Blue_Drake |

The duration is 1 round/level and I can direct one firework as a move action each round. As I'm reading this I could still cast another spell as a standard action each round and still continue to direct a firework as a move action each turn correct?
The spell doesn't mention concentration so I'm assuming (hopefully correctly) that once cast no concentration is needed to maintain it.
Is this correct? Thank you for any assistance.

reyyvin |
The duration is 1 round/level and I can direct one firework as a move action each round. As I'm reading this I could still cast another spell as a standard action each round and still continue to direct a firework as a move action each turn correct?
The spell doesn't mention concentration so I'm assuming (hopefully correctly) that once cast no concentration is needed to maintain it.
Is this correct? Thank you for any assistance.
Correct. Additionally, the round you cast it requires a move action if you want to shoot off a firework.