Ciabola |
Starting a new game in a few weeks and looking at playing a samsaran wizard. The race ability to steal spells from other arcane lists in interesting. The problem is I don't really have time to dig though all the spell lists looking for good or useful spells.
Thinking of playing a teleportation wizard, but open to suggestions. I don't need to be broken just fun.
So here I am asking for suggestions. I already think I am grabbing the cure light and maybe heal spells, But no ideas for anything else.
Arksangiel |
Starting a new game in a few weeks and looking at playing a samsaran wizard. The race ability to steal spells from other arcane lists in interesting. The problem is I don't really have time to dig though all the spell lists looking for good or useful spells.
Thinking of playing a teleportation wizard, but open to suggestions. I don't need to be broken just fun.
So here I am asking for suggestions. I already think I am grabbing the cure light and maybe heal spells, But no ideas for anything else.
I think there's a FAQ limiting it to a single list, that said, I would:
Pick bard for the large number of verbal only spells and cures. Spell levels won't be as high level due to the slower progression.
Witch has heal if you're game will be high enough level to get it, also has some restoration as well as cures. If you are looking for healing, Infernal Healing is already on your list (if slightly evil).
When bloodrager comes out, that would be a great way to get potent arcane spells at lower level.
For specific spells to steal, at least one cure (until you can summon a Bralani Azata) and lesser restoration are obvious choices. Anything the witch has in common with the druid list is a good choice.
LazarX |
lazarx that's kinda what I was was thinking.
In that case, it's a matter of choosing what kind of flavor you're looking for... your alternate lists are essentially bard, and witch. Magus and summoner don't have anything you don't have already.