Crowdsourcing: Your mad medical devices in my novel? Read on...



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Hey, all!

So, at PaizoCon, I got permission from James Sutter to crowdsource some tinkered healing devices for [Title Forthcoming], my upcoming Pathfinder Tales novel.

For this novel, I'm looking for zany and clever devices that a tinker could create, preferably with a focus on healing and other medical (including preventive) applications, and I'd love it if they came from your brains as well as from my own!

These items are not all going to be Zae's creations or property, so while they need to rely on spells, they do not need to rely on cleric/healing spells. Any spell that can be utilized creatively for a healing purpose is fair game.

I'm looking for two kinds of items:

* devices that will work. (Name them. describe them. tell me how they operate, which spells they run off of, and how those spells are incorporated into the technology).


-- Bedroll of Gentle Repose: a standard inexpensive bedroll infused with the Gentle Repose spell, so that any corpse that is carried in it gains the effect of the Gentle Repose spell and does not decay. Activates upon unrolling.

* devices that fail spectacularly or amusingly.


-- Sphere of Detect Magic: This sphere is a magical object which, when activated, displays a blue glow if magic is near. However, being a magical object, it ALWAYS DETECTS ITSELF. Give this to a very drunk character, or a very young character, for maximum entertainment value. "Whoa...magic is everywhere!"

The Small Print:

I will not use all items suggested, and I reserve the right to modify suggested items and use them as inspiration only. Even if I love your idea, the final decision is Paizo's. But, by suggesting an item you do run the chance that I may use it in a Pathfinder Tales novel. If this does happen, you will receive no compensation except for a mention in the novel's acknowledgments and my personal gratitude. Your idea will become property of Paizo, and you will not be able to earn money for it.

If you don't feel comfortable posting here, feel free to PM me your ideas.

Dialyzer of Siphon Magic

A series of tubes extend from this 6-foot tall rectangular contraption infused with the Siphon Magic spell and attach to the patient via long hollow needles on the tubes' ends. This device is used by fringe medicinal practitioners to extract curses and other magical effects from their patients, but often ends up draining a hapless person of their blood instead. In theory, a magical effect extracted with this device can also be used to disperse that magical effect into the body of another person, but such incidents exist only in rumors spread by the machine's inventor.


Hm... Is there canon to support the concept that curses and magical effects are present in the blood?


Gabrielle wrote:
Hm... Is there canon to support the concept that curses and magical effects are present in the blood?

Sorcerer bloodlines are often treated like this.


I'll definitely ponder this.

Anyone else?

The Exchange

I keep thinking of gnomish/steampunk skeletal traction devices. Each with its own anchored unseen servant. "Useful for all your fractured needs: insert limb here--->"

I keep concocting a variety of items and find a few of them already invented and streamlined with modern materials. But what kind of gnome wants streamlined?


I think the gnomish way is to take something and deliberately UNstreamline it with embellishments. I say, nothing wrong with adapting the modern to the game... just make sure there's some kind of spell component to it.

A Syringe Spear attached by a hose to a back-mounted tank.

Filled with healing potions ideally, but sedatives and Alchemists Fire (To heal Ifrits with Fire in the Blood or just make some people unhappy) work just fine.


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I got a couple great ideas from players and other writers at GenCon. Please help brainstorm and keep the wackiness coming!

The more aesthetic embellishments, the better. These are for the most dedicated of tinkers, after all.

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