Brin Londo |

Hi... I came across the pathfinder acg a little later. I'm now a subscriber and I am picking up all of the class decks. I did receive the goblin plate... But missed the previous promos. I am not sure if there is a way for me to get the previous ones however I thought I would ask. If not, that's fine... But why not ask? Thanks and I hope you have an amazing day. Take care,

Hawkmoon269 |

Hi Brin. Great choice on getting PACG. It is a great game.
So far, Paizo hasn't provided a method for getting previously released PACG promo cards, prefering to leave them as a reward for those that were subscribers at the time they were released. But there was the mention of something perhaps being in the works. If you read that thread to the bottom you'll see that nothing has been announced yet.
Other than that, your only option will be to buy them second hand through ebay or boardgamegeek.
I'm sure someone from customer service will reply to you after business hours resume, but I just wanted to share that with you. Good luck on your adventure.

Sharaya Customer Service Ray of Funshine |

Hawkmoon269 pretty much summed things up.
The promo cards are typically only available as a subscriber benefit. Subscribers receive associated promo cards with the product they begin the subscription with, plus any relevant promo cards with releases going forward. Subscribers will not receive promo cards with product bought outside of the subscription, or with back-issue purchases.
Some promo cards are sent out to our distributors to pass along to game stores, but it is up to the distributors how they get those to game stores, and then up to the game stores how to get those to customers.
Fire Sneeze is our convention promo and may be available at conventions in the future. Beyond the ways listed in the below link, we do not have any announced plans to offer the promo cards along any other avenues:
http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2q9t2?Pathfinder-Adventure-Card-Game-Subscripti on
If you have any further questions, please let us know. Thanks!