Optimization Challenge


This is probably going to be extremely difficult. I am specifically looking for a divine caster using the arcane trickster PRC.

I need a PFS-legal build at "about level 10". Rogue is sub-optimal, especially when combined with divine vs arcane spells on the trickster. Need some help making this work.

You're probably aware that A doesn't qualify for B. What do you expect us to do about that?

If you want a divine caster with stealth, best I can suggest is Inquisitor.

Bard can qualify for AT, and has some healing spells, as another option.

Liberty's Edge

Actually...looking at it, Arcane Trickster doesn't technically restrict you to gaining levels of Arcane Classes.

That being the case, going Haunted Oracle will get you Mage Hand, and being a Tiefling, Aasimar, or certain other races will get you a SLA for the Arcane Spell. Grab three levels of Ninja (or Rogue, but Ninja has more Charisma synergy) on top of one of Oracle as one of those races, and you now qualify, and can use Arcane Trickster for Oracle Spellcasting Advancement.

Waves is a good Mystery for this, in order to do the Mist Ninja thing, but is very much not required.

An Inquisitor would probably be better, but the build's possible.

Well, given that the Drow Magic Half-Elf ability is not PFS legal, unless you have a Svirfneblin or Drow boon, you're playing Aasimar or Tiefling.

I would go Ninja 3/Cleric 1/Arcane Trickster 6, and spend a trait to get Mage Hand.

What kind of weapon are you looking to use?

Pupsocket wrote:
What kind of weapon are you looking to use?

I'm not particularly looking at one weapon or another. My skills kind of failed to optimize this one myself, and a beggar does not choose more than he has to.

On a side note: Trait mage hand? Nice. Forgot about that one.

I also tried looking at oracle, but the lack of curse advancement until level 15 kind of hurt.

Druid seemed to have some interesting combinations (spontaneous summons to provide flanking buddies, flame blade) but there are some very potent domains and inquisitions. Ultimately, my builds fell apart because I was becoming average at too many things.


Ninja 3/Oracle (waves 1)/Arcane Trickster 6.
Race: Azata-Blooded Aasimar (you dirty munchkin)
Revelations: Water Sight
Curse: Haunted
Oracle Spells Known:
0: Mage Hand, Ghost Sound, 7 more
1(6+/day): Cure Light Wounds, Minor Image,
2(6+/day): Cure Moderate Wounds, Levitate
3(4+/day): Cure Serious Wounds,
Traits: Magical Knack, proficiency with a bow (from Andoren faction/erastil worship)
Feats: Archery

Tactics: Cast Obscuring Mist, shoot fools. Other tactics: Use vanishing trick, shoot fools. levitate, shoot fools. Completely waste impromptu Sneak Attack.

Alternate build: Wayang spellhunter, Magical lineage both tied to Obscuring Mist, then cast it Quickened as a3rd level spell.

Yes, it's uninspired....but divine arcane trickster is haaaaard *whine*

I know, right? This is an actual challenge.

My best build was Ninja w/Rogue trick for mage hand on an Azata-Blooded Aasimar using druid for the caster base. Flame blade flanking attacks with summoned monsters.

Sovereign Court

Pupsocket wrote:

Yes, it's uninspired....but divine arcane trickster is haaaaard *whine*

I'm sincerely impressed with how well you did there.

Nice one.

I think the challenge is to make up your mind. Darkness? Unarmed strikes with double sneak attack? What to choose, what to choose...

In the end, to take advantage of the fusion of class abilities, I think melee touch attacks are the way to go. And for that, the Druid list is better than the Cleric list.

Traits: Magical knack (Druid), Technic Tinkerer (Mage Hand).

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