Sir Dante |

Hello everyone, as the title mentions I'm trying to create a character based from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga/anime.
The character would either be based on Dio Brando or Jotaro Kujo (the third JoJo).
For those who have no idea what this is and still want to help, this picture explains what kind of a synthesist I am looking for:
https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSm-VqrJ8b_eySbNQjUNo3 SpG0kzBvwaPX0y2-3furfWbPQ67qO
I was thinking of him being a summoner synthesist, now I know it's easy to create a crazy good synthesist, what advice I rather need is what evolutions to pick to make it similar to the star platinum or the world stances.
Race: Human
Sex: Male
25 point buy
Str: 14
Dex: 12
Con: 14
Int: 10
Wis: 12
Cha: 16
+ the synthesist shenanigans
All suggestions welcome :) Thanks

Sir Dante |

There's no need to be a synthesist. Stands can coexist in the same space as their bearers, but also be separated from them.
Yeah true that but I think synthesist would fit better so it is ''he'' who beats them and of course can be roleplayed that when he fights like that it seems something spectral comes out and does it?

Cranky Dog |

Bardess wrote:There's no need to be a synthesist. Stands can coexist in the same space as their bearers, but also be separated from them.Or how would you do it then if it wasn't a synthesist?
In my case, I'd take the Incorporeal Form 4 point evolution and reverse it.
Meaning, the stands are normally incorporeal unless they activate their power to affect the corporeal world. And between stands themselves, they are quite solid. The life link/bond makes sure the stand user feels the pain.

Freehold DM |


Cranky Dog |

oraoraoraora is a flurry, a syntethizer/monk gestalt comes into mind, just the notion of it gives me chills D: scareeeh!
Definitely a flurry of blows class feature.
That's a lot of d20s!
But do you confirm your critical hit?

Sir Dante |

Zilfrel Findadur wrote:oraoraoraora is a flurry, a syntethizer/monk gestalt comes into mind, just the notion of it gives me chills D: scareeeh!Definitely a flurry of blows class feature.
But do you confirm your critical hit?
Yeah but how do you make a good unarmed strike flurry build by the normal paizo published rules :S ????

AndIMustMask |

just cheat and give your 'stand' lots of arms for slam attacks (fluffing it as only having two arms, but the others are there for more 'punches')
+1 for the incorporeal reversal evolution. as for 'stopping time', you could focus on haste and slow, (if your eidolon can grab either via evolutions, then great), or grab a smaller/lower cost rod of quicken and cast haste/slow in the same turn (speeding yourself+eidolon up via shared spells and slowing enemies down)
best way to get flurry? brawler dip i suppose, since it's not WIS-focused like the monk 3+monastic legacy investment. or take a stat spread like:
str 8 (-2), dex 15 (7), con 14 (5), int 10, wis 10, cha 18 (10+2r)
*while a race with +cha is great, some can allow some flex, likenot needing to dump str via a racial dex or con bump*
invest 4 points in dex via a belt as you level to qualify for the whole TWF chain and just use them with gauntlets.

ArkthePieKing |
Incidentally, how satisfying was the end of the episode last week? Poetic justice. Jotaro isn't my favorite JoJo, but he's certainly awesome. (Joseph Jostar is the man!)
Sadly, I'm not familiar enough with the game to really contribute anything relevant to the conversation, but I'm super interested in how this build turns out. I think some good ideas have been spit out so far. :D

Sir Dante |

just cheat and give your 'stand' lots of arms for slam attacks (fluffing it as only having two arms, but the others are there for more 'punches')
+1 for the incorporeal reversal evolution. as for 'stopping time', you could focus on haste and slow, (if your eidolon can grab either via evolutions, then great), or grab a smaller/lower cost rod of quicken and cast haste/slow in the same turn (speeding yourself+eidolon up via shared spells and slowing enemies down)
best way to get flurry? brawler dip i suppose, since it's not WIS-focused like the monk 3+monastic legacy investment. or take a stat spread like:
str 8 (-2), dex 15 (7), con 14 (5), int 10, wis 10, cha 18 (10+2r)
*while a race with +cha is great, some can allow some flex, likenot needing to dump str via a racial dex or con bump*invest 4 points in dex via a belt as you level to qualify for the whole TWF chain and just use them with gauntlets.
Sorry for not explaining before well enough, thinking of making it through PC rules and possibly as a PC not NPC, otherwise I would do all sorts of caster shenanigans.
Wouldn't basically synthesiser summoner be the real deal? I mean it just seems as the perfect way of ''suddenly'' gaining some sort of power up etc or beating thugs up even though you don't move yourself etc. Flavorwise I mean, naturally the character moves game mechanics wise but people propably understand what I am getting at.
But yeah flurry of blows is truly the best way to go :S too bad unarmed monk's usually suck :S But well with high enough point buy or rolls it can work, got any idea what unarmed monk is the best at punching?

jhpace1 |

You might want to go Psionic instead of Summoner. Astral Construct can solve many of your problems, and some constructs could have the "one permanent" clause, depending upon the user. Dio's Time Stop is a little like the Elocator's Accelerated Action. But Time Stop itself is Sor/Wiz 9, not a psionic power.
I think Ultimate Magic came out with arcane duplicates of many 3.5 psionic powers. You might want to look there.

Cranky Dog |
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One important thing to keep in mind is that in the anime itself, Jojo and company are already the equivalent of high level characters with advanced "eidolons", or at the very least characters with high stats and maxed Intimidate.
From a PC point of view, it'll take a while to reach that level of awesomeness.
Also, concerning anime with summoner/eidolon themes, Shaman King is even closer in concept. From beginning to end, you see the growth of the character and spirit's powers.

Freehold DM |

One important thing to keep in mind is that in the anime itself, Jojo and company are already the equivalent of high level characters with advanced "eidolons", or at the very least characters with high stats and maxed Intimidate.
From a PC point of view, it'll take a while to reach that level of awesomeness.
Also, concerning anime with summoner/eidolon themes, Shaman King is even closer in concept. From beginning to end, you see the growth of the character and spirit's powers.
agreed. I would go so far as to say that Jojo & co are epic.

Irthos |
I'll second jhpace here- psionic is a good fit for the Jojo 'verse. I recommend a psychic warrior with the meditant archetype (I think that's the right one - whichever one gives monk-like abilities). Some appropriate powers to take include:
burst (some early time manipulation)
offensive/defensive precognition (extreme precision and quick reactions)
vigor (Jojo characters can take a LOT of punishment)
distracting strikes (it's hard to concentrate when a Stand is pummeling you)
animal affinity (Jotaro seems to have high stats all around)
hustle (more time manipulation)
prowess (always room for more attacks!)
dimension slide (fluff it as moving ridiculously fast)
ectoplasmic grapnel (Jotaro frequently uses his Stand to grab ledges and such)
physical acceleration (AKA psionic haste - still more time manipulation)

Zilfrel Findadur |

I'll second jhpace here- psionic is a good fit for the Jojo 'verse. I recommend a psychic warrior with the meditant archetype (I think that's the right one - whichever one gives monk-like abilities). Some appropriate powers to take include:
burst (some early time manipulation)
offensive/defensive precognition (extreme precision and quick reactions)
vigor (Jojo characters can take a LOT of punishment)
distracting strikes (it's hard to concentrate when a Stand is pummeling you)
animal affinity (Jotaro seems to have high stats all around)
hustle (more time manipulation)
prowess (always room for more attacks!)
dimension slide (fluff it as moving ridiculously fast)
ectoplasmic grapnel (Jotaro frequently uses his Stand to grab ledges and such)
physical acceleration (AKA psionic haste - still more time manipulation)

AndIMustMask |

my reasoning on regular summoner vs synthesist summoner is: regular summoner and his eidolon are separate beings that can be in two places at once, while a synthesist's body and eidolon are locked in the same space.
in JJBA most people's stands have a range that they can get away from the user (to step forward and fight each other in an ORAORAORA/MUDAMUDAMUDA clash, for example). the users can also use this distance to have their stand manipulate the environment to make things more advantageous for the user (such as star platinum stealing things, holy diver creating platforms, and so on).
a synthesist summoner gets none of that until 20th level.
also: most of the JJBA cast are powerful stat-wise even WITHOUT their stands active. the usual synthesist reasoning of 'dump physical since my eidolon covers that' wouldn't apply.