Pathfinder Online (Public) - Shared Data from the Devs

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Goblin Squad Member

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Pathfinder Online (Public)

While we work on the process for getting this data into, I'm massaging the data the devs share with us into spreadsheets available at the link above.

The latest round is another drop from Stephen, which has been placed in the "Passives, Attacks, Expendables, Recipes, Armor, Weapons" spreadsheet.

This replaces a couple of the older sheets and should have new info, for example on Shortbow attacks.

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You massage that data man!

Goblin Squad Member


I have some questions about the skill/crafting system, where is the best place to post them? This thread, another thread, PM to an Alpha player, posting to another place? What do you recommend? :)

Goblinworks Executive Founder

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Post a new thread with the specific question.

Goblin Squad Member

Giorgo wrote:


I have some questions about the skill/crafting system, where is the best place to post them? This thread, another thread, PM to an Alpha player, posting to another place? What do you recommend? :)

Decius has it right :)

Goblin Squad Member

Well, I am posting in some existing threads, and making new ones where needed. Hoping the devs chip in at some point and surprise us with new info.

That PFO Wiki needs some attention, and EE is fast approaching.

(I am surprised by how many potential players are turned off by this game just do to lack of available reading material; that is something I want to help correct).

/Summon Hobs

I wonder if Hobs will be adding teaching materials (text, video, audio)as part of his Guides program....

Goblin Squad Member

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Pathfinder Online (Public)

New data from the devs has been shared with us and I want to let everyone know about it.

The raw spreadsheets directly from the devs are in the "Raw from the Devs" subfolder.

In the main folder:

I have done a first pass on the Feat Advancements to simply convert it to a Google Docs Spreadsheet so it'll be easier to view. This should have the updated XP Costs and Requirements mentioned in the latest blog.

I have created "PFO Wiki Data - Updated 8/27" and will be populating this with better-formatted data as quickly as possible. I already have the Active Feats converted. Eventually, I hope to have all the PFO Data reasonably well-organized in this sheet.

I have renamed the older "Passives, Attacks, etc." spreadsheet to reflect that it is out of date. I'm leaving it in the main folder until I get all the data re-formatted. Once that happens, I'll move it to Old.

I'd also like to remind everyone to please not link directly to the spreadsheets, as those links are likely to break - or worse, point to out-of-date data - as we get updates. I am hopeful that I can eventually get the PFO Wiki Data spreadsheet into a stable enough format that I can simply edit-in-place, so this reminder might not be necessary after this week's updates.

I'd also like to thank everyone who's been helping out on PFO Pathfinder Wiki. Cheatle especially has done a tremendous amount of work. I've worked out some patterns to use for doing these kinds of bulk updates, and hope to have the data from the PFO Wiki Data spreadsheet incorporated into the wiki as soon as possible. I'm reasonably confident that the next big update (and all future updates afterwards) will go very smoothly.

Goblin Squad Member

Oh. Google drive.


Goblin Squad Member

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Free access to publicly available storage with free versions of powerful spreadsheets and a simple .NET API I can use to read them? And the same storage solution Stephen uses to make his spreadsheets available to us in the first place?

I have a hard time seeing the problem...

Goblin Squad Member

Microsoft Online + Onedrive.


Goblin Squad Member

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Would that 'free' meant free.

I tend to avoid accepting 'free' services. Call me luddite, but I distrust most gladhanding expressions of 'free'. I try to avoid anything that subjects me to yet more advertising, opens me to spam, or delivers my information to those I have no business or personal relationship with. 'Free' usually costs more than it is worth when it takes up my time, in any way, directly or indirectly.

I also resist 'free' things I may grow to count on, become habituated to, because eventually the cost will show up and I might not be prepared to pay it, yet have scant choice.

Nobody ever, ever shares my information with third parties but I suddenly receive an avalanche of spam. Telemarketers so familiar I may have to start inviting them to dine with me as long as they feel they own my time and phone.

Nothing is 'free' in this world, Nihimon. You should know that. People have to make a living. People will do anything to make a living.

Goblin Squad Member

Being wrote:
Nothing is 'free' in this world, Nihimon. You should know that. People have to make a living. People will do anything to make a living.

TANSTAAFL, indeed.

By "free", I meant neither you nor I have to give them money to use it.

If there is a more suitable "free" online storage service you would prefer me to use to host the files, I'd be happy to copy them over there. I can probably even make them available on T7V's website, but it won't be anywhere near as convenient to use them from there.

Goblin Squad Member

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.csv in a zipfile would work better for my peculiar sensitivities, if they were somewhere I could access. Maybe the 'resources' section of the T7V site?

Thank you for your consideration, despite my quirks.

Goblin Squad Member

Being wrote:

.csv in a zipfile would work better for my peculiar sensitivities, if they were somewhere I could access. Maybe the 'resources' section of the T7V site?

Thank you for your consideration, despite my quirks.

I have some concerns about doing something like that, actually.

1. The files are being actively updated. I hope to get through most of the PFO Wiki Data spreadsheet tonight, but I expect I'll be working through the weekend on it. I certainly won't want to go through a manually intensive process frequently enough to keep those .csv files reasonably up-to-date, which means that if I did upload them statically like that, I'd likely wait until I was done, and frankly I might never feel like I'm really done.

2. Statically uploaded files means you won't be immediately aware of new changes from the devs. This seems very likely to result in using severely out-of-date information. In fact, this has happened a couple of times already with folks using direct links to the older spreadsheets themselves rather than linking to the folder and looking for the spreadsheet there.

Ultimately, getting the data into the PFO Pathfinder Wiki is my highest priority, but I need to do that in a way that makes it possible to update the data in bulk without losing user edits. It took me quite a while to figure out how to do that in principle, but I have a functional prototype now. Once the wiki is ready for prime time, I'll probably get rid of the folder completely and just process the spreadsheets from the devs privately, without creating public versions to tide folks over.

Goblin Squad Member

PFO wiki would be excellent to have. Thanks for doing this Nihimon.

Wish that I could read the efforts of your hard work while I was at work. Sadly, my company restricts admin rights, so I can't load a program nor accept anything which reads data off my work computer.

I love to research things during occasional downtimes while at work so I can spend my hour or so of free time at home playing. So, this is a limiting factor for my own personal utility.

Goblin Squad Member

Dark Sasha wrote:
Wish that I could read the efforts of your hard work while I was at work.

If it's an option, looks just fine on my iPad, and I use it constantly-and-everywhere. I doubt it'd come across well on a phone, though.

Goblin Squad Member

I wasn't aware the data was evolving like that: I'll be happy to await the wiki. Thank you for considering extra work though, Nihimon. Care isn't nothing.

Goblin Squad Member

Pathfinder Online (Public)

I've removed the outdated files. I felt this was better than allowing the possibility of outdated information to be linked.

I apologize for not handling this better from the beginning. In the future, I will make a copy to save for posterity (if I feel it's necessary), and make any updates directly in these documents.

Goblin Squad Member

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Thank you for all that you do, Nihimon. The community would be seriously lesser were it not for your many contributions.

Goblin Squad Member

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The devs have significantly restructured the way they're sharing data with us, so I have significantly restructured the way I'm curating it.

Pathfinder Online (Public) no longer contains a "Raw from the Devs" subfolder. Instead, the raw data is shared directly under the name "PFO Wiki - Official Data", which is owned by Stephen Cheney. I think some folks might not be able to see this for some reason, so I'm making a local copy named "Copy of PFO Wiki - Official Data". There's always a chance this will be out-of-date, so if you can see the one owned by Stephen Cheney, that's the one to use.

PFO Wiki - Official Data has all of the data the devs are sharing with us, including all of the Advancement and Achievement data that used to be in separate spreadsheets. Just keep scrolling the list of tabs along the bottom to see what all is there.

The first twelve worksheets are all wiki-formatted, which makes them very hard to read. Because of this, I've created Nihimon's Formatted Data that collapses those twelve spreadsheets into one spreadsheet for each wiki template, and breaks the data out into separate columns for easy viewing and sorting. You'll notice a bunch of tabs at the end with names like X_Attacks. These contain simple copies of the wiki-formatted data, and some formulas to use regular expressions to break out the data. I decided not to hide these worksheets just in case anyone wants to look at them to see how I'm doing it. I should be able to paste updated data directly into the X_* sheets and have the formulas automatically reformat everything, which I'll then copy into the regularly named tabs.

Nihimon's Lookup Data contains a lot of worksheets that I use for processing the raw data into a normalized data model (work-in-progress). Some of those worksheets won't make any sense, so don't worry about them. However, there are a few you might find useful: Effects, Refining Substitutions, and Scavenged Resources. The Effects were simply pulled from an early guide supplied by Goblinworks. The other two were compiled by Cheatle with a lot of help from the community.

[Edit] For easy reference:

Pathfinder Online (Public)

PFO Wiki - Official Data

Nihimon's Formatted Data

Nihimon's Lookup Data

Goblin Squad Member

There MAY be something wrong in the 'Formatted Data' sheet:

In 'Stamina Cost' columns the effect is showing up instead of stam cost.

Goblin Squad Member

Much appreciated, Dazyk. It's fixed now :)

Goblin Squad Member

No prob :)

Sorry, but I think there is something wrong with the item quality column header in the weapons and armor tabs too :(

Goblin Squad Member

Yep, thanks for spot-checking these. Google Spreadsheets don't like entries that start with a plus-sign, so "+0 Quality" was messing it up.

They should be fixed now.

Goblin Squad Member

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Confirmed! :)

Goblin Squad Member

I can't seem to download the formatted data sheet?

Goblin Squad Member

Mourn Blackhand wrote:
I can't seem to download the formatted data sheet?

The X_<something> pages have formulas that are operating on, in some cases, almost 2,000 rows. There will be a progress bar in the formula area, way over to the right, shortly after you open it. Make sure that's finished before you try to download it.

Goblin Squad Member

Not sure if anyone is interested, but I also have made a quick sheet:

Attack Damage by Tier & Plus

EDIT: Data provided by Stephen Cheney on Here

Goblin Squad Member

For anyone interested, I have compiled a Google spreadsheet called 'PFO Quick Reference,' which includes several tables:

Damage by Tier & Plus
Gather, Refine, Craft, Settle (skills by key Ability)
Effects & States
Buffs & Debuffs

This sheet is available in Nihimon's public PFO Folder Here.

PM me or leave a comment here with any fixes or suggestions on form/content.


Speaking of threads that should be bumped and bumped often, this is one of them.

Goblin Squad Member

Dazyk wrote:

Not sure if anyone is interested, but I also have made a quick sheet:

Attack Damage by Tier & Plus

EDIT: Data provided by Stephen Cheney on Here

Why can I just go to the site above and view whereas the other sites (like Nihimon's) now seem to require that I create an account?

I can still get to this one but not here

Goblin Squad Member

I think I may have that stuff set properly now. Please let me know if you still have to sign in.

Goblin Squad Member

I've added a new spreadsheet of normalized data (Nihimon's Normalized Data). If you're building any sort of application, you might find these breakdowns useful.

If you're not familiar with what "normalized" data is, take a look at the FeatEffects tab and notice how the text description is broken out into discrete elements. This allows applications to identify those elements, understand the type of object they represent, and do special things based on that information. For instance, I intend to have the wiki display each condition (OnCondition, WithCondition, IfCondition) as a link to the page that describes that condition.

Normalization also allows for easier cross-referencing. For example, the FeatLevelKeywords can be used to link Feats to the gear that matches one or more of that Feat's Keywords.

If you have any questions about the data, please feel free to ask here, or PM me.

Goblin Squad Member

Re: Pathfinder Online (Public)

This data rocks. I'm new to the alpha and the more I experience, the more I need reference docs to keep things straight.

Could we get one more field in the "Recipes (Refining)" and "Recipes (Crafting)" sheets? I would like to see the resulting quantity of items produced. EG, when I make "Coarse Thread +0", I get about 20 coarse thread items when the crafting completes but I don't see that info in the tables.

Thanks very much for all the work and effort here - both from you and Rob and Dave and Morgan (sorry - I don't know your forum aliases from your names... :) ) and from Goblinworks! This kind of data turns the game from "a maze of twisty little passages, all alike" into a different kind of puzzle - one very much more to my liking!


Goblin Squad Member

Junior Halfling wrote:
Could we get one more field in the "Recipes (Refining)" and "Recipes (Crafting)" sheets? I would like to see the resulting quantity of items produced.

Thanks for the appreciation, but really the thanks should go to the devs for sharing much of this data with us directly.

I'd like to include Qty Produced, but that's not available directly from the devs and I don't have an alternate source for it yet.

If anyone wants to make a spreadsheet that lists Qty Produced for Refining Recipes and share* it with me, I'll gladly incorporate it into the data.

* To share it, just make it viewable by anyone with the link and post the link here. I'll move it into the Pathfinder Online (Public) folder so everyone can see it directly, and I'll also include it when I build my DataSets for the wiki.

Nihimon, why don't you create an open google doc where folks could input the quantity produced as they make it? Crowdforge it, in other words. This is something that would probably be best assembled by a bunch of different people as they refine/craft things rather than one person. You already have all the item names in a spreadsheet that you could copy and paste into an open, editable spreadsheet.

Goblin Squad Member

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sspitfire1 wrote:
Nihimon, why don't you create an open google doc where folks could input the quantity produced as they make it?

That's a good idea. Done. Pathfinder Online (Public) - "Refining Recipes - Please Enter Qty Produced"

Goblin Squad Member

This really works. Magnificent to see what people can do together.

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:

That's a good idea. Done. Pathfinder Online (Public) - "Refining Recipes - Please Enter Qty Produced"

Lovely - I'll do what I can to help keep this up to date. ;)

Thanks to all the contributors, a lot of time and effort it seems

Goblin Squad Member

It's great to see folks filling this in, thanks. I don't do much Crafting myself, or I'd be filling it in too.

On that note, I've been told that the +0 through +3 Recipes all produce the same quantity of items. If I can get some verification of this from the community, I'll remove the pluses from the list, which should make it a bit easier to find what you're looking for, and to enter the data.

If you're confident that all Refining Recipes of the same name always produce the same quantity of Refined Components, regardless of the plus value at the end of the name, please let me know by posting here.

Grand Lodge Goblin Squad Member

It does look that way that all recipes produce the same amount - independent of what plus you have, but I can't proof it yet.

I will have a look and might suggest a few extra fields that got me to keep my own spreadsheet - need to check what you have already.

1) is it available via level up yes/no
2) base time
3) quality

The first one is crucial if you need a recipe to progress or if you just level up. The latter two determine the crafting time. Off course there are two additional bits of information needed - quality of the place you craft and skill of the crafter.

Quality seems to go up by a fixed formula from +1 to +2 to +3

Apology if the names used above are not the correct ones - I'm currently not online to check.

Goblin Squad Member

I've removed the pluses from the spreadsheet. If anyone finds a case where a Refining Recipe does not produce the same quantity at every plus, please let me know and I'll put them back in.

Goblin Squad Member

Thod wrote:

1) is it available via level up yes/no

2) base time
3) quality

All of those are available in another spreadsheet, and I didn't want to clutter this one up. However, it's publicly editable so feel free to add them back in if you think they're useful.

Goblin Squad Member

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I've added a Tab in Dazyk's PFO Quick Reference that identifies the Buff/Debuff Icons and some of the associated abilities.

Goblin Squad Member

Dazyk where did you get ahold of those icons? That is way more clean looking than anything I was able to manage with screen shots.

Goblin Squad Member

Lol screen shots :P

Dragged them in to MS Paint and cleaned up all the edges. That's pretty much the extent of my artistic ability lol

Goblin Squad Member

Dazyk wrote:
I've added a Tab in Dazyk's PFO Quick Reference that identifies the Buff/Debuff Icons and some of the associated abilities.

I confess I don't remember seeing the Reistances/Weaknesses icon before.

Thanks for sharing this, Dazyk

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Being wrote:
This really works. Magnificent to see what people can do together.

Its not just the refining sheet. Between what Dazyk, Nihimon and I have managed to put together in these tables, I have never had need to look elsewhere for information about how the game works. I love it! I hope we can improve upon it (if that is even possible!).

The link to this shared folder should be available to every player as they walk through the cyber-door. They won't know what to do with the information initially; but once they start asking questions, these tables answer them all (just about).

EDIT: Anyways, *I* feel a sense of pride at what I have accomplished, and it makes me want to continually improve my product. Something tells me Nihimon and Dazyk feel the same :)

Nihimon wrote:
Dazyk wrote:
I've added a Tab in Dazyk's PFO Quick Reference that identifies the Buff/Debuff Icons and some of the associated abilities.

I confess I don't remember seeing the Reistances/Weaknesses icon before.

Thanks for sharing this, Dazyk

They used to show up as question marks beside the character displays. With Alpha 9 they now have actual icons. Horray for progress!

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