Sanctuaries - the crowd sourced campaign


(Spoiler alert if you are from my group Onsdagsholdet)

We are a group of 7 who meet once a week and play through some long campaigns. However, it sometimes happen that a number of us cannot come, and these days we cannot proceed with the main campaign. I have decided to make a loose campaign where the characters can come and go.

I have come up with Sanctuaries. The premise is swiped from this Reddit thread: ame_50/

"The premise of the campaign is that the world was magicless and monsterless until a cosmic cataclysm merged two planes together. In the ensuing chaos, many many people lost their lives as the world rearranged to become stable and monsters flooded the land. Old nations and rivalries were shattered, and the people began to live in sanctuaries; banding together to withstand the horrors that now stalked through their world. So this game started 100 years later, and now the sanctuaries are mostly secure."
This means that maps are useless, since the merger changed the geography. Anything can happen outside the sanctuaries, perfect for one-shot adventures.
Sorcerers will be common. Wizards will not be steeped in tradition as wizardry will only be a 100 year old discipline, which is mostly sorcery put to formula.
The gods will have been unknown until 100 years ago. After the cataclysm, people learned the hard way that praying to supreme beings yielded good results.

I am too busy to really put work into this, so I planned to wing it (I have a lot of GM experience). But then it came to me: Why not crowdsource this?

Thus, I will ask the Paizo board for help with resources. In return, I will do one of my famed reviews of every gaming night and out it here for your entertainment!

So, building on the campaign premises, the characters will start in one of these sanctuaries. I envision it as a strongly walled town with about 2000 inhabitants. The town is placed on a river, from which a large part of the town's food is gained. The river is also the only link to other sanctuaries - 1 or 2 others are known along the river.
Surrounding the sanctuary is a some land which provides natural resources. Farmland, orchards, woods. etc. This land is also protected by a wall, albeit not as strong. About 100 people live outside the town, but inside the sanctuary.
An old road leaves the sanctuary, but nobody has followed it for very long.

So what I need from you:

A name from the sanctuary.
Important NPCs in the sanctuary.
A map of the town. Does someone have a good map of a town along a river laying about?
A map of the sanctuary.
Hooks for the first adventure.
Tips, ideas and comments :-)

The characters will be level 1, 15 point buy. The party will be 2 to 3 people strong.

Looking forward to your input :-)

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