Second Darkness anyone?


**I apologize in advance as I hate to spam the recruitment boards with a post like this, but I feel like I need to take action if I want to have a chance at playing this interesting AP.**

I've been scanning the recruitment boards for the last few months looking for a Second Darkness game, but have been unsuccessful in finding one.  I understand that this AP isn't the most popular on these boards due to the wonky pacing, but I grew up reading the Drizzt books and, unfortunately, have never had the chance to partake in a dark elf/drow focused tabletop game.  So, I was wondering if there are any GMs lurking out there who might be interested in running this AP if this post garners enough interest.  I know I can't be the only lurker seeking an SD game.

I feel that I must also stress that I am interested in serious GMs only as I've had very bad luck with GMs unexpectedly disappearing on these boards, and I would really like to play in a game that lasts longer than the first encounter.

In terms of character, I am interested in trying out a ranger, rogue, fighter, or possibly bard.  Initially, I wanted to play an urban ranger, but I'm not quite sure how that would play after the adventure turns from Riddleport into the Darklands.

Interested parties, please respond, and I thank you for your time.

I'm very interested in this game. Personally I'd love to play an Elven Slayer (ACG) in this AP with the aim of going Lantern Bearer at later level.

I too would love to play this campaign as a budding cyphermage. Alas, I don't think I have the time to run it though...maybe in the fall once I know what my new job situation is like as I have a new position that begins in August.

I guess that answers that question, hah. Back to lurking I go.

Searching for DMs can be a rather long-winded proccess. You shouldn't give up so easily.
My friend has an extensive collection of AP's. Let me read through this one, see if it's something I want to run. Note that I always modify stuff when I GM, if I use a prewritten adventure or campaign, so if you want the "official" second darkness experience, I might not provide it. On the other hand, I might be lazy and leave it as is, though. Except for monster stats, NPC's in particular. I love to fiddle with those.

No promises, I have reading to do.

Edit: Also, I'd need to figure out some way to handle maps. Those are the two contigents on me DM'ing this thing:

1) I like the AP after reading it.
2) I find some way to handle maps that I can work with, and doesn't take too long to set up.

I'd be interested in playing if we do find a GM. Thinking about Riddleport I am considering a TN cleric of Norgorber, focused on ferreting out secrets.

Maps are easily handled by google drive if you are interested in that.

Slayer really fit for the drow (dark elves) warrior, stealthy, lethal if they get you off-guard and can stand in hand to hand combat.

I'm pretty sure that you aren't supposed to play a drow in this AP....since they are the main bad guys and no one knows about them except a few elves.

The AP seems to be written for 3.5e.

I could certainly run it in that, although it might get more traction as a pf game on here.


The transition from PF to 3.5 is very easy, not much to change. In fact a bunch of statblocks are already done iirc on pfsrd.

I've put up a recruitment thread. Feel free to submit an application.

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