Advanced Class Guide Speculation Question

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

What are the odds that racial archetypes are added to the new book? I play only PFS and my thing is that I only use racial archetypes. Does anyone have an idea on it or should I save my breath?

I presume there will be some because there will be normal archetypes. I suspect you can post the question to the Advanced Class Guide product discussion thread for a more focused answer.

Liberty's Edge

Very low. Generally only race-focused books include Race Archetypes, and this book is anything but race-focused.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
rpdjoker wrote:
What are the odds that racial archetypes are added to the new book? I play only PFS and my thing is that I only use racial archetypes. Does anyone have an idea on it or should I save my breath?

I would say slim to none.

Might be some in the forth-coming Monster Codex, but I wouldn't expect any here.

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