The Expendables spin-off "The Expendabelles"


Sylvester Stallone on The Expendabelles.

I kind of get the feeling this will be a flop. While there have been some bad ass chicks in action movies before, most of them don't really carry their own fight scenes in the way someone like Jason Statham, Jet Li, or even Stallone can.

I mean, Sigourney Weaver wouldn't be getting into a 1 on 1 fight like Stallone and Van Damme in Expendables 2. I could see some people doing it, but not Weaver.

However, people I guess would be approached for this film include:
Sigourney Weaver
Angelina Jolie
Michelle Rodriguez
Mila Jovovich
Scarlett Johansson
Summer Glau
Gina Torres
Charlize Theron
Uma Thurman
Maggie Cheung

However, if they got a good fight choreographer, I could easily several of the above ladies of action pulling off great hand-to-hand fight scenes. Especially Maggie, Summer, ScarJo, for a more Statham/Li style of fighting and Angelina and Michelle adopting more of a Stallone or Willis style of fighting.

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I could see it, though I really hope Glau isn't in this movie. I think she's overrated. Sorry fellow Browncoats.

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Cynthia Rothrock

Odraude wrote:
I could see it, though I really hope Glau isn't in this movie. I think she's overrated. Sorry fellow Browncoats.

Eh, I like her well enough, but I only put her on this list because she can do good action scene. With a good fight choreographer, she could pull of the 'martial artist' pretty decently.

Who do you think they'll approach for the movie?

Honestly, that's a solid list up there. Zoe Saldana would be another solid actress to add, especially after Guardians of the Galaxy.

Odraude wrote:
Honestly, that's a solid list up there. Zoe Saldana would be another solid actress to add, especially after Guardians of the Galaxy.

I didn't recognize that name except from The Losers, but now that I look at what else she was in, she definitely should go on that list.

Shadow Lodge

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You missed Zoe Bell and Gina Carano.

Sovereign Court

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Point of this movie?

Liberty's Edge

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Hama wrote:
Point of this movie?

Most studios make and put out movies to make money ;)

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Hama wrote:
Point of this movie?

What is the point of any action movie? Explosions. Gunfire. Bad ass martial arts.

Also to make money.

Shadow Lodge

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Are we forgetting our Lucys? Lawless and Liu.

the Queen's Raven wrote:
Are we forgetting our Lucys? Lawless and Liu.

I did forget! Thanks for the reminder, both would make great additions.

Scarab Sages

Hillary Swank should be in there from Karate Kid and Million Dollar Baby.
Carrie Anne Moss is a good one too.

Odraude wrote:
I could see it, though I really hope Glau isn't in this movie. I think she's overrated. Sorry fellow Browncoats.

no apologies necessary, friend!

Scarab Sages

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Also, Gwendoline Christie should be on there. She is awesome as Brienne of Tarth, and I would love to see her kicking ass in a modern setting.

Sovereign Court

No Hilary Swank please.

Yvonne Strahovski. Definetly.

Scarab Sages

I can't believe I forgot Linda Hamilton. She was so buff in T2.
Speaking of Terminators, Kristanna Loken would be a good fit in this.
Franka Potente of Run, Lol, Run and The Bourne Identity.

Kate Beckinsale
Lucy Lawless

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Michelle Yeoh.

(But really - Cynthia Rothrock won this thread already.) :D

idk about Kate. She's really only been an action hero in two movies.

Definitely down for Lucy Lawless though. She HAS to be in this movie, and hopefully as the action partner to Weaver.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber
Imbicatus wrote:
Also, Gwendoline Christie should be on there. She is awesome as Brienne of Tarth, and I would love to see her kicking ass in a modern setting.

Considering she has also been named to play in both Episode Seven & in the two final Hunger Games movies, and I know from having read Mockingjay that the character she will be portraying in that one qualifies, she is well on her way to qualifying as a 'Cinematic Bad-ass Actress'; Aside from the fact that she would be my pick to play Thor as a woman (Sorry Katie Sackhoff).

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Star - Zoe Bell
Co-Star - Cynthia Rothrock
Villainess - Famke Janssen
Retired Friend/Trainer - Pam Grier

Imbicatus wrote:

I can't believe I forgot Linda Hamilton. She was so buff in T2.

Not so buff the last time I saw her though (which was in Chuck).

Kelly Hu has been in a bunch of martial arts stuff

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An obvious choice would be to carry over Ronda Rousey from Expendables 3.

I'd second Gina Carano, who's been trying to get a movie career started, although if the rumored negotiations to get her to fight in the UFC are true, it might make it weird, since they've said they might give her an immediate title shot against Ronda.

Ronda tends to piss off people, and likes to talk about her opponents, so filming could be awkward.

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How about Geena Davis she was awesome in "The Long Kiss Goodnight" and "Cutthroat Island"

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With no Michelle Yeoh this cannot be taken seriously.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Word is Sigourney Weaver passed on the project. Also, the synopsis they mention in the article sounds horrible.

I just saw Expendables 3, and Ronda Rousey stole the movie. She's surrounded by former top A-list male Hollywood tough-guy stars -- Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Ford, Gibson, Snipes, Statham, et al. -- all playing ridiculously tough guys... and it's abundantly clear that, irl, she can kick all their asses without breaking a sweat, in a matter of seconds. So she'd be my top pick.

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Ronda Rousy is the real deal. I really hope she becomes a full blown action star. She has the skills and the charisma to pull it off, and in every interview I've ever seen, she seems super nice too.

If the three sausage fest movies are anything to go by I'm gonna like this one.

Kirth Gersen wrote:
I just saw Expendables 3, and Ronda Rousey stole the movie. She's surrounded by former top A-list male Hollywood tough-guy stars -- Stallone, Schwarzenegger, Ford, Gibson, Snipes, Statham, et al. -- all playing ridiculously tough guys... and it's abundantly clear that, irl, she can kick all their asses without breaking a sweat, in a matter of seconds. So she'd be my top pick.

I don't doubt her skill I've seen her fight and she's incredibly dangerous. That being said I'll agree that she'll be able to take almost everyone that you mentioned above with the exception of Snipes and maybe Jason Statham. Snipes is actually a trained marital artist. I dont know how well he's kept up with his training but he used to have pretty fast hands which Rousey and most MMA fighters really DONT have.

I know Statham trains kickboxing and some BJJ as well.

There's also the small matter of catching a full force punch by someone above your weight class. Rousey eating punches from other women in her weight class is one thing. Eating a punch from a guy who may or may not be bigger and stronger than her? I dont know. I know people want to prop her up as being the greatest thing ever and even she makes to make claims about kicking guys assess but even she has said that she's not for women fighting men in the UFC.

Also her acting chops in Furious 7 and Expendables 3 didnt do much for me. Now I'm not saying that she has to be Olivier in Hamlet but yeeeeeeesh.

Shadow Lodge

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MeanDM wrote:

I'd second Gina Carano, who's been trying to get a movie career started, although if the rumored negotiations to get her to fight in the UFC are true, it might make it weird, since they've said they might give her an immediate title shot against Ronda.

Ronda tends to piss off people, and likes to talk about her opponents, so filming could be awkward.

I don't really follow MMA much, but I do know that every time I've ever seen Ronda talk about Gina, she comes off as a massive fangirl.

Kthulhu wrote:
MeanDM wrote:

I'd second Gina Carano, who's been trying to get a movie career started, although if the rumored negotiations to get her to fight in the UFC are true, it might make it weird, since they've said they might give her an immediate title shot against Ronda.

Ronda tends to piss off people, and likes to talk about her opponents, so filming could be awkward.

I don't really follow MMA much, but I do know that every time I've ever seen Ronda talk about Gina, she comes off as a massive fangirl.

I don't think that would stop her from putting Gina down for a little nap if they met in the ring.

ShinHakkaider wrote:
Snipes is actually a trained marital artist. I dont know how well he's kept up with his training but he used to have pretty fast hands which Rousey and most MMA fighters really DONT have.

Hell, I'm a trained martial artist, and I used to have very fast hands -- easily catch houseflies in the air kind of thing. But I'm pretty sure the intervening 25 years or so have not heightened my reflexes any. And Rousey's not just an MMA performer -- she's an Olympian medalist not far past the peak of her abilities. She'd eat me for lunch.

Re: size and strength, they're often overrated in comparison to training and experience. When I was a trophy-winning competitor, I was privileged to take a few lessons with a little old Japanese guy whom I couldn't touch, and who could throw me around like a rag doll. And I was a welterweight to his flyweight -- a lot taller, maybe half again his weight, and could leg press three of him.

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Yep. According to a friend, who's quite advanced in Korean hapkido, his wizened old master is practically right out of The Destroyer series: Untouchable bad-ass, believes the Korean to be God's only perfect creation, etc. But he's so refined the use of his chi that he can supposedly literally tap on a lemon wedge and make it squirt any person sitting at the table. And he never really laid a serious glove on him in all the years they trained together, unless the old man allowed it to convey a lesson.

The ultimate compliment he ever paid Jesse, after he'd finally mastered a technique the master had been trying to teach him for weeks, was quite similar to a line from a Jackie Chan movie, only the old guy really used it: "You no longer make me tremble with disgust."

Jesse told me he walked around telling people that for days.

I have no idea if it's all actually true, but ... makes for a good story.

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As long as we're trading "Old Master" stories, here's my favorite-

I took Capoera when I was younger. (For me it was a great art to cross train with. It teaches amazing body control at angles most people don't ever practice in, and makes your balance amazingly adaptable.)

I was at a big meet-up in golden gate park. Capoeristas from all over the place were there making music and playing. In capoera, when you play, you enter the circle, face off for a while in a bit of light contact sparring, and then exit the circle out when you end up in a situation where the other person had the upper hand. It's basically a rotating light sparring session backed by music. Lots of fun.

One circle had a guy who just refused to leave. He was big, skilled, and clearly had a lot of endurance. He was also incredibly aggressive and disrespectful. He'd hit too hard, not let up when people where overmatched, and nearly got into an actual fight with another person. Things were getting tense, but no one had really spoken up about it yet.

Then this guy who looked like he was about sixty stepped into the ring. He looked like he was made of old leather. He was super skinny and wirey, with a shaved head and white chest hair. He was also extremely happy, and possibly drunk.

He cartwheeled into the circle and started dancing with the big jerk.

Every time they got near each other the old man ended up behind the jerk. Jerk kept turning with big sweeping kicks and sweeps, flipping and cartwheeling away, and moving faster and faster, eventually moving much faster than the pace of the music. The old man stuck with him and always seemed to end up behind him, never really doing anything other than dancing around and not getting hit. Somehow, he stayed on the beat the whole time even though jerk face was off it.

Then the old guy started reaching out and tapping the jerk on his back and head. Just occasional quick little taps, like he was playing bongos.

And the whole time, he was singing.

They went at it for a solid ten minutes before jerkface finally gave out, exhausted and sweating. He didn't even shake hands or exit respectfully. He just stopped dancing and trudged out of the circle.

The whole crowd started clapping.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Cynthia Rothrock. Man, she used to rock!

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