Thelemic_Noun |

For spells such as reduce person and invisibility, do the mass or greater versions of those spells also have mythic versions that can be learned?
For example, can a caster who knows mass reduce person take Mythic Spell Lore to learn its mythic version and thus spend a use of mythic power when casting to reduce all eligible targets by 2 size categories instead of one?
Can mythic greater invisibility be learned, with the same benefit as ordinary mythic invisibility? (Impenetrable to detect magic, arcane sight, see invisibility, glitterdust, etc., can be augmented at third tier for invisibility to blindsense, tremorsense, scent, and blindsight)
The mythic magic weapon sacred avenger allows paladins to use mythic greater dispel magic. Can this mythic greater dispel magic be learned by a normal mythic spellcaster?

Thelemic_Noun |

Also, can spells that are essentially improved versions of spells on the explicit mythic list be learned as mythic?
For example, could delayed blast fireball be learned as mythic, increasing the damage die from d6 to d10 and setting creatures on fire, with an augment option to double the radius and bypass resistance or immunity?

Mysterious Stranger |

Each spell is completely independent of any other spell so unless there is a mystic version of the greater spell you cannot learn it. Personally I think there should be more mystic spells but I understand that having a mystic version of every spell would have required several books and more time than the developers could spare. If the GM is willing you could research mythic versions of any spell you want, but this would be in house rules territory.

Onyxlion |

As Mysterious Stranger said by RAW the answer is no but I would encourage what I call intelligent extrapolation. Meaning if the base spell doesn't change much in the greater versions, eg. the mass spells, then they are easy upgrades to a mythic version. Though it should be counted as a separate mythic spell. It gets iffy when the greater is a different spell. Take a look at mythic heroism vs greater heroism, they are pretty much the same spell but the former is a much longer duration buff.

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The product you're contemplating is Mythic Magic: Core Spells, also available here at the Paizo store which has all 418 spells from the core rulebook that are not in the Mythic Adventures book, with authors that worked on the spells in the official book. Check the reviews - three five-star marks including from Endzeitgeist (and one person who did not like it a bit).
We did complete a Kickstarter earlier this year to produce three mythic hardbacks, including a Mythic Spell Compendium that will include mythic versions of all the spells in the other core books and more, but for people not involved with the Kickstarter (or who just don't want to wait), we will also be producing several new Mythic Magic supplements to cover the other core rulebooks.
As a side note, in addition to the mythic spells themselves, Mythic Magic: Core Spells also includes comprehensive spell lists with bookmarked references for cleric domains and sorcerer bloodlines, as well as several mythic feats and path abilities that help you get more mythic spells!

Thelemic_Noun |

That was quite the rewarding purchase, and your thoughts on several spells mirrored my own, particularly regarding shapechange and horrid wilting.
One minor complaint, though. The Augment text for minor creation and major creation are hard to understand.
Also, mythic magic jar kind of underwhelms. It'd be cool if I could wander more than 300 feet without worrying about being killed by dispel magic.

PathlessBeth |
That was quite the rewarding purchase, and your thoughts on several spells mirrored my own, particularly regarding shapechange and horrid wilting.
One minor complaint, though. The Augment text for minor creation and major creation are hard to understand.
Also, mythic magic jar kind of underwhelms. It'd be cool if I could wander more than 300 feet without worrying about being killed by dispel magic.
Here is my reading of Augmented Mythic Minor/Major Creation:
The non-augmented version increases either the duration or the volume, but not both. Without the augmentation, it either has a longer duration but the same volume as the nonmythic version, or an improved volume but the same duration as the nonmythic version.When you augment it, you get both the improved volume and the improved duration.
The key words are "or" in the non-augmented description and "and" in the augmented description.

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Thanks for picking it up and glad you enjoyed it. Thanks also for the feedback. We are not so arrogant to imagine we could not do things better, and as we prepare the final text for the Mythic Spell Compendium over the next months we may revise some spells we'll likely take customer feedback into account in reconsidering a few things.

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Thelemic_Noun wrote:That was quite the rewarding purchase, and your thoughts on several spells mirrored my own, particularly regarding shapechange and horrid wilting.
One minor complaint, though. The Augment text for minor creation and major creation are hard to understand.
Also, mythic magic jar kind of underwhelms. It'd be cool if I could wander more than 300 feet without worrying about being killed by dispel magic.
Here is my reading of Augmented Mythic Minor/Major Creation:
The non-augmented version increases either the duration or the volume, but not both. Without the augmentation, it either has a longer duration but the same volume as the nonmythic version, or an improved volume but the same duration as the nonmythic version.
When you augment it, you get both the improved volume and the improved duration.
The key words are "or" in the non-augmented description and "and" in the augmented description.
That's my recollection of the intended meaning as well.

Thelemic_Noun |

Thanks for picking it up and glad you enjoyed it. Thanks also for the feedback. We are not so arrogant to imagine we could not do things better, and as we prepare the final text for the Mythic Spell Compendium over the next months we may revise some spells we'll likely take customer feedback into account in reconsidering a few things.
One other thing about the text: There appear to have been words deleted from the augment of shapechange.
Also, for Clairaudience/clairvoyance, I was surprised that there wasn't an option to employ both sight and sound at once or increase the range.
Since scry location was in Complete Scoundrel and thus not Open Game Content, clairaudience/clairvoyance remains the only way to scry on a location rather than a creature.
Not to impugn your design chops in the slightest; you are a god compared to me in this area, but a few suggestions:
For mythic clairaudience/clairvoyance, I'd have the base mythic version include your modification, as well as allow simultaneous hearing and sight, and add the following augment:
Augmented (6th) If you spend 2 uses of mythic power, this spell's range increases to unlimited, and you can even target locations on other planes (though targeting other planes imposes a -10 penalty on caster level checks and saving throws to penetrate defenses against magic, scrying, or divination effects).
For mythic magic jar, my home game's DM and I devised the following:
Magic Jar
The duration of the spell increases to 1 day/level, and when the effect expires, is dismissed, or is disrupted by death, dispelling, disjoining, or antimagic, all affected spirits can return to their bodies and/or receptacles no matter their relative locations.
Augmented (8th) If you spend 10 uses of mythic power, the duration increases to permanent, and only dispel chaos/evil/good/law (as appropriate to your alignment), limited wish, mage's disjunction, miracle, or wish can expel you from a host body. So long as your spirit is absent, your body is protected by sequester and temporal stasis.
For shapechange, the mythic version no longer requires the jade circlet focus, and at ninth tier, you can spend three uses of mythic power to also increase the duration to 24 hours and gain the ability to return to your natural form without ending the spell.
My rationale behind the changes:
For shapechange, the jade circlet focus seems almost a formality, and with Component Freedom and Mythic Eschew Materials only things like true resurrection and wish still matter. And since there exists an item (the ring of continuation) that permits even non-mythic characters to make shapechange last all day (provided they don't cast any more personal-range spells), the ability to make it last a whole day seems reasonable given the resources expended.
The clairaudience version of clairaudience/clairvoyance seems to exist for the narrative purpose of eavesdropping on secret meetings without becoming able to visually recognize who is there, in case the GM wants to keep secrets. But the GM can also keep secrets by simply having certain parties have their backs turned to the sensor, or stand behind a strategically placed bookcase, or wear a cloak with a hood.
Apart from that cinematic use for the spell, it's hard to see why anyone would choose the clairaudience version, so gaining hearing with clairvoyance would not be out of line with expending a use of mythic power and spending a slot from Mythic Spell Lore. The relatively high tier requirement of the augment effectively restricts it to levels where greater scrying and plane shift are readily available.
For magic jar, which already lasts 1 hour per level, increasing the duration to 1 day/level isn't of much consequence. The ability to return to your body safely regardless of distance is counterbalanced by the fact that you can no longer simply possess a creature, have the rogue move the gem out of range, and dismiss the spell to return to your body and kill the target.
The permanent duration version is basically a poor-man's true mind switch from 3.5 psionics.