Superdungeons, and PCs being able to go places they are unprepared for


So in light of playing through The Emerald Spire I'm interested in the idea of making a Superdungeon similarly to what is presented--I'll be using demi-planes, however--and while there is going to be a predetermined path for the PCs to follow, I am also intent on allowing them to access everything through a central hub area. If they succeed in defeating the skill check that allows them to activate the hub's entrances without the required items then they could theoretically travel, by accident, to an area 10 levels above them.

Is there a skill in the game that allows PCs to judge how powerful a creature might be compared to themselves? I think of "considering" enemies in Everquest 1. Perhaps just a knowledge check of the appropriate skill that gives the relative difficulty of an enemy.
The PC, if successful, might become frightened if the enemy or encounter's CR is higher than the party's CR (APL+4) or maybe just if it is higher than Epic.
Perhaps if the monster's CR is:
APL+2 to 3 the character is shaken for 1 round.
APL+4 to 5 the character is frightened for 1 round.
APL+6 or more the character is panicked for 1 round.

Though, this still means the party has to succeed on the knowledge check.

What do you guys think?

Here's something i wrote may find it useful.
{One} ...Sense Motive is useful for a number of purposes besides those listed in the PHB.The most essential of which is the ability to "Size-Up" situations or individuals (potential adversaries).
Using this feature is a "free" action once per round on the characters turn.
A number of things can be determined.It is a DC (10) check to determine one 'Detail' about the target, every 5 points by which the character succeeds reveals an additional detail.The information obtained this way is relative to the PC making the roll.For example:
· HIT DICE- Meek(less than 1/2),Inferior(less than), Rival(within 1),
Superior(more than),Mighty(more than double).
· SKILL AT ARMS(BA Bonus)-Meek,Inferior,Rival,Superior,Mighty.A PC may use his base attack bonus or Prof(Soldier) instead of Sense motive for this check.
· CASTER LEVEL-Meek,Inferior,Rival,Superior,Mighty.A PC may use Spellcraft or Know(religion) instead of Sense motivewhen appropriate.
CLASS(S)- Are revealed as one detail per success: 1st detail shows the type*(Melee/Expert/Arcane/Divine).2nd detail(DC:15) shows exact primary class.3rd success(DC:20) shows all classes.
· INTENT- Is opposed by bluff ( when the party is attempting to conceal their intent).If the target is making no attempt to conceal his intent the details are revealed as follows: 1st Detail:HOSTILITY (Is it going to attack?),2nd Detail:PURPOSE(What is it's immediate goal?) 3rd Detail:INTEGRITY(can it be trused?).

Sorry for the wall of text,it was copy pasted.

It is simply a Knowledge check. Hopefully the players will at least acquire the basic knowledge of the creature and then based on player knowledge should have the common sense to know that walking into a fight with a creature that is a CR 15 when they are a group of level 6's would mean certain death. No need for all of the fancy shaken effects

Taku Ooka Nin wrote:
...If they succeed in defeating the skill check that allows them to activate the hub's entrances without the required items then they could theoretically travel, by accident, to an area 10 levels above them...

Why? So they'll get killed horribly?

Larkspire's example seems all right, I am pretty sure there was a similar setup to it in 3rd edition's Oriental Adventures. It was especially fitting for that setting since it invoked the common trope of the Hidden Master, where only another True Master™ would recognize the dirty peasant was a terrifying powerful warrior.

Also, knowledge skills are good to have, encourage them.

boring7 wrote:
Taku Ooka Nin wrote:
...If they succeed in defeating the skill check that allows them to activate the hub's entrances without the required items then they could theoretically travel, by accident, to an area 10 levels above them...
Why? So they'll get killed horribly?

More or less it would allow them to sequence break certain areas.

My intention is to make the areas less than hospitable. At higher levels haunt duos that cast grease or entagle and Hungry darkness will be hazards, but I've yet to decide on where these will make their appearance. I intend to put items or treasure hordes in relative proximity to portal gates since, as far as some of the inhabitants might know, the gateways are just wall decoration that happens to be in fortifiable areas. Then again, the area might be a barracks, throne room, or any number of things. It could just be in a hallway.

Not every level is as deadly as one might think. Certain areas will feature NPCs that, for whatever reason, refuse to leave. Encountering these NPCs early means the PCs could run into the crafter earlier than expected.

The features of the superdungeon would be split up throughout the levels, but I really want to focus on exploration and the unknown instead of just high level content. The simple fact that I tend to build encounters with multiple enemies instead of 1 lessens the chance that the PCs will just flat-out die to an enemy, but it also means they have to use their brains after defeating a CR 4 at level 1 then seeing a room filled with 6 of the buggers.

For the most part the PCs are going to be on their own the moment they enter the superdungeon. If they don't have crafting feats then they can't acquire magical items until they encounter the crafter unless one of them has the feat. If they brought inconsequential amounts of food they can stave to death. In some ways exploring and sneaking into the higher level places can save them, but the more important part is that knowing how to use the gateway enables them to return to relative safety faster. I intend to include an area that, more or less, is a safe haven. If they make the skill check they gain access to it, if they don't then they have to rest in the dungeon.

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