Many Fortunes of Grandmaster Torch "boon"

GM Discussion


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So I've been working on stringing together a bunch of scenarios that sort of follow a storyline of sorts to a conclusion.

In this case, the whole Shadow Lodge stuff from Season 1/2.

As such have been making attempts to introduce the PC's to some of the major players, ie: Torch.

And this scenario seemed to be one to add in as it even has his name in it.

Noticed at the end that there's a 'boon' of sorts on the chronicle that states 'You owe Torch a favor' ... is this ever utilized in a later scenario at all?

Was thinking of doing Delirium's Tangle at a later date, and thought I could flavor that mission as the 'favor', but don't want to do so if said favor is used somewhere else.

Optimally, I'd cash in on that 'favor' on an individual PC basis, rather then all of them...

hmm.. actually I suppose I could flavor some of the old more nefarious/distasteful faction missions as torch calling in a favor... that might work too! Though for that I'd have to actually read ahead on the scenarios, which I've been avoiding. Bah.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

If you read the briefing of Delirium's Tangle, you'll see this:

“Pathfinders, this is Grandmaster Torch,” Dreng
muttered sleepily. “He’s an… associate of the Society. We owe
him a favor after that business in Sedeq, and it seems he’s
looking to collect.”

Many Favors was set in Sedeq, so...

Dark Archive 4/5 5/5 ** Venture-Agent, Australia—QLD—Brisbane

I was totally hoping it would have been referenced in a certain season 5 scenario...very disappointed it wasn't.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

YogoZuno wrote:
I was totally hoping it would have been referenced in a certain season 5 scenario...very disappointed it wasn't.

I was also disappointed that it wasn't referenced. I was specifically looking for that in the season 5 scenario. It would have added yet another layer to the politics of that one...

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Why would they mention it in Season 5 when the favor was already called in during Delirium's Tangle 4 years earlier?

Silver Crusade 5/5

Not everyone played Delirium's Tangle on the same character, and it would have been cool for another opportunity to pay back the favor.

Shadow Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, Michigan—Mt. Pleasant

Then it is really simple. If you have a character with that "boon" on the sheet and you inform your GM, he can work it into the story that you're paying back the favor, that or you can tell Torch yourself that you're paying him back. The writers shouldn't be expected to do everything for you, GMs and Players can roleplay too...

4/5 *

Every time I run a scenario with GMT in it, I ask the players what scenarios they've played with him in them, and how they feel about him. This lets me roleplay him appropriately, without spoiling the events of other scenarios they haven't played. This is the hardest thing about Season Two scenarios to adapt to the current timeline.

Grand Lodge 3/5

I agree with Lamplighter. When I ran this series, we had another person run the scenario with the boon right before it, just so the newer players were introduced to GMT. When I ran DoS, I had GMT recognize the players and mention the favor that they still owed him, but he considered this a matter between him, the society and the primary NPC of Destiny of Sands, that way this didn't interfere with any storyline arcs between earlier scenarios and unpaid debts.

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