What Realm do Night Hags form in?

Rules Questions

I know Night Hags Reproduce by having a moon may(night hag changeling) die and then manifest. I assume that its Abaddon since they are neutral evil and that is where the soul trade happens. My question is what realm do night hags spawn in if the moon may isn't neutral evil? Are all moon mays dammed to Abaddon from birth or do they just form as night hags where ever? Do they bypass Pharasma judgment or do the psychopomps just ignore her if she stays in line? Do they keep their memories and just mentally struggle with their change nature(becoming evil)?

I have a thousand questions and just want to know more

i am asking because i want my character to experience the full life cycle of a night hag and eventually become a dream hag. But my gm has requirements on alignment to be good.

The full life cycle of a Night Hag? In what way?

They are born, like every other Hag... swapped with a Changeling, blah, blah, blah... if they become a powerful enough Hag, they may transform into a Night Hag after death. The same way a moon may Changeling transforms into a Night Hag after death.

Who or what makes that decision? Why do some powerful Hags get to transform into a Night Hag after death, but not all powerful Hags? Nobody knows.

The Night Hag has a specific ritual to transform into a Dreamthief Hag, but it involves trusting one's Coven... which, well, Hags don't trust anyone/anything, ESPECIALLY other Hags! That is why there are not very many Dreamthief Hags... you already have to be a Night Hag, and THEN you have to trust your Coven enough to actually carry out the rest of the ritual when you kill yourself. Yeah right.

Now where does a Night Hag go if banished, or whatever? I don't know. The Dreamthief wanders the Dimension of Dreams, but that isn't a Plane of existence. Probably Abaddon, honestly... both Night Hags and Dreamthief Hags are Neutral Evil, as is Abaddon. And Abaddon IS where the soul trade happens.

As for Psychopomp interference... limited number of Psychopomps powerful enough to do anything about it. Limited number of immortal/Outsider Hags, probably not worth the resources unless one of them gets particularly ambitious...

I love Hags. We can talk Hags all d@mn day!

The PostMonster General wrote:
The full life cycle of a Night Hag? In what way?

I was thinking something along the lines of be born: innocent hag child. become hag(not sure if required) become night hag, be reborn into a waker may and then ascend into dream thief.

so my question is, do i have to make sure a moon may changeling is going to Abaddon after dying or is that a given. Would a moon may paladin(example not my character) end up in Abaddon or heaven.

The rest of the Coven is SUPPOSED to ensure the moon may or waker may are properly corrupted... your guardian angel should never allow you to be so much as tempted to ever become a Paladin. The path of wickedness should be laid out in front of you since birth.

You're dealing with Hags... they will freaking eat you before allowing you to become a Paladin. Literally eat you if there is so much as a chance that you will fail to become the Hag they want you to be. It's adorable to think that the moon may or waker may have any say in their lives, but they do not. Their lives are planned from beginning to end, their fates are sealed from the moment of conception.

If you wanted to live the life of a Night Hag, you could start as a true neutral Moon May Changeling and be a Hag-Riven Bloodrager with the Hag Bloodline. You can give up your claws and natural armor for the Hag Magic alternative racial feature, because you get both claws and natural armor from the archetype/class. It's a good way to be a Hag.

For an evil Waker May Changeling, I would probably go Sorcerer into Souldrinker. This gets you all the fun Soul Bind and Trap the Soul spells on your list, and is Charisma-based to go with Charon's boons. Take the Soul-Powered Magic feat, wear a Ring of the Cacodaemon and a Talisman of Soul-Eating.

Silver Crusade

My GM has graciously created a Witch themed Legendary Spirit so that my character can in fact raise a changeling within a good aligned coven so that the changeling child can make her own choices. The Mind Blank coven spell will hopefully allow us to hide her from other covens.

But in the creation of Hags, the First World should come into play — they are the negative personifications of nature, so maybe their souls take a detour there.

VoodistMonk wrote:
You're dealing with Hags... they will freaking eat you before allowing you to become a Paladin. Literally eat you if there is so much as a chance that you will fail to become the Hag they want you to be. It's adorable to think that the moon may or waker may have any say in their lives, but they do not. Their lives are planned from beginning to end, their fates are sealed from the moment of conception.

It feels like the way you tell any story about a heroic version of any kind of these changelings is "they got away from the coven of hags that was invested in them" generally because they're distracted by some greater threat or mutual betrayal, but maybe they're dead.

Silver Crusade

And then there is the Soul Market in the Shadow Plane version of Absolom. I could see the life cycle of a Hag just shuffling along all the coterminous planes without the soul or hag ever reaching Abaddon.

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