Laznist |

I'm interested in running a magical investigators game.
This is a spiritual follow up to Spooky's excellent Darkest Corners campaign, so I have appropriated the name. Other influences are Simon R Green and Jim Butcher.
I have three players already, but would like at least one more.
The discussion thread here has more details.
If this looks like something you are interested in then please speak up.

Laznist |

Level 3.
Standard wealth.
Non standard traits; leave them for now unless there's one you desperately need.
At this point stats aren't needed. Talk about what your character is like, why they might be interested in being in the guard, what you'd like to do with the character, how they might contribute to the game and if there's any special requests.
I'm steering clear of 3rd party at this point. POSSIBLY a feat or spell, but definitely not a whole class.

![]() |

Well, I was thinking of a ranger using the urban ranger archetype. Favoured enemy is undead. Quick story, he was taught by his uncle all about the undead and is using his knowledge to (a) avenge his now-dead uncle and (b) hunt down stray undead. He is a little on the serious side, with a morbid sense of humour. No 3PP stuff, as I don't own any. All base Paizo books.

Grand Moff Vixen |

Ok, I have the alias updated. Take a look at Laurestine Valerian and tell me what you think, Laznist. Matter of fact, any of the current players are welcome to take a look as well.

Laznist |

@grimdog; basic concept seems fine. Check out the discussion thread though - we're looking at setting this in Nex. You'll need to be able to accept the occasional 'legal' undead, but should have plenty of work with Geb next door.
@Grand Moff Vixen; Interesting concept. I think it could work, so long as she realizes that she needs to stick with it for a while. You'd see in the discussion thread that one reason to participate is to become a full citizen. Does that sound like a good reason to join the Guard (and accept orders) beyond simple curiosity?

Grand Moff Vixen |

@grimdog; basic concept seems fine. Check out the discussion thread though - we're looking at setting this in Nex. You'll need to be able to accept the occasional 'legal' undead, but should have plenty of work with Geb next door.
@Grand Moff Vixen; Interesting concept. I think it could work, so long as she realizes that she needs to stick with it for a while. You'd see in the discussion thread that one reason to participate is to become a full citizen. Does that sound like a good reason to join the Guard (and accept orders) beyond simple curiosity?
I prefer to think of it like this: being an archaeologist means acting on things that pique her interest, not just merely being curious. She loves to investigate regardless of how long it may take. I envision her being either CG or NG. One of those could easily work. Not sure about LG. It might fit, but I doubt it.

Laznist |

Sure - and most missions will have an investigative component. If that's the payoff for her, that's fine. Just want to make no-one is going to storm off in a huff if they end up on bodyguard detail, crowd control or a simple snatch and grab.
Obviously I plan on every mission having investigation OOC, but IC it might not be obvious at the start!

Grand Moff Vixen |

Sure - and most missions will have an investigative component. If that's the payoff for her, that's fine. Just want to make no-one is going to storm off in a huff if they end up on bodyguard detail, crowd control or a simple snatch and grab.
Obviously I plan on every mission having investigation OOC, but IC it might not be obvious at the start!
She is capable in combat as needed. I planned on that. Her high dex is a bonus to her ranged support. Character generation is a fun process for me, although spells can be a bit tricky. As such, I open my bard spells to the players. Specifically, the players may vote on a single 1st level spell they would like me to select. If we start at 4th level, the players may vote on a single 2nd level spell as well. I have not posted the crunch yet as I am still waiting for you to make the final decision on 3rd or 4th level (based on your recent discussion post).
Which brings me to the next point. How will you be making a decision? Will it be a current group vote? Or will you be the sole person responsible? When can I expect you to make said decision? I like the idea of this campaign a lot, more than others I have seen that have been popping up. I would rather play in this game, as any other would require me to alter my background to suit the campaign.

Jetty |

No problem.
I like the campaign concept (and the influences), but unfortunately I do not have the time to come up with a new character and interested backgorund right now.
Or maybe I could submit Castor Drey.
Again some changes are needed - but the concept would stay.
What kind of characters (classes) are you actually looking for?

Jetty |

Are you ok with Castor's history as is for now, with the understanding that if he gets picked, I will update it?
Initial thouthts on updating Castor's history:
- substitute Professor L. for someone from Nex (preferably from one of the universities)
- Castor had to flee the River Kingdoms after some unfortunate misunderstanding
- he traveled extensively always heading more or less south as he remembered the visitor talked about Nex and it's places of learning
- finally arrived to Quantium via a merchant ship, which was attacked by something unnatural along the way. The sailors being superstitious panicked and were on the verge of fleeing the ship. Castor remembering many of his strange(r) encounters in River Kingdoms and Ustalav faced the creature, took charge in the defense and saved the ship (more or less accidently and certainly not single handedly - but was considered by the sailors to be a hero)
- upon his arrival, Castor applied for studentship at one of the arcane universities
- he decided to stay in Nex for the forseeable future, found out the possibilities for becoming a citizen and asked for a job with the guard, thinking his background and experience in River Kingdoms was well suited for such a job, and the money is handy as he needs to pay regular fees at the university
- as the sailors talked a lot about the (mis)adventure on their voyage, his achievements become quite a legend (with the same ammount of truth legends usually have) in the portside pubs and reached the ears of someone in the Guards
- Castor got choosen for the special squad
Castor's aims:
- continue his study at the university (probably at a slower pace, as his guard duties interfere)
- make Quantium a safe place to stay in and have a family one day
- to kick some supernatural butt if the need arises
Castor's developement (crunch) largely depends on the party composition, he may even multiclass but will stay primarily a caster in the long run.
If you want anything else at this stage, please let me know.

Laznist |

Okay; I'm closing it.
As things stand I'm happy to take Castor (with the changes we've discussed) and Laurestine.
Grimdog; would like to know a bit more about your PC, but what you've said so far sounds fine. If you can get it to me soon (and it matches what you've said!) then you're in as well.
Existing PCs are Tieszla, Shang and Ophelia.
I'll knock up a gameplay thread for people to dot, because I know how much easier it is once a campaign appears on your My Campaign page.
Can everyone post in the discussion thread for now though.
Thanks everyone