caddmus |
just had a question for the advice section :D
So, I play a marshal class in my group, we are level 9 almost 10,
I normally am the range damage guy, and have a lot of UMD (+4 int)
so question is. scrolls, its a UMD roll of 20+ spell level if I'm right, to use the scroll and I've been looking at some of the higher level spells,
are spells like the spell that makes you into a huge dragon very effective when used in scroll form? (this is assuming i make the roll of-course,)
Team has no pure casters right now, closest is a druid.

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Unless you've got the "Pragmatic Activator" Trait, UMD uses your Charisma score, not your Intelligence score to modify it.
The DC to use a scroll is 20+Caster Level, not spell level. Since you're asking about the Huge size, that's an 8th level spell. The minimum Caster Level is 15, making that DC a 35.
The polymorph spells (Form of the Dragon 1-3 in this case) give you a few melee attacks and a breath weapon, plus flight and energy resistance. Not useful in every situation, but very handy in some. It all depends on what you're facing at the time.
Honestly, being a martial character with focus in ranged combat is going to be a big benefit for your party. You refer to the druid as not being a full caster, which is patently false - druids are a full casting progression class with the added benefit of wildshape and an animal companion. If he's focused on going into melee in wildshape, you're probably better off sticking with ranged combat. If he's more spell-focused, you may want to keep the scrolls handy for emergencies.

caddmus |
Ya, I have UMD changed to Int thanks to the trait, I have picked up some scrolls for utility use, but I didn't realize is was caster level, thanks for that.
and you know wands, they come in handy, :) got some good magic missile wands from a NPC we killed that came in handy already hehe.
Edit time,
I just looked at UMD, to desifer the scroll is caster level, to cast it is spell level,
But I guess i'll stick to the out of combat scrolls for the most part then, :)

andreww |
If you want to make use of scrolls then I would pay attention to three key rules:
1. Don't use anything which allows a save. Scrolls are treated as if cast with the minimum required stat making their DC often very low. This is also true for Wands. For example, a scroll of baleful polymorph will only have a DC of 17, unlikely to affect much you face at your level.
2. Avoid scrolls of spells which allow spell resistance. Unless you spend a lot more money scrolls come at the lowest possible caster level and are therefore likely to fail to affect resistant targets.
3. Linked to 2 avoid any spells whose effects highly depend on caster level unless you are paying for a higher level version. Examples include Dispel Magic, Neutralise Poison and Barkskin.
Otherwise scrolls are excellent for a wide range of utility, defensive and niche spells.