YAPIAT... Yet Another Paizo Is Awesome Thread

Paizo General Discussion

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Seems like I keep finding myself forced to post one of these every six months or so, but I wanted to take a moment to thank Paizo for being who they are.


First up, I've recently purchased a couple non-mint products. I got two copies of Ultimate Psionics and two copies of Inner Sea Gods. All four books were in amazing shape, and the comments all of my gaming groups have been making follow the line of "really, that little ding? That'd happen in a one normal session of use!" Paizo's idea of non-mint seems very, very, very high quality. Speaks loudly.

Second, I've noticed something new-ish in a couple recent books, including Inner Sea Gods. It would appear Paizo now credits (what appears to be) the entire staff. From Lisa and Vic down to the warehouse staff, it appears everyone gets a mention on the credits page. That is so ridiculously classy that I feel it needs pointing out. Sure, boxing up a book and shipping it isn't as sexy a job as statting out a new faecomancer prestige class but a mistake at the warehouse level, or on the website is much more impactful than getting turds-per-day wrong. The reliable, often unseen, unheard folks that just make day-to-day stuff work are absolutely essential to allow the public-facing visible staff do what they do.

So hey. Thank you, whoever at Paizo decided to be inclusive, and make the gesture to those people who typically wouldn't be credited. I mean, in addition to those people, who are definitely thanked.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I second this message. Awesome job Paizo!

Webstore Gninja Minion

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Ops isn't as glamorous as the Creative department, 'tis true. :P

Paizo Employee

I know I've been impressed lately with the experimentation in the AP fiction and, as always, the ridiculously good customer service.

I haven't had to talk with CS recently myself, but it's so nice to be able to refer people to them without caveats or reservations.

Keep up the great work!


Wholeheartedly agree (again). My interactions with the entire company are always great - from Cosmo, up.

Shadow Lodge

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Never had a bad experience, consequently I've never had cause for a bad word. I think paizo is second to none.

Grand Lodge

I've been loving the game since I have Started playing with the Society.

So much so, I GM'ed my first game for a awesome crew (#5-08 The Confirmation).

The product is outstanding!

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The fact that they are actively diversifying characters' ethnicities, sexualities, and genders is what is keeping me in. It's nice to see gay and bisexual characters that aren't all villainous.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Ten minutes ago, I was getting really, really stressed (mainly because of people at work, and the horrors of work-related email chains). So I took a moment to glance at the opening editorial in my print copy of AP 82: Secrets of the Sphinx that arrived this morning. The editorial written by Greg A. Vaughan.

And I laughed. A lot! Now I'm in a really good mood. I can face the rest of my day, and it's all thanks to Greg A., and of course the wonderful folks at Paizo who made sure he was still a part of this AP.

H2Osw wrote:
I second this message. Awesome job Paizo!


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