black tentacles question

Rules Questions

Sovereign Court

hi there some doubts on the black tentacle spell

1) area of effect. if there are walls "in the middle" of the aoe, the tentacles continue to grow beyond the walls or stays inside the same room where has been cast ?

2) if a cretaure with initiative higher than the BT enters the area, the BT immediately attempt to grab it.
where does he stop if he is caught ? the first square entered ?
if the BT misses the attack, it can be repeated in the next square entered if it is in the aoe or is just 1 attack for each move action ?

3) assuming the above situation, that is a creature with higher INI enters the bt, is grappled, when it comes the round of the BT caster, the BT attacks the creature again ?

4) can a grappled priest use the (su) channeling power ?

5) if a creature frees itself from the BT grapple in its round, can he move for that round ? and if it can, it is immediately attacked when entering the first new square or since it's free, he can move is maximum allowable speed (and so probably come out from the BT aoe) ?

thanks in advance

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

1) Black Tentacles is a spread.

Spread: Some effects, notably clouds and fogs, spread out from a point of origin, which must be a grid intersection. The effect can extend around corners and into areas that you can't see. Figure distance by actual distance traveled, taking into account turns the spell effect takes. When determining distance for spread effects, count around walls, not through them. As with movement, do not trace diagonals across corners. You must designate the point of origin for such an effect, but you need not have line of effect (see below) to all portions of the effect.

Black Tentacles can't go through walls, but can spread around them if they're in the area of effect (based on the point of origin specified when the spell is cast).

2) Yes, the entering creature will be attacked in the first square entered. If that attack fails, the BT will not get another attack on that creature until the beginning of the caster's turn (unless the entering creature leaves and re-enters before then).

3) Yes.

4) Yes. BT cannot pin, only grapple. See also this thread

5) Yes. If a character in a BT breaks the grapple, he can leave the area.

1) The tentacles rise from the ground, so there's no reason for the walls to be able to stop them.

2) If caught, he stops in the square he is grappled. If not caught, he stops in the same square thanks to rough terrain unless he has specific abilities or feats that let him act otherwise. Each square affected by the tentacles attempts an attack when entered.

3) It seems as though it only deals damage on the grappled creature's turn, since creatures cannot move away without attempting to escape, and declining attempts to escape means that the tentacles win another grapple check and do more damage. I missed a line. Yes, they do damage on the caster's turn, since they are allowed another check on the caster's turn against everyone in the area.

4) Yes. Only movement is prohibited without escaping first.

5) Yes. As stated previously, the AoE of the tentacles is rough terrain, thus limiting most characters to a 5 foot movement within the area. Entering any square affected by the spell provokes more attempts to grapple. You can only move your max speed if you're able to somehow ignore rough terrain or you exit the affected area.

Sovereign Court

thanks a lot
a more question
can a spell caster grappled use spells ? i would say no but...

Tommaso Gollini wrote:

thanks a lot

a more question
can a spell caster grappled use spells ? i would say no but...

You have to succeed a concentration check. The DC is 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level.


Also, in case you're unfamiliar with concentration

When you make a concentration check, you roll d20 and add your caster level and the ability score modifier used to determine bonus spells of the same type.

From the grappled condition: " A grappled character who attempts to cast a spell or use a spell-like ability must make a concentration check (DC 10 + grappler's CMB + spell level), or lose the spell. "

"Casting Spells while Grappled/Grappling: The only spells which can be cast while grappling or pinned are those without somatic components and whose material components (if any) you have in hand. Even so, you must make a concentration check (DC 10 + the grappler's CMB + the level of the spell you're casting) or lose the spell."

Fenny wrote:

2) If caught, he stops in the square he is grappled. If not caught, he stops in the same square thanks to rough terrain unless he has specific abilities or feats that let him act otherwise. Each square affected by the tentacles attempts an attack when entered.

5) Yes. As stated previously, the AoE of the tentacles is rough terrain, thus limiting most characters to a 5 foot movement within the area. Entering any square affected by the spell provokes more attempts to grapple. You can only move your max speed if you're able to somehow ignore rough terrain or you exit the affected area.

Rough terrain doesn't stop movement like that. It just means you have to pay double to move through a square.

PRD wrote:

Difficult Terrain:
Difficult Terrain: Difficult terrain, such as heavy undergrowth, broken ground, or steep stairs, hampers movement. Each square of difficult terrain counts as 2 squares of movement. Each diagonal move into a difficult terrain square counts as 3 squares. You can't run or charge across difficult terrain.

If you occupy squares with different kinds of terrain, you can move only as fast as the most difficult terrain you occupy will allow.

Flying and incorporeal creatures are not hampered by difficult terrain.

Therefore, if you are doing 5), then you can move 15 feet (30 feet of regular movement) in the AoE of the Black Tentacles spell (if you are on the edge, no reduction happens).

There was a recentish change to the grappled/spellcasting rules, I think. Last few months, maybe? Pretty sure it was less than a year ago.

Sovereign Court

can you point it to me seebs ?

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