Ultra Pro adventure case - when available?

Pathfinder Adventure Card Game General Discussion

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Alazar79 wrote:

That is the case, and ArtistCaseInsert

is the insert. You do need to take the top thing that folds out of the top of the case for the cards to fit though. Link to Picasa with pictures of my case and some deck boxes I made for my characters PACGPics

Draight wrote:

Whoa, can you link where to get these? It is this?

Is the broken token insert the same that is supposed to go in the original box when you throw out the plastic insert?

Could you upload the pictures to BGG?

I cannot view these as i require a google password to login ...

Of the everything I did the logo is the only thing that I am not totally happy with. Its hard to tell from the pic but due to shading of the logo it did not turn out that well when I had it laser engraved.

Draight wrote:
That is incredible! I like the label you put on the case too. Very impressive.

Try just cutting and pasting http://goo.gl/2fr8yr not sure why the linking brings up the google account requirement.

Try ArtistCaseInsert

Myfly wrote:
Alazar79 wrote:

That is the case, and ArtistCaseInsert

is the insert. You do need to take the top thing that folds out of the top of the case for the cards to fit though. Link to Picasa with pictures of my case and some deck boxes I made for my characters PACGPics

Draight wrote:

Whoa, can you link where to get these? It is this?

Is the broken token insert the same that is supposed to go in the original box when you throw out the plastic insert?

Could you upload the pictures to BGG?

I cannot view these as i require a google password to login ...

Yeah, love the case Alazar. For my purposes, it looks like a great box for generic Pathfinder storage. I've already got two of the go7 boxes, so I'm probably good, but I could see using something like that for the class decks, and for pulling out the characters from past Adventure Paths and storing them all in one place for use in future ones.

Silver Crusade

Got a twitter reply some weeks ago that the adventure case is still in the designing process.... :(

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

I've approved two different concepts, but then they make samples and do usability tests (looking at ease of use, the ability of the product to protect the cards, and so on) and they found reasons to reject both designs.

What now?

Do you have to wait for a newly modified & improved design to be approved by you again?

ETA for that?

Any news on this front? I decided to check in on it this morning after staring at the announcement for this on the case for the Skull and Shackles game. I used foam cut to size and cardboard strips for Rise of the Runelords, but I'd rather have something pre-done. Will this finally be available when the next set is released?

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

I really don't know the timeline at this point. I know it's still in the works.

Grand Lodge

I ended up getting the artist case and putting both S&S and RotRL in the same case. It's no where near big enough, I have most of the extra cards in a shoe box. =/

Alazar79 wrote:

That is the case, and ArtistCaseInsert

is the insert. You do need to take the top thing that folds out of the top of the case for the cards to fit though. Link to Picasa with pictures of my case and some deck boxes I made for my characters PACGPics

Draight wrote:

Whoa, can you link where to get these? It is this?

Is the broken token insert the same that is supposed to go in the original box when you throw out the plastic insert?

How did you put the label on the wooden case? Was it done by BT?

Alazar79 wrote:

That is the case, and ArtistCaseInsert

is the insert. You do need to take the top thing that folds out of the top of the case for the cards to fit though. Link to Picasa with pictures of my case and some deck boxes I made for my characters PACGPics

Draight wrote:

Whoa, can you link where to get these? It is this?

Is the broken token insert the same that is supposed to go in the original box when you throw out the plastic insert?

I just finished getting this and setting it up how I like. It turned out perfect for RotR and S&S. It fits every card/promo sleeved (dragon sleeves), the battle miniatures (using foam to keep them protected), and the BT dice tower, which I store the dice in. The mini mats and printed material fit on top of the cards when it is closed. Plus, if you are inclined you can stain/paint/carve whatever you want. I saw that Broken Token does customized artist boxes if you are willing to pay for them.

Some notes,

The standard insert should be taped/glued on its corners and outer connection. I just used generic clear packing tape (unnoticeable) and it keeps stable. I ordered an extra set of 9 dividers, it comes with 18 dividers, I used 18 for RotR, and 19 for SS.

When setting it up, some dividers will slip on occasion until you have enough in there to support the sides. I put one in the center of each row to eliminate this problem, and then adjusted those as needed.

Each organizer is going to vary slightly in size. The first one I did fit very loosely causing dividers to slip on occasion, I solved this by putting a divider in between it and the case. The other two were tight and I had to force them in (not so much as to risk damaging).

I will try to get some pics up if people are interested

How did you put the Pathfinder logo on it?
Did you do it yourself? Which store does it?

Onesiphorus wrote:
Alazar79 wrote:

That is the case, and ArtistCaseInsert

is the insert. You do need to take the top thing that folds out of the top of the case for the cards to fit though. Link to Picasa with pictures of my case and some deck boxes I made for my characters PACGPics

Draight wrote:

Whoa, can you link where to get these? It is this?

Is the broken token insert the same that is supposed to go in the original box when you throw out the plastic insert?

I just finished getting this and setting it up how I like. It turned out perfect for RotR and S&S. It fits every card/promo sleeved (dragon sleeves), the battle miniatures (using foam to keep them protected), and the BT dice tower, which I store the dice in. The mini mats and printed material fit on top of the cards when it is closed. Plus, if you are inclined you can stain/paint/carve whatever you want. I saw that Broken Token does customized artist boxes if you are willing to pay for them.

Some notes,

The standard insert should be taped/glued on its corners and outer connection. I just used generic clear packing tape (unnoticeable) and it keeps stable. I ordered an extra set of 9 dividers, it comes with 18 dividers, I used 18 for RotR, and 19 for SS.

When setting it up, some dividers will slip on occasion until you have enough in there to support the sides. I put one in the center of each row to eliminate this problem, and then adjusted those as needed.

Each organizer is going to vary slightly in size. The first one I did fit very loosely causing dividers to slip on occasion, I solved this by putting a divider in between it and the case. The other two were tight and I had to force them in (not so much as to risk damaging).

I will try to get some pics up if people are interested

I'd like to see it. I'm hanging out for the "official" ultra-pro case, but I've got some people looking to borrow RotRL for a while, so I might need a solution earlier than that.

Good idea... Pic please...

I had a local shop that has a laser cutter do it using the logo from the community use stuff. I am actually making my own inserts now since I have access to a 4x3 ft 80w laser cutter. Working on a wood inlay case for WoTR right now hoping to have it done soon.

Myfly wrote:

How did you put the Pathfinder logo on it?

Did you do it yourself? Which store does it?

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Accessories, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I love all of Broken Token's inserts, but for traveling with my PACG set for weekly games I am still really looking forward to this UltraPro case being a thing. I hope they are able to work it out, maybe in time for the next set.

Incidentally, I also kind of hope they come out with alternate art card sleeves. Maybe themed for each set or just different Pathfinder artwork to give people options.

Tiercis wrote:

I love all of Broken Token's inserts, but for traveling with my PACG set for weekly games I am still really looking forward to this UltraPro case being a thing. I hope they are able to work it out, maybe in time for the next set.

Incidentally, I also kind of hope they come out with alternate art card sleeves. Maybe themed for each set or just different Pathfinder artwork to give people options.

Regarding alternate art card sleeves themed for each set...

I would buy these straight away, if the standard plastic insert would provide enough space to accommodate all cards sleeved. Currently it doesnt. So I would not buy the themed card sleeves as you would have to buy an Ultra Pro adventure for every adventure path. (Or you use the Broken token insert and dump the greatly design AD boxes - which i will never do).

Myfly wrote:
So I would not buy the themed card sleeves as you would have to buy an Ultra Pro adventure for every adventure path. (Or you use the Broken token insert and dump the greatly design AD boxes - which i will never do).

I certainly recycled mine. They're just boxes and a not-as-useful insert.

The replacement inserts aren't meant to solve the portability problem; the box is still (comparatively) huge and wood weighs more than plastic. Inserts help with portability (as the cards are less likely to get mixed up if moved properly) but the real problem they solve is storing a full set of sleeved cards and any extra stuff you've put in the box, like Class Decks.

If you want portability, I'd look into other solutions. A fabric case like this one might work, as might a standard white cardboard card box you can get from your FLGS for a couple of bucks.

Parody wrote:
Myfly wrote:
So I would not buy the themed card sleeves as you would have to buy an Ultra Pro adventure for every adventure path. (Or you use the Broken token insert and dump the greatly design AD boxes - which i will never do).

I certainly recycled mine. They're just boxes and a not-as-useful insert.

The replacement inserts aren't meant to solve the portability problem; the box is still (comparatively) huge and wood weighs more than plastic. Inserts help with portability (as the cards are less likely to get mixed up if moved properly) but the real problem they solve is storing a full set of sleeved cards and any extra stuff you've put in the box, like Class Decks.

If you want portability, I'd look into other solutions. A fabric case like this one might work, as might a standard white cardboard card box you can get from your FLGS for a couple of bucks.

You are recycling it *I-AM-SHOCKED* - you cant recycle Pathfinder art, could you?

And if, please do it properly !!! Here in Europe, we recycle paper and plastic in two different containers LOL - not just in ONE dustbin. That is not recycling at all, that is the *garbage-burn-in-hell* way ;-)

The fabric case is interesting, but it just holds an entire AP unsleeved... And what do you do with the manual? Fold it to card size?

Sovereign Court

Parody wrote:

I certainly recycled mine. They're just boxes

... You are dead to me sir :P

Andrew L Klein wrote:
Parody wrote:

I certainly recycled mine. They're just boxes
... You are dead to me sir :P

Dont take it so serious, it is just a "parody"!!! ;-)

Myfly wrote:
You are recycling it *I-AM-SHOCKED* - you cant recycle Pathfinder art, could you?

If you're talking about the boxes themselves, I'm not a fan of the side loading boxes.

If you're talking about the art on the boxes, well...you do realize that most of the card game consists of recycled art? For example, the pictures on the Adventure Deck boxes were originally used for the covers of the Adventure Path books on which they're based. Most (if not all) of the character pictures have appeared elsewhere. (I'm not sure for the two goblins, but most of the Class Deck characters come from the NPC Codex.) Poke around the RPG books and see what you can find.

Myfly wrote:
And if, please do it properly !!! Here in Europe, we recycle paper and plastic in two different containers LOL - not just in ONE dustbin.

Our community has had commingled recycling for at least as long as I've lived here (~15 years). They sort it out at the recycling center. Not all communities in the area have completely commingled recycling like we do, but they have to balance between efficient gathering and actually getting people to do it.

Myfly wrote:
The fabric case is interesting, but it just holds an entire AP unsleeved...

The larger ones would likely hold a full game with sleeves, but it's hard to say without trying it.

Myfly wrote:
And what do you do with the manual? Fold it to card size?

I'd put the PDF on my phone and tablet, and encourage everyone to do the same if they have devices capable of showing them. (I've already done that even though I don't bring my set places.)

Alternatively, I could put it in my backpack with my class decks and the binder pack where I keep my characters, printed copies of the scenarios, and extra blank sheets of various kinds.

Andrew L Klein wrote:
... You are dead to me sir :P

Sorry, but that's reality for you. I don't get to play at home as much as I play in other people's houses, game stores, and conventions. I keep my Red Dragon Inn set in a white box (though I'm thinking about one of those fabric cases, despite having Kickstarted RDI5) and long ago replaced the bulky tracking sheets and cardboard coins. Many of my board games are in plastic scrapbooking boxes. My smaller card games are in trading card game boxes, often with multiple games per box.

In some cases I still have the original boxes, but not always. They're bulky to store on the off chance I'm going to sell a game eventually.

Sovereign Court

I think I'm going to cry... I hate throwing parts of a game away. Even when I get my Adventure Case the game box is going to the top shelf to sit empty!

Although I'm curious, you say you replaced the RDI tracking boards and coins. With what? Something higher quality? If so, I'd love to know what so I can find them.

Initially I replaced the coins with mini poker chips. Later on I decided to splurge and get metal coins from Mused Fable. I ended up getting 50 Gold Realm coins and 50 Gold Pirate coins, back when I'd planned to have two RDI boxes instead of combining everything together.

The tracking bars, WIP character reference cards, and dividers I put together can be found on the Other Games page on my website.

Hope this helps.

Sovereign Court

Those are some cool pirate ones. I prefer the silver Realm to the gold, the gold reminds me too much of checkers pieces lol

Andrew L Klein wrote:
Those are some cool pirate ones. I prefer the silver Realm to the gold, the gold reminds me too much of checkers pieces lol

Parody and andrew,

Best coins are here

What do you think?

Myfly wrote:

Best coins are here


What do you think?

Hard to buy something that's not available. (Almost everything's on back order.) The ones that I bought are also slightly cheaper per coin and come with a pouch, if that interests you. Otherwise they seem fine.

I'm happy with the ones I have.

Sovereign Court

I do love the way they avoid legal issues with their "Water Helm" coins.

While not currency coins, I do love
We use them to track inspiration in our 5E campaign.

If I could find smaller versions of those, I'd love to use them for Mythic charges. As long as you have an adventure case to fit them in, why not upgrade from the cardboard tokens?

Grand Lodge

I'll have to take a gander in the exhibit hall for fancier Mythic Charges counters to work with.

Yeah... I found the REAL mythic charges... Here

http://www.beastsofwar.com/larp/beautiful-fantasy-coins-east-hit-kickstarte r/

They are called mythic coins and they are made of platinum... Thats mythic enough, right?

Grand Lodge

Nah. Not really wanting Far East themed coins.

Heading to GenCon next week and I'll check there.

Back to the topic of this thread,

WHO has still HOPE that the ADVENTURE CASE will be EVER released?

As I understand things they've been through at least two iterations of design/prototyping and haven't yet got a solution that suits them. I'm glad that they're taking their time to get it right, personally. Although I will admit I'm worried that a lot of the potential market will have found their own solution by the time it's released.

Sovereign Court

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Very cool coins, but not very... Mythic Charge-y

Myfly wrote:

Back to the topic of this thread,

WHO has still HOPE that the ADVENTURE CASE will be EVER released?

I have no doubt it will release. It's not a product you can rush. It needs to look good, not fall apart, and serve it's purpose. That's going to take a lot of testing and prototyping.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

It has not been abandoned.

Alas, I got tired of waiting and went with the Broken Token insert. I planned on migrating it from game to game as my friends and I play through them.

I was a bit disappointed in the UltraPro PACG card sleeves since I heard they have the silver dot on the text side of the card. I know it's part of UltraPro's brand identity, and the history has something to do with Magic: The Gathering tournaments and knock-off sleeves, but it's a feature that doesn't help with PACG.

Overall, the unanticipated delay in this product line (along with the dot on the sleeves) meant I didn't buy any PACG branded sleeves or adventure boxes when it's something I would have done.

I know there's a need to build buzz around a product line, so there's good reasons for announcing early; but when there's production / distribution problems, or the final product is lacking, it leaves a bad after taste for me because now I've waited for something I ultimately didn't purchase, and I've neglected other solutions I could have implemented in the mean time.

I still feel positive about Paizo but I feel X-P about UltraPro at the moment.

Autoduelist wrote:

Alas, I got tired of waiting and went with the Broken Token insert. I planned on migrating it from game to game as my friends and I play through them.

I was a bit disappointed in the UltraPro PACG card sleeves since I heard they have the silver dot on the text side of the card. I know it's part of UltraPro's brand identity, and the history has something to do with Magic: The Gathering tournaments and knock-off sleeves, but it's a feature that doesn't help with PACG.

Overall, the unanticipated delay in this product line (along with the dot on the sleeves) meant I didn't buy any PACG branded sleeves or adventure boxes when it's something I would have done.

I know there's a need to build buzz around a product line, so there's good reasons for announcing early; but when there's production / distribution problems, or the final product is lacking, it leaves a bad after taste for me because now I've waited for something I ultimately didn't purchase, and I've neglected other solutions I could have implemented in the mean time.

I still feel positive about Paizo but I feel X-P about UltraPro at the moment.

I've often wondered about the dot - it seems like such an obviously silly idea. I couldn't work out why they'd do it.

It is disappointing how long this is taking. Hopefully the end product will be worth it and that it doesn't just fade away. Fingers crossed they are familiar with the expression: "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good".

Autoduelist wrote:

Alas, I got tired of waiting and went with the Broken Token insert. I planned on migrating it from game to game as my friends and I play through them.

I was a bit disappointed in the UltraPro PACG card sleeves since I heard they have the silver dot on the text side of the card. I know it's part of UltraPro's brand identity, and the history has something to do with Magic: The Gathering tournaments and knock-off sleeves, but it's a feature that doesn't help with PACG.

Overall, the unanticipated delay in this product line (along with the dot on the sleeves) meant I didn't buy any PACG branded sleeves or adventure boxes when it's something I would have done.

I know there's a need to build buzz around a product line, so there's good reasons for announcing early; but when there's production / distribution problems, or the final product is lacking, it leaves a bad after taste for me because now I've waited for something I ultimately didn't purchase, and I've neglected other solutions I could have implemented in the mean time.

I still feel positive about Paizo but I feel X-P about UltraPro at the moment.

Question from a foreigner:

Does X-P stand for "ex-perienced"?
Why all those abbreviations?

Not sure ummmmmmmm. Extremely peeved? :)


Myfly wrote:
I still feel positive about Paizo but I feel X-P about UltraPro at the moment.

Question from a foreigner:

Does X-P stand for "ex-perienced"?
Why all those abbreviations?

I don't think I've seen it before, but I guess it's not an abbreviation, but an emoticon--look at it sideways as a face!

I don't think I've seen it before, but I guess it's not an abbreviation, but an emoticon--look at it sideways as a face!

Yes that what I meant. It's more common to use a colon for the eyes like this


or sometimes this if you add a nose :-P

However, those emoticons signal mild dislike, or sometimes mild exasperation, while the X implies extreme dislike.

X-P (closed eyes, nose, sticking out tongue: I really don't like this, similar to the faces babies make when they eat a lemon for the first time.)

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