Bug Reports!

Pathfinder Online

Goblin Squad Member

Okay, admit it, you probably clicked this thread thinking, "oh great, another thread about all the problems one of the Alphas found in the game this last weekend."


I wanted to ask some questions to the Devs - particularly the QA team, if they are even have a presence on these forums. I want to know what it is that you guys see when we submit a bug report. I submitted a lot of bug reports and they were very long-winded. Hell, I even submitted a bug report about the bug report interface not being able to scroll down (no scroll bar or anything! Really!). I want to know if I can be less winded.

Here's some questions to prompt you:

- Do you know the account the report is coming from, or just the character name? (Or is it, for some strange reason, completely anonymous??)
- Do you get a screenshot from our client? If so, is it from our perspective/POV? And if-so-if-so, does it include our UI/HUD?
- Do you receive our character's world position?
- Do you see any of the character's current stats at the time the report is submitted?
- Are there any other details that are included that I didn't think of?

That's all for now. Please respond such that I might annoy you less during the next testing period. Thanks. ^_^

Goblinworks Game Designer

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I'll ask Rob (our QA guy) to answer you in the morning, assuming Taylor doesn't sneak by and wax eloquent about his bug reporting system in the meantime ;) .

Goblin Squad Member

In retrospect, I may have a bug report from my play at demo. Please PM me how to report.

Just tell a player in the Alpha, and have them report it for you.

Goblin Squad Member

I would say between myself, my friends, and half a dozen other people I played with in groups we submitted at least 20-30 bugs. It would be interesting to know what all information that you receive. If it comes to it, I can send you more information/screen shots/locations what ever you need to get it fixed.

Goblin Squad Member

I clicked this thread thinking "oh great, another..."


Goblin Squad Member

Exactly, Cheatle. If they need screenshots, etc. and they are not getting them through the interface, I'd be happy to take manual screenshots and submit them by some other means.

And, Thank you Stephen! :)

Goblin Squad Member

Are Rob and/or Taylor in the office today?

;) ;)

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Hello all, I'm Rob, QA guy for Goblinworks. I should be getting my handy dandy forum tag shortly, but I wanted to go ahead and address the question of what information a bug report submits.

The bug system is still in an alpha state, just like everything else, but it does give us a pretty healthy amount of information.

It includes (but is not limited to):
Player name
account name
player location
player facing
...and some various information about what server the client is on when the bug is submitted.

This means that when you are submitting a bug, it's helpful to do so from the location where you encountered the bug. If you wander off and keep playing for another hour or two, and then submit the bug, it'll be a little harder for me to reproduce the problem you encountered.

There is not currently a method to include screenshots, but that's certainly on my list of long term upgrades to the bug reporting system. It's a rare problem that I can't figure out what's going on between a location and a bug description.

TL:DR - You can submit a bug by hitting ESC and selecting "Submit Bug". If you see something wrong, Submit a bug. We appreciate them.

Goblin Squad Member

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More Goblins to stalk! http://paizo.com/people/RobertHodgson/posts added!

Welcome, Rob :-).

Goblin Squad Member


Welcome to the madhouse...err... forums! :)

Alas, my lurker status, it is no more...

Goblin Squad Member

Thank you so much for letting us know the nitty-gritty! This info should certainly mutually benefit your team and the Alphas in workin' out the bugs.

Goblin Squad Member

Bookmarked for inclusion in the soon to be updated EE FAQ thread; and for new people to add new insight to the topic on hand. :)

Recent post somewhere indicates that a public release of Bug Reports is a possibility for the future; search foo is failing me...


Did Robert Hodgson ever get his GW title added to his avatar name?

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