Pathfinder problem. Is it just me?

Gamer Life General Discussion

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I'm one of those horrible "video game players" who happens to enjoy blending gamist elements with deep backstories and role-play. Maybe I need to start a support group.

Video game RPG's are what led me to table-top gaming in the first place. Some of those games have intriguing stories, and rich, deep settings. I have many fond memories of times spent in those games, and I sometimes apply parts of them to table-top play.

I know, horrible right? I should get help.

Paizo Glitterati Robot

Removed some derailing posts. Try to remember that there's another person on other side of the screen, and disparaging comments really don't help. Let's dial back the grar here.

Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

I guess I'm lucky.
I have two groups I game with:
a gamist first/rp second group and an RP is everything, bend all the rules group. I enjoy both, but if I only gamed in one group or the other I don't think I'd be happy.

Josh M., that's fine if that is the kind of group you are in. It is not horrible what you do as long as it is not at the expense of the group and everyone has fun.

I realized my problem isn't so much the system or a video gamist player in a group that wants RP, but a total munchkin. Meaning more than putting power and optimizing first but actually fighting to bend rules or flat out remove them so it benefits him so he can be as OP as powerful even at the point where the other players don't get to play at all. Stomping on other people's scenes and must be "player 1" at all times. He will be fine with a rule until it can possibly have a negative effect on him, then he argues it being useless cause it restricts him. Totally fine if it restricts the enemies or other PCs too, but not him.

See I thought I was mad at the system but it was just association. I was mad at this problem player breaking the game so subconsciously, I shifted to the game being the problem since he was so easily breaking it apart. The problem wasn't the game system at all (Even though it has problems like all games do.), it was that he was a munchkin jerk and I was the only one that was ever willing to call him on it, so I had to quit the group. Nobody else had a backbone and would tell him what they told me privately.

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