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At Legendary, we have a metric ton of cool stuff about to slide down the pipe, so I thought perhaps one thread to drop those announcements might come in handy. Like today, for instance, since Mythic Monsters: Aberrations just went live!
Why should you get this book?
All other arguments are invalid. Unless they involve mythic ropers, or rust monsters, mimics, or otyughs, or wolves-in-sheep's-clothing. Yes. Them too. And more.
Buy this TODAY! If you don't a zyoselak is going to come to your house and eat your brain.

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And to follow up on the above, Mythic Monsters: Aberrations are now available ALL OVER THE PLACE, including right here at Paizo.com!

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And the Legendary Games spokesmodel, Miles the Magnificent, is BACK IN BLACK, decked out in a brand-new Legendary Games T-shirt!

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Not one but TWO products about to drop, just in time for GenCon. We'll have more details tomorrow, but for now how about two announcements on BIG SAVINGS FOR GENCON!
Big bundle savings on shop.d20pfsrd!

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AVAST MATEYS - it's time for a Raid on the Emperor's Hand!
We are proud to announce the fourth episode in Superstar author Matt Goodall's 5-star Islands of Plunder series, a fantastic 8th-level adventure for daring privateers with the guts to go for the biggest score of their misbegotten lives!
And since it IS GenCon week and this IS Paizo.com, far be it from us to bring you new product without also announcing FANTASTIC OFFERS FOR BIG SAVINGS right here at the Paizo.com store!
How does 50% off all PDFs (except one), 10% off print books, and 20% off print/PDF bundles (plus the PDF Gothic Campaign Compendium) sound to you?

Lord Mhoram |

Jason, a quick question.
The wife is looking to GM Jade Regent for me. We have all the plug ins... do you guys plan on any more adventure plug ins (rather that Ki / rules plug ins).
If there are any on the near horizon we may wait to start. :D
Given how much work there is with all the Mythic stuff, and newer APs, I figure not. But just checking.

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As a matter of fact... WE DO!
And not just on the distant horizon, either. We have TWO (possibly three) products we are hoping to release in the next month or two, and maybe a third by year's end, which will probably close the book on our Far East Plug-Ins. There will be more news about that at our "What's New with Legendary Games" seminar on Thursday at GenCon, 5:00-6:00 in the Grand Central C at the Crowne Plaza (and which I'll be posting up online as soon as I have the opportunity).

Lord Mhoram |

Good to know; we were thinking of starting this weekend, but will wait, until the announcement at the very least... and possibly longer depending on what (and where in the path) these new plugins will be.
I've used your rule stuff*, but we have never done an adventure path, so have not used any plug in modules.
* and yes a backer for Mythic Mainia. :D

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Oh, and I almost forgot:
GENCON Exclusives available only at the Legendary Games webstore: the aforementioned Islands of Plunder: Raid on the Emperor's Hand
GENCON Exclusives available RIGHT NOW at the Legendary Games webstore and starting on Thursday the 14th at shop.d20pfsrd, Paizo, and DrivethruRPG: The Murmuring Fountain and The Fiddler's Lament revised for use with the 5th Edition of the world's most famous roleplaying game!

Cavian |

AVAST MATEYS - it's time for a Raid on the Emperor's Hand!
We are proud to announce the fourth episode in Superstar author Matt Goodall's 5-star Islands of Plunder series, a fantastic 8th-level adventure for daring privateers with the guts to go for the biggest score of their misbegotten lives!
And since it IS GenCon week and this IS Paizo.com, far be it from us to bring you new product without also announcing FANTASTIC OFFERS FOR BIG SAVINGS right here at the Paizo.com store!
How does 50% off all PDFs (except one), 10% off print books, and 20% off print/PDF bundles (plus the PDF Gothic Campaign Compendium) sound to you?
Oooh...I'm going to have great fun with this one, my PCs have an axe to grind with a certain Imperial state.

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Just got some great new artwork from Michael Jaecks for an upcoming product. This is one time when you'll be very happy to get WORMS!!!

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OK, so, let me speculate on the contents of that vermicious release:
Death Worm CR 7/MT 3
Frost Worm CR 15/MT 6
Purple Worm CR 15/MT 6
Tenebrous Worm CR 10/MT 4
Seugathi CR 7/MT 3
Neothelid CR 18/MT 7
Bhole CR 21/MT 9
Worm that Walks CR 17/MT 7... or else a full Mythic template ala Mythic Liches and Vampires
OK, so that's 8, plus maybe a couple of variants. How many more do we need for an actual book, again? Maybe add in the maybe the Slag Worm CR 25/MT 10 (Tome of Horrors Complete) or a Mythic version of The Monarch Worm at CR 28/MT 10 for a sneak preview of the impossible destructive power of a Mythic Spawn of Rovagug.
Vermlek Demons (CR 4/MT 1), perhaps? Or Giant Leeches (CR 3/MT 1)?