Goody White's Book of Folk Magic (kickstarter, ends Aug 13)

Product Discussion


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The kickstarter for my PF-compatible book Goody White's Book of Folk Magic is now live!

Please take a look! And feel free to ask me questions about it here. :)

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Slightly disappointing that it's US only for the physical product.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

Otherwise it looks great!


Actually, it's just set up that way for the purpose of having easy-to-describe backer rewards. If you scroll down to the Add-Ons section, it says Although the backer rewards for physical items say "ships to USA only," if you are outside the USA you can select any of those rewards if you add $15 for shipping.


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Ya know, I'm going to edit those to allow for international shipping, with a note for non-USA people to check the Add-Ons section for shipping info.

Edit: Argh, I can't edit a reward that someone has already selected, so it'll just have to stay set up the way it is. BUT the good news is Kickstarter now has an option for creators to have a "add extra shipping fee for backers outside the USA," so on my next project I can build that right into the reward level. Lesson learned.

Sovereign Court

Yeah, I am forbidden to select it.
Well, eventually, you will sell it here, right ?


Assuming it gets funded, yes.

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber
Sean K Reynolds wrote:
Actually, it's just set up that way for the purpose of having easy-to-describe backer rewards. If you scroll down to the Add-Ons section, it says Although the backer rewards for physical items say "ships to USA only," if you are outside the USA you can select any of those rewards if you add $15 for shipping.

Ah, I missed that. Thanks for pointing it out, Sean!


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Sean K Reynolds wrote:

The kickstarter for my PF-compatible book Goody White's Book of Folk Magic is now live!

Please take a look! And feel free to ask me questions about it here. :)

BACKED! Looking forward to this!

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I backed it as well.


Just to make it easier for international backers to see that they can select any of the physical rewards, I've added a separate "foreign" backer option at the various backer levels. They're functionally identical to the existing backer levels, except they allow for international shipping.

91% funded at the time of this post--thank you for your support!

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber


Scarab Sages

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I backed this yesterday right after the announcement, but apparently the website ate my post.

This should be fun! I was a little bummed that the $100 reward was reserved for brick and mortar gaming stores, I thought I'd found a cool gift set for my gaming group :P


FYI, retailer-specific rewards like that are becoming more common in RPG kickstarters because it shows the retailer you want to engage with brick-and-mortar stores (and their customers) rather than bypassing them to go directly to online sales (which is what a KS is, essentially). So the creator sweetens the deal with some additional sellable content to make it worth the retailer's while and allow them to generate some additional foot traffic and sales in the store.

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...aaand the project is fully funded! On to the stretch goals. Looking forward to this, Sean!


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Yaaaaaaayyy! :)

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I posted update #3 for the kickstarter campaign. This update includes a list of all 29 folk remedies in the book, plus a note about how I tweaked the witch hex versions of these remedies compared to the basic spell version to make them unique and more useful outside of the specific use of the folk remedy.


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Update #4 talks about the now-unlocked Goody White miniature stretch goal and reveals another stretch goal: 16 additional pages of content with mythic and Cypher system conversions of all the folk remedies in the book, and stat blocks for Goody white in PF and Cypher system format.

The Goody White figure would make a good female Wizard, Pathfinder agent, Alchemist, or townsfolk.


Yep! :)

I just can't wrap my head around the "ritual" versions of the spells being usable by non-spellcasters, but I suppose I'll just have to pay to figure it out.

Mark Hoover wrote:
I just can't wrap my head around the "ritual" versions of the spells being usable by non-spellcasters, but I suppose I'll just have to pay to figure it out.

Unless I'm mistaken, this here will explain it all. It's also found in Deep Magic, which is a 'must have' for spellcasters, imho.


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The rituals (and how they work) are a thing I made up myself; they're not based on or an expansion of an idea published by someone else.

How are the ritual versions of the spells usable by non-spellcasters? There are many answers to that.

* The Core Rulebook Magic chapter says, "A spell is a one-time magical effect." It doesn't say, "All magical effects are spells," or even "All one-time magical effects are spells." (Heck, it doesn't even say, "only spellcasting character classes can use spells," it's just assumed to be so because the only characters who can cast spells are specifically called out as having the Spells ability as a class feature).

* A non-spellcaster use a rod of wonder or an elemental gem, both of which are magic items... they just don't require any special knowledge of magic to use, or are activated by a command word.

* The Arcane Talent feat in the APG allows an elf, half-elf, or gnome to learn a 0-level spell as an SLA 3 times per day, so there's already a precedent for non-spellcasters gaining the ability to cast spells (SLAs are basically spells). So there's no reason non-spellcasters shouldn't be able to learn magical rituals that are less powerful (and/or less reliable) than true spells.

* In a world where some creatures simply are magical (like dragons, genies, and so on), and there are countless magical effects that require no knowledge of spellcasting (such as spell-like or supernatural abilities), it is possible that there are other magical effects--whether they're quasi-magical rituals, unusually potent herbalism effects, or prayers--that people can learn that aren't spells and don't require you to be a spellcaster.

To paraphrase what I say in the project video: In the real world, you don't have to be able to cast fireball or invisibility to "cast" a love spell, a prayer spell, or curse an enemy with bad luck. Why should commoners (in a fantasy world with dragons, flying wizards, and priests who can raise the dead) not be able to use those very same chants, prayers, and rituals to attempt to achieve a magical effect?

A spell is just a magical effect in a pretty box wrapped up for easy use by character classes that are defined as being spellcasters. But there are other ways to use magic. And spellcasters get all the cool magical toys; it's okay if other classes get magical toys they can use, too.


Stretch Goal #3 unlocked! We're adding add 16 more pages of folk magic to the book (increasing the page count from 32 pages to 48). Just six days to go on the Kickstarter!

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Aaaand, I'm in.

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