Cuttler |
So undead have: Immunity to any effect that requires a Fortitude save (unless the effect also works on objects or is harmless).
Soundburst has two effects: it deals 1d8 sonic damage (no save) and stun that can be negated by fortitude save...
For reference (CRB p. 346):
Sound Burst
School evocation [sonic]; Level bard 2, cleric 2
Casting Time 1 standard action
Components V, S, F/DF (a musical instrument)
Range close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Area 10-ft.-radius spread
Duration instantaneous
Saving Throw Fortitude partial; Spell Resistance yes
You blast an area with a tremendous cacophony. Every creature in
the area takes 1d8 points of sonic damage and must succeed on a
Fortitude save to avoid being stunned for 1 round. Creatures that
cannot hear are not stunned but are still damaged.
So are undead vulnerable to the sonic damage (which has no save) or they are immune to all the effects (damage included) ?

Samasboy1 |

Casting sound burst on an object would still inflict the 1d8 sonic damage, so - well, yeah, to undead it's just 1d8 damage (no save).
Not so fast.
"You blast an area with a tremendous cacophony. Every creature in the area takes 1d8 points of sonic damage and must succeed on a Fortitude save to avoid being stunned for 1 round. Creatures that cannot hear are not stunned but are still damaged."
It doesn't say anything about damaging objects, just creatures.
The question becomes is the entire spell effect an "effect that requires a Fort save" since it is all part of one spell, or can you divide up the spell effect into two distinct effects, one requiring a Fort save and one with no save.
And if you can break up the spell into separate effects, rather than all elements being part of one effect, you can run into other issues. For example, many spells that increase size also do other things. So while, "magical effects that increase size do not stack" could you benefit from the non-size changing effects of more than one size increasing spell at the same time.

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The question becomes is the entire spell effect an "effect that requires a Fort save" since it is all part of one spell, or can you divide up the spell effect into two distinct effects, one requiring a Fort save and one with no save.
The spell is quite clear on this point:
Every creature in the area takes 1d8 points of sonic damage and must succeed on a Fortitude save to avoid being stunned for 1 round.There is no save for the 1d8 damage.
There is a Fortitude save to not be stunned.

Samasboy1 |

Samasboy1 wrote:
The question becomes is the entire spell effect an "effect that requires a Fort save" since it is all part of one spell, or can you divide up the spell effect into two distinct effects, one requiring a Fort save and one with no save.The spell is quite clear on this point:
Every creature in the area takes 1d8 points of sonic damage and must succeed on a Fortitude save to avoid being stunned for 1 round.There is no save for the 1d8 damage.
There is a Fortitude save to not be stunned.
So a Cleric with Greater Eldritch Heritage (Orc) can use Power of Giants and then also cast Righteous Might for the DR and Natural Armor, right?
Since "magical effects that increase size don't stack" but size increase is only one effect of the spell Righteous Might.

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So a Cleric with Greater Eldritch Heritage (Orc) can use Power of Giants and then also cast Righteous Might for the DR and Natural Armor, right?
Since "magical effects that increase size don't stack" but size increase is only one effect of the spell Righteous Might.
My humble apologies, I'm confused what that has to do with sound burst?

Randarak |

So a Cleric with Greater Eldritch Heritage (Orc) can use Power of Giants and then also cast Righteous Might for the DR and Natural Armor, right?
Since "magical effects that increase size don't stack" but size increase is only one effect of the spell Righteous Might.
Not sure what this has to do with the OP's topic, but to answer the question: Yes, that is correct. You just wouldn't get additional size increase.