[Rogue Genius] Warlords of the Apocalypse

Product Discussion

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New year, new plan, new thread. :)

There's been no news on this project for quite some time. Here's why.

In October or so of last year I was bought out from Super Genius Games. I got to take a lot of the things I had written and developed with me, including what existed of Warlords of the Apocalypse.

In order to publishing these things I started a new company, Rogue Genius Games (a name pre-approved by SGG as part of my buyout).

Getting a new company started obviously took a fair amount of time and effort.

Then, still in November, I was hired by Green Ronin to be their developer of Pathfinder-compatible products.

The Freeport and Advanced Bestiary Kickstarter projects took a lot of my attention.

Then, in March of this year, I got hired by Paizo to be the developer for the Pathfinder Modules line. I packed and sold everything and moved across the country, and arrived at the end of April.

Then PaizoCon. Now Gen Con. All while still working for Green Ronin and writing weekly material for Rogue Genius Games.

Given that there's a new Mad Max film coming out next year, I feel motivated to make movement happen on this, but I also wanted to see what Paizo's Technology Guide had in it, since I want to be 100% Pathfinder compatible.

I expect things to start hopping again in September.

Scarab Sages

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Exciting! This is one that I'm really looking forward to.

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I greatly look forward to this product. Dotting.

Shadow Lodge

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I'll be honest...I'll believe in this product when I see the completed version of it. Which, after so much developmental hell and ownership swaps, I doubt will happen. At one time I was promised the PDF even after I requested my refund. But it's been through a couple more companies since then, so I doubt that's at all valid anymore.


Very interested. Still.

Question: will WotA use Anachronistic Adventures classes, and if so, will we need further supplements?

Kthulhu wrote:
I'll be honest...I'll believe in this product when I see the completed version of it.

I don't blame you. Seriously, despite the fact I am 100% dedicated to making this happen, I consider skepticism on the part of patrons perfectly reasonable. I'd have similar thoughts if I was in your shoes.

Kthulhu wrote:
At one time I was promised the PDF even after I requested my refund. But it's been through a couple more companies since then, so I doubt that's at all valid anymore.

While I have no idea who promised you that, I consider myself to have taken on the responsibilities of this product when I accepted it from Super Genius Games. So yes, that's valid. So say I. Can you do me a favor and send an IM to me with your email, so I can put that in my preorder notes?

psionichamster wrote:
Question: will WotA use Anachronistic Adventures classes, and if so, will we need further supplements?

The classes it uses are going to be based on Anachronistic Adventurers classes, but altered to be a better fit for the theme, to integrate with WotA's new rules subsystems, and to benefit from the years of game design experience I have gained and playtesting the AA classes have gotten since their initial release. So all the class info you need will be included in WotA.

The only thing you should need to play WotA will be a copy of the core rulebook. Of course since it's going to be 100% compatible you CAN use any Pathfinder rulebook with it (I suspect, for example, there will be stuff in Iron Gods AP that would work well with it, though I do not know that), but you'll only NEED the core rulebook.

Meanwhile the url=http://paizo.com/store/byCompany/s/superGeniusGames/pathfinderRPG/anach ronisticAdventurers]Anachronistic Adventurers[/url] classes will remain tuned to be good for the modern-man-in-a-fantasy-campaign character concept. :)


Anachronistic Adventurers

Link fixed for ya!

I have no skin in this game, but if this will allow me to play a Mad Max-style campaign, I am all for it! Good luck bringing this to fruition, and if you end up Kickstarting the book(s), I'm in!

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

Are the base classes going to get the Talent/Advanced talent/grand talent treatment?

Will psionics be used and if so will they be DSP psionics or something like feats taken, etc.?

RJGrady wrote:
Are the base classes going to get the Talent/Advanced talent/grand talent treatment?

That is the current plan. I even plan to port over edges, because they fix a major balance problem I was having with giving AA classes some major oomph without allowing them to stack all-alpha-power-level options.

Freedom16 wrote:
Will psionics be used and if so will they be DSP psionics or something like feats taken, etc.?

I intend to expand the psychic power options from The Sensitive, which uses it's own system.

However I will also be giving rules for how to use psioncis from DSP, if you have the DSP books. I may give a small selection of powers, but I won't be reprinting the whole power list DSP has.

psionichamster wrote:

Anachronistic Adventurers

Link fixed for ya!

No, no. Link fixed for you. I'm still hoping that there will be a compilation of this series eventually. Seems really cool, but buying all of the individual PDFs is a little more costly and cumbersome than I'd like.

But as far as the main subject goes, I've been wanting to try a Fallout 3 style game and this seems like it might work well.

A compilation of AA classes, maybe with a POD option, remains on my plate to do as soon as I "catch up from moving to Seattle." :)


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Any update on this project?

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Hello, Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me. Is there anyone at home?

Any updates on this project?

Any news about this? I would still really love to have this product!

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I continue to work on Warlords of the Apocalypse.
It's still slow going.
The recent Anachronistic Adventures compilation available through Bundle of Holding has the new, revised base classes that have been updated to be more stand-alone, and will serve as the basis for the Warlords classes. A lot of its rule systems (ESP, PL familiarity, "running a low-magic campaign) are also the testbed for WotA systems.
I have more custom art from Erik Lofgren, which will act as chapter openers.
The augmentation rules (including mutation, nanocybernetics, and strange devices) are close to ready for another playtest.
But since I have a full-time office job with Paizo, a half-time developer gig with Green Ronin, and publishing duties with rogue Genius, my spare writing time is not enough for things to happen quickly.
I has *hoped*, for obvious reasons, to have a draft ready when Mad Max Fury Road came out. Equally obviously, I didn't manage that, although the effort is one reason I have made some solid progress.
It is still absolutely my plan to make this book happen. I also still don't have a solid eta on when.

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Thanks for the update. Glad to hear you still plan on publishing this product.

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