[Sponsored Company of Phaeros] The Echo Woodsmen

Pathfinder Online

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Goblin Squad Member

Have you ever had blueberry cobbler that was cooked over an open flame under the stars? It's unbelievable, you have to try it. Let us know when you're coming to visit, BrotherZael, and we'll prepare it for you.

Goblin Squad Member

Well, with an invitation I guess I'll have to accept *bows* alas, I am moving at the moment and settling in to college life this month, so I won't really have a definite life schedule for a while.

Goblin Squad Member

Become the manly lumber jack you've always wanted to be! Party with us, in the forest outside of the suburbs of the first University settlement in Pathfinder Online! We know nymphs and dryads! We have delicious blueberries!

Join The Echo Woodsmen!

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

BrotherZael wrote:

Can't we both grow blueberries? ;)

Goblin Squad Member

Blueberries are good. Wish I had one growing in my yard. But I do have some wild blackberries growing around a bush near my front door. I pick them when they are ripe and will often put them on some cheesecake.

A few years back I had some wild grapes growing up a tree but they only showed up once.

Goblin Squad Member

Black Silver of The Veiled, T7V wrote:
A few years back I had some wild grapes growing up a tree but they only showed up once.

I remember visiting my grandparents and enjoying some wild mustang(?) grapes one year when I was a kid. Very yummy :)

Goblin Squad Member

We can both grow them, but they are my propaganda crutch. Trademarked and everything

Goblin Squad Member

@Nihimon Muscat -- rather sweet?

Goblin Squad Member

Have you ever wanted to be a hunter but you love the forest and those that live within too much? Are you a vegetarian because you hate animal cruelty and love cute little furry things?

Join The Echo Woodsmen and learn how to sustainably hunt in the forest and contribute to the overall health of the biome.

Goblin Squad Member

Lam wrote:
@Nihimon Muscat -- rather sweet?

I was rather young, but I remember them being sweet, yes. I'm pretty sure they were these.

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Exciting times! With the announcement of a Mac client on Day 1 of EE, a couple of our guys are now super elated. Also the additional few days in exchange for the entire map on Day 1 will affect us because we're in the area that would not otherwise have been available immediately.

We've secured a Smallholding and have come to a decision on where to place it when we get it. We're on track to be one of the premier PvE groups within the Seventh Veil, with our future home hex being located in proximity to more than one potential PvE rewarding hex. That doesn't mean we won't participate in PvP and other aspects of the game; in fact we have some members who are aiming for PvP to be at the center of their character concepts.

Head on over to our forums and check us out! Feel free to PM me here or on those forums, or ask any member of the Echo Woodsmen or the Seventh Veil about us.

Goblin Squad Member

The Echo Woodsmen are casual friendly! A game is meant to be fun, and not a second job. Even if you only log in once a week or less, there will be no problem with you being a member of our family. Many of us have families and other commitments outside of the game, and we understand.

We're also ok with alts or secondary characters joining the Echo Woodsmen, as long as the situation isn't abused. Many of us are tabletop roleplayers in more than one game at a time, so we understand that keeping characters separate is something that can be done.

Goblin Squad Member

The Echo Woodsmen eagerly await Alpha opening up to all EE and OE accounts tomorrow!

Goblin Squad Member

I'm here, in the trees.

Goblin Squad Member

We'll be having a meet and greet event this Wednesday at 7pm EST. Anyone who has any questions about The Echo Woodsmen or who would like to hang out with us can do so either in Alpha, on the Seventh Veil's TeamSpeak server (the same one used for Adventure Time with Bonny), or both.

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