Ranged attack spells and Buffs

Rules Questions

Lantern Lodge

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

This Faq states that rays count as weapons in all senses when dealing with things like bardic performance.

My question is this: when dealing with other spells that function identically to a ray or weaponlike spell, but are not a ray or weapon like, do the bonuses still apply?

Examples: Acid splash, Shocking Grasp, Acid Arrow, Produce Flame.

My real question is: Do buffs like Inspire courage, Divine favor and such affect only spells that have weapon like types, or do they affect all spells that make attack and damage rolls like weapons do?

I say anything where you have an attack roll you can apply bard buffs.

Lantern Lodge

Unfortunately that isn't what I am needing in this situation. This occurred in a PFS game, and mixed opinions were had among the various players there, most of whom GM either on the side or quite often.

Normally the way that I call it in my games is that if you have to make an attack roll and damage roll like a weapon, that it qualifies, though I am looking for a response in an official capacity in this regard.

If it's not a ray or a weaponlike spell the answer is no.

So acid splash, shocking grasp, acid arrow, are definitely no.

I'd need to double check on produce flame.

Lantern Lodge

Claxon wrote:

If it's not a ray or a weaponlike spell the answer is no.

So acid splash, shocking grasp, acid arrow, are definitely no.

I'd need to double check on produce flame.

I'm not sure why you would need to check produce flame. This is one of those really odd situations whereby effectively things like produce flame, acid splash, acid arrow to an extent are all effectively the same spell effect as scorching ray, polar ray and whatnot. However, given the execution of the spells, and the fact that they are a subtype of spell (rays), effectively makes them "better" than acid splash or produce flame in the sense that you can gain benefits via feats and other class abilities/spells.

I have seen the range of answers to this from 100% no, to I have no idea, to 100% yes. I am just looking for a single cogent answer.

I mean, the question really pans out to even more silly things such as: if they do benefit from those abilites, should I take a feat line that looks something like:

Point Blank Shot
Precise Shot
Arcane Strike
Weapon Focus
Deadly Aim

I am sure I am leaving out some possibilities here. But just looking at those there: Focus, PBS which almost always applies, Precise. I gain touch attacks because all rays to my knowledge are touch attacks. Since rays are considered weapons, arcane strike also boosts them. Deadly aim giving bonuses there as well.

Ray of frost now turns into a devastating spell damage wise.

I say no. We don't have anything saying we can. What would you have weapon focus in? Splash? Rays are just better that way. Even if it makes sense, or should work differently. I don't know of anything in the rules to allow it.

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