Talcrion |

Howdy folks
So after doing a quick audit of my teams treasure to see how everyone's gear is looking (horribly unbalanced, so much for letting them handle spliting it up). I noticed some of my folks are way behind on gear and are looking for some suggestions.
However, I generally don't build casters, so I'm not to sure of some good higher level goodies, for some stats we've got a Bonded Witch and a Starsoul Sorc Blaster. If I could get some suggestions on gear that would be great. These two just hit level 15 and one is holding 28000 in loot and the other is holding only 68000 in loot. So they really need to gear up.
Thanks for the help.
P.S. I did try checking some guides, but I noticed caster guides rarely seem to include gear sections.

Third Mind |

+1 Keen Hookers...
For the one with 68K, there's the Otherworldly Kimono. Will take up all but 1,000, but IMO is more than worth it. It's a cloak of resistance +4, plus a +4 on all caster lv checks. Plus, plus. Once a day they can force an enemy within 60ft into what is basically a no (initial) save maze spell. While they're stuck in that extra-dimensional orchard, the saving throws and caster level check bonus goes up by 2 (to +6). Amazing, but admittedly pricey. 67,000gp.
Something more general and I like to toss out there ever since I've learned about it on the boards is a wayfinder + a clear spindle ioun stone if the DM allows automatic wayfinder power. Basically gives immunity to charm, suggestion and dominate person cast by evil people. Also makes it so you don't have to eat or drink anything. If not created that should run about 4,500gp. More if you want a special wayfinder (some can hold more than one stone).
Another one, that's pricier that I like is the wayfinder + iridescent spindle. Don't need to breath ever. You're under constant endure elements as well as constant protection from underwater pressure and exposure to vacuum. 18,500.
I will second metamagic rods though. If you go this route, I'd suggest you load them into spring loaded sheaths.... if that works. May not. Not entirely sure.
For the lower amounts, say you have a little coin left over. There's
- Traveler's Any-Tool - 250gp
- Sleeves of Many Garments - 200gp
Slightly more expensive
- Sovereign Glue / Universal Solvent - 2,400gp / 50gp
- Handy Haversack - 2,000gp
- Hat of Disguise - 1,800gp
- Immovable Rod - 5,000gp
Lots of good stuff. I suppose it may depend more on what the characters prefer to do / play and their personalities.

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Hookers and blow are always a solid investment. ;)
That aside, defensive items (with the exception of armor) are always good (Cloak of Resistance, Ring of Protection, Amulet of Natural Armor, Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier, the Ioun Stone that adds +1 AC...). Metamagic Rods are also excellent, as mentioned. Stat-boosters are basically required, and should likely be maxed out at this point (+6 to their casting stat at a minimum).
Beyond that, a Staff can be an excellent idea, as can a number of Wondrous Items. What've they go so far?

Talcrion |

oh sorry, that may have come across backwards, I don't mean they have 68000 to spend, I mean that is ALL of the loot their character is using, WBl says they should have around 240000 at this point
Thanks for the suggestions though, metamagic rods seem to be the way to go for bang for yer buck , Ioun stone to increase caster level will make them quite happy too.

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Staves are amazing and I recommend. Them for any high level caster. An efficient quiver is great for all the stuff you end up wanting in hand. Otherwordly Kimono is fantastic as suggested. Rings of Wizardry are pretty powerful, although I'm on my phone right now and don't remember if they work for divine casters. Dweomer's Essence is a great high level consumable. Page of Spell Knowledge for the sorc. Scarab of Protection gives SR 20 but more importantly blocks some of the nastier suprises a GM can throw at you. Luckstone is great for stacking with lots of stuff. Ring of Invisibility and Cloak of Displacement(minor) are great for the price and help you layer defenses without actions. Ring of Freedom of Movement allows you to walk around without fear a lot of the time. Goggles of Night, Belt of Dwarvenkind, or other similar effects are nice. Eyes of the Eagle for the most rolled skill in the game. Jingasa as mentioned earlier. Ring of Sustenance is cool. Lets you get on with your day much faster, if need be. Mnemonic Vestment for spontaneous. Strand of Prayer beads for the Oracle is probably better than the ioun stone for the cost.Hand of Glory+Ring of Evasion is cool and ring slots are valuable enough to pay for more with other slots on some casters. Ring of Revelation is awesome if your oracle has UMD. Spectral Shroud has nice constant effects and interesting defensive capabilities.
And there is my small dissertation on high level caster gear.