I survived my first scenario...time to go shopping?

Pathfinder Society

Liberty's Edge

So I survived my first scenario, now I've got 500+ gold burning a hole in my belt pouch. I am a human, "switch-hitting" ranger with a long bow and a great axe. In your OPINION what should I spend my newly-acquired riches on? Or should I be saving it? I was able to use my prestige to purchase a wand of cure light wounds. Just not sure what to do with all this coin.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Liberty's Edge 5/5

Do whatever you want.

If you're after combat effectiveness, probably the best thing you can do is spend a bit over 300 gold to turn either the longbow or the great axe into a masterwork weapon. That'll give you +1 on hit rolls. You'll need to sell your old weapon and buy the masterwork weapon. The advantage is, you can upgrade the masterwork weapon to +1 later with just 2000gp, rather than buying a whole new weapon.

If you're a roleplayer who wants to get into the role, the best thing you can do is spend 250gp on a Wayfinder, because you *are* a member of the Pathfinder Society after all. That's also a very convenient light source. (Overpriced as a light source, but it's a wayfinder.)

Liberty's Edge 4/5

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Here is a list that I hand to people playing Confirmation, some items may not apply. It is never too early to worry about harpies, swarms, animated objects, and dr silver/cold iron.

Mundane Items
Make sure you can see in a dark area
· Torches (1 cp, 1lb)
◦ Sunrods (2 gp, 1 lb)

· Tindertwig (1 gp,) standard action to light fire
· 50’ Rope (hemp 1gp/10lb, silk 10gp/5lb)
· Grappling Hook (1 gp, 4 lb)
· Air Crystals (50 gp PSFG ) – get two!
· Traveler's Any-Tool (250 gp, 2 lb, UE) the swiss army knife of
· Antitoxin (50gp;) +5 vs poisons
· Antiplague (50gp; APG/UE) +5 vs disease, or make 2
saves that day without bonus
· Vermin Repellent (5gp, AA/UE) vermin swarms dc15 Fort to enter
· Alchemist's Fire (20 gp, 1 lb) – SWARMS!!!! (get a few)
◦ Acid Flask (10 gp, 1 lb)
· Tanglefoot Bag (50 gp, 4 lbs)
· Thunderstone (30gp, 1 lb) – most effective protection against
harpies I've ever used
· Earplugs (3cp; UE) +2 to saves vs sound, -5 to hearing checks,
· Smelling salts (25gp, APG/UE) new save vs unconcious/staggered,
wake up dying
· Skeleton Key(85GP, UE) key opens lock like it has +10 Disable
Device, 1try per lock
· Cold Weather Gear (8gp, 7lbs)
· Hot Weather Gear (8gp, 4lbs, AGP/UE)
· Sleeves of Many Garments (200gp, UE)

Damage Reduction
· Alchemical silver weapon (bludgeoning avoids -1 dmg penalty)
· Cold iron weapon (x2 cost, backup main weapon) Your basic
arrows should be this
· Oil of Bless Weapon (50gp)

Nifty Weapons
· Dagger (2 gp, 1 lb) – in case of grapple/swallow whole (needs a
light weapon)
· Have something ranged!!
◦ Sling is free, and adds STR to damage

Potions/Oils (scrolls are ½ price of potions, if useable) (*Potions can be faster for some spells)
· Cure Light Wounds (50gp)
· Protection from Evil (50gp)
· Enlarge Person! (50 gp, faster than spell – GREAT for
fighters, stops large trample!)
· Potion Lesser Restoration (300gp)
(Get a potion – scroll has 3 round casting time!)

Wands of cure light wounds for 2 PP

For a ranger, I'd grab a potion of CLW (to be used ON you), silver arrows, cold iron arrows, oil of magic weapon, oil of bless weapon.

With your next 2 prestige, I like MW armor, and then a MW weapon.

Shadow Lodge 1/5

Samish Lakefinder wrote:

· Thunderstone (30gp, 1 lb) – most effective protection against
harpies I've ever used.

Oh wow... That's a fantastic idea!

Choose to fail your Fort save; temporary immunity to language dependent/audible effects.
Adding that to my standard kit now.

Great list Samish. That stuff is mostly what I get for my low level characters too.

Sovereign Court 5/5 *

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber
Samish Lakefinder wrote:

Here is a list that I hand to people playing Confirmation, some items may not apply. It is never too early to worry about harpies, swarms, animated objects, and dr silver/cold iron.

· Traveler's Any-Tool (250 gp, 2 lb, UE) the swiss army knife of
· Sleeves of Many Garments (200gp, UE)
· Potion Lesser Restoration (300gp)

All of these require 5 fame before you can purchase. These are magical items that are not on the always available list so you need the minimum fame to purchase them (5 for a 500gp limit). They are all great items to have though. Many uses for each of them.

One thing I would consider is using your 2pp (hopefully you got 2), to get a 750gp or less purchase. Including the option of a MW Composite Longbow up to mighty +3, throw on darkwood to halve the wieght because you can within the purchase limit.

Another great purchase with 2 PP is a wand of cure light wounds, the prestige point purchase bypasses fame requirements. As a ranger you can use wands that are spells on your list even before you are high enough level to cast spells (as long as you are not an archetype that gives up spell casting).

Sovereign Court 1/5

August Selby wrote:

So I survived my first scenario, now I've got 500+ gold burning a hole in my belt pouch. I am a human, "switch-hitting" ranger with a long bow and a great axe. In your OPINION what should I spend my newly-acquired riches on? Or should I be saving it? I was able to use my prestige to purchase a wand of cure light wounds. Just not sure what to do with all this coin.

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.

Like you, I recently began playing a switch-hit ranger. Here's a list of gear I purchased after my first game before my 2nd scenario. I'm new to PFS and not stating that this is the optimal way to go, but I tried to put in some good research and here's what I came up with. Hope it helps.

Wand of CLW 2pp
Masterwork Backpack 50g
Smoked Goggles 10g
Cold Iron Longsword 30g
Silver Spiked Gauntlet 25g
Guisarme 9g
Silk Rope 10g
Alchemical Grease 5g
Alchemists Fire 20g
Vermin Repellent 5g
Oil x3 3s
Sunrod x3 6g
Smokestick 20g
Holy Water 25g
Antiplague 50g
Antitoxin 50g
Healing Kit 50g
Alkali Flask x2 30g
Potion of CLW 50g
Oil of Magic Weapon 50g

Total 495.3g 2pp

I used my next 2pp for Masterwork Agile Breastplate and bought a masterwork melee weapon for straight cash, and then the next 2pp after my third scenario for a Darkwood Composite Longbow +3 Strength rating.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I've had a couple characters spend their first 2pp on a Dragonhide Breastplate (normally 700gp, and not "always available"). Thematically it can be cool, and it gave them a decent AC long enough to save up for something better.

I like black dragonhide for this; your armor is immune to acid damage.

Doesn't help you exactly, but after getting swallowed whole, you've at least still got armor.

Sczarni 5/5 5/55/5 ***

I gave my Undine a Breastplate made from the hide of a Brine Dragon. It also happens to be immune to acid, though I primarily gave it to him because of his aquatic theme.

Liberty's Edge

A masterwork longbow or greataxe would be nice if those are your main weapons. Assuming you have a relatively high strength a composite longbow is good because it allows you to add your strength mod to attacks with that weapon.

Masterwork weapon: weapon cost + 300gp

Composite longbow : 100gp + 100gp for each strength modifier.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Collin Lane wrote:

A masterwork longbow or greataxe would be nice if those are your main weapons. Assuming you have a relatively high strength a composite longbow is good because it allows you to add your strength mod to attacks with that weapon.

Masterwork weapon: weapon cost + 300gp

Composite longbow : 100gp + 100gp for each strength modifier.

Which is where the option mentioned previously came from:

Masterwork composite longbow, Str +3, darkwood comes to 730 gp.

Masterwork composite longbow, Str +2, greenwood, IIRC, comes to 750 gp.

The greenwood option, like some of the items mentioned by Quadstriker, requires books beyond the CRB.

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