to be Pathfinder: The Doll?

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I wouldn't jump straight to a movie. Start with a mini-series adaptation of Rise of the Runelords, maybe on Syfy, or as a Youtube/Netflix series. Get non-gamer people interested.

Silver Crusade

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I'd like to see a well done Pathfinder anime feature.

Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I would much prefer a TV Series as you can get so much deeper into story and character development. I said movie though as TV series are too much at the whimsy of crotchety-old-suits. I guess the same can be said for movies.

Oh, in my list I forgot the audio-plays!

An anime is pretty doable.

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