PaizoCon 2014 Event Schedule Questions, Comments, Concerns & Errata

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Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

With over 125 events there's a lot of data to be entered for PaizoCon events! If you happen to notice something not looking quite right, go ahead and post in this thread and I will take a look as soon as possible. If you have a question, comment, concern or errata about an event and you do not wish to post it in a public forum (for whatever reason) please email

There are some events that are not listed on the schedule because they are not events that have traditional registration. These include things like the Goblinworks Demo Room, PFS Headquarters, The Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Events and the Editing workshops and the infamous and deadly Pathfinder Delves. We plan to have a page with descriptions of those events early next week.

Hi - it seems that PFS scenarios are only listed for Friday morning, even under 'Open Events.' Shouldn't there be gobs and gobs of PFS sessions to sign up for throughout the weekend?

Last year was my first PaizoCon, and I think that's how I remember the registration process working. Maybe the rest of the open events get added in later? Clarification would be appreciated!

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Yes there should. I'll look into why those aren't showing up first thing on Tuesday.

I know I'm getting spoiled when I think, "Damn, no Grimm this year."

Otherwise, totally psyched at this schedule! Can't wait for Wednesday.

Is it 10th level characters or 12th level characters?

Emerald Spire Level 14: The Throne of Azlant
The Spokane Room
Pathfinder RPG Game featuring Erik Mona

Maximum 5 attendees.

Delve deep into the heart of the Emerald Spire and defeat the ancient Azlanti lich Nhur Athemon! This challenging dungeon pits 5 players against the secrets of Golarion's distant past and more than a few nasty monsters looking to take those secrets to the grave! Bring your own 10th-level Pathfinder RPG characters and get ready to take on one of the master villains of the Emerald Spire Superdungeon!

Materials Needed: 25-point-buy 12th-level characters, painted miniature, pencils, dice

Age rating: 18+.

Show event details

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For those that would preferr to see the sechedule in a more visual grid format:

In Excel XLSX Format and In PDF Format

These files will get updated as more things get added or corrected. Things in green are open events. Things in yellow are listed as lottery events.

Sara if it is helpful in being able to track down what we do and don't see on the website or as a double check against your schedule.

Zantumal - it looks like the Friday night Midgard events didn't make it on to your schedule, or at least the XLS version.

Thanks for putting those together, by the way!

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Khelreddin wrote:

Zantumal - it looks like the Friday night Midgard events didn't make it on to your schedule, or at least the XLS version.

Thanks for putting those together, by the way!

My pleasure. I found some others that also popped up and corrected both.

In XLSX Format and In PDF Format

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

I fixed the missing PFS events. There was some accidental time-travel involved, so you may not see them until 12pm PST today.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Steve Shippy aka Beerwolf wrote:

Is it 10th level characters or 12th level characters?

....Bring your own 10th-level Pathfinder RPG characters ...

Materials Needed: 25-point-buy 12th-level characters...

I'm checking in with Erik to clarify and will update the event listing when I find out more.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Sara Marie wrote:
Steve Shippy aka Beerwolf wrote:

Is it 10th level characters or 12th level characters?

....Bring your own 10th-level Pathfinder RPG characters ...

Materials Needed: 25-point-buy 12th-level characters...

I'm checking in with Erik to clarify and will update the event listing when I find out more.

I've updated the event per Erik's instructions. Its for 12th level characters.

Dark Archive

My wife and I are first time attendees and we have a question or two. We are taking this trip from Virginia as a once in a lifetime trip and want to play together so we plan to sign up as buddies. There are two events that we really want to attend (Goblin Brewery & Return to Freeport) both have a slot on Friday and Saturday (I am aware they are the same game) my question is do we sign up for both slots to increase the odds of getting in and if we double up can we give away a slot? Also there are in total 4 items we really want and the rest would be basically 0's for us. Is it acceptable to assign Goblin Brewery and Freeport on Friday,with fours and everything else for the day with 0's? (the alternative time slots on Saturday being 3's as they conflict with RPG Design which we also would like to attend) Finally my wife is interested in the basic miniatures class and like I said we plan to sign up as buddies if she gets that class can I drop out without effecting her? (I already paint but she would like to learn)

Shadow Lodge

This is my 1st PaizoCon and as a Teir 1 GM I was Curious how that is handled since I have 1 slot I could actually play in

Liberty's Edge

My experience from last year is that there are "enough" PFS games to fill up slots you don't fill via the lottery. Last year I didn't GM at all (except on Thursday at Kyle's); I got in two (mucho fun) games from the lottery, and then later registered for 4 PFS games. (Logan's "ground hog inn game was a blast, as was the Christina Stiles game I played in.)

This year I'm GMing two PFS and one other game, so I'm expecting I may have a harder time getting lotteried into something. But the PFS games last year were also a blast, so I'm not worried.

Digital Products Assistant

Mine all mine...don't touch wrote:
My wife and I are first time attendees and we have a question or two. We are taking this trip from Virginia as a once in a lifetime trip and want to play together so we plan to sign up as buddies. There are two events that we really want to attend (Goblin Brewery & Return to Freeport) both have a slot on Friday and Saturday (I am aware they are the same game) my question is do we sign up for both slots to increase the odds of getting in and if we double up can we give away a slot? Also there are in total 4 items we really want and the rest would be basically 0's for us. Is it acceptable to assign Goblin Brewery and Freeport on Friday,with fours and everything else for the day with 0's? (the alternative time slots on Saturday being 3's as they conflict with RPG Design which we also would like to attend) Finally my wife is interested in the basic miniatures class and like I said we plan to sign up as buddies if she gets that class can I drop out without effecting her? (I already paint but she would like to learn)

I would suggest selecting all instances of the events you want to get into for the lottery with the highest preference available. In the event you get double booked, you can trade the event with someone else once event trading opens up. You should be able to skip the minis painting event just fine, either through the event system, or trading your event ticket/submitting your event ticket to our board for event tickets during the convention.

Shadow Lodge

what about GM E-Tickets sorry for the confusion but thats my main question

being a teir 1 GM and not having recieved my Eticket (have 4 slots of Destiny of the sands Part 2 and 1 of the SP)

Lantern Lodge

I know it's a newb question but I've never been to PaizoCon before. I want to make sure I'm doing this right. Where do I go to rate my lottery choices?

Wait 44 minutes, bro. See the schedule at the top? :)

Customer Service Representative

Wraith235 wrote:

what about GM E-Tickets sorry for the confusion but thats my main question

being a teir 1 GM and not having recieved my Eticket (have 4 slots of Destiny of the sands Part 2 and 1 of the SP)

Yesterday Sara Marie sent out an email (to everyone on the list that Mike Brock had given her of people who were Tier 1 or 2 GMs) about what to do regarding getting badges. Have you received that email and followed up on it? She is still working through granting all necessary badges, so it may be a few days before she gets through everyone that has responded at this point.

If you have any further questions or concerns, please let me know.


I can't remember and if I glazed over it I'm sorry...
Will we know the results of our individual lottery selections before we get to pick what is available in the open signup?

I.E. there is a two day gap between when the lottery closes and when open signup begins. During that time, will lottery assignments be chosen so we can consider options for open signup for the remaining time slots?

I'm not an official Paizoan, but that's how it worked last year, Zantumal.

Digital Products Assistant

Zantumal wrote:

I can't remember and if I glazed over it I'm sorry...

Will we know the results of our individual lottery selections before we get to pick what is available in the open signup?

I.E. there is a two day gap between when the lottery closes and when open signup begins. During that time, will lottery assignments be chosen so we can consider options for open signup for the remaining time slots?

Between the closing of lottery selections and the opening for open events, we will run the lottery. The results of the lottery will be reflected on the events page when you go to sign up for open events and will display in the "My Schedule" portion of the page. At this point you'll also be able to start trading events with other con goers.

Dark Archive

Hi, I'm new to this. I went through make my picks/rated the events and then hit f5 but it really doesn't appear anything happened. Did I do something wrong?

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Nothing happens until we run the lottery. You can change your rankings up until that point.

Unless you mean you refreshed and your selections were reset?

Digital Products Assistant

Heya, I just checked this out for you and your lottery selections appear to have applied correctly. If you look at the events page, you should see your selections for events (you may want to do a page search for "Your preference: 4" or similar since it's a fairly large page).

Dark Archive

They were back to 0 but I plotted them again and this time they stuck, so sorry for the confusion.

Sovereign Court

Has there been an announcement on who the Guest of Honor(s) will be for the Con? I'm not finding anything when I search for that, but there is at least 1 event in the lottery for gaming with the Guest of Honor.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

No there hasn't. I am waiting to hear back on when those will happen so I can update those events.

Will the TBA events be announced before the close of the lottery? Is there any description that I've missed of possibilities for those slots?

Thanks, and sorry if I've missed something.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

I hope so?

There should really be a blog *AND* Email announcement that the Lottery has started - only found out at random from a reference in another thread. (We don't want to repeat 2011's "redo"!)

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

We will be doing an email later today. I wanted to make sure everything was rolling smoothly and get any major event edits in before broadcasting that it was ready.

Also, Guests of Honor announcement will be early next week and I will update the events as soon as that announcement goes live. I was hoping we'd have that announcement ready before sending out the email, but I really want the email to go out before the weekend.

Sovereign Court

bout when will we get access to the scenarios we r running. i like to thoroughly read and prep my stuff.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Sarvei taeno wrote:
bout when will we get access to the scenarios we r running. i like to thoroughly read and prep my stuff.

Early to mid June.

Sovereign Court

Zantumal wrote:
Khelreddin wrote:

Zantumal - it looks like the Friday night Midgard events didn't make it on to your schedule, or at least the XLS version.

Thanks for putting those together, by the way!

My pleasure. I found some others that also popped up and corrected both.

In XLSX Format and In PDF Format

For those who want to see the tiers for the PFS scenarios using Zantumal's handy-dandy spreadsheet, I've added those to this version: XLSX.

Liberty's Edge

Sara Marie,

There appears to be a typo on the Event Schedule:


Event trading will close Wed, Jun 11, 2014, 02:00 PM

Event trading will close Wed, Jun 25, 2014, 02:00 PM

I'm pretty certain the first line should read "... will begin".

Thanks, Will Johnson

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

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Guest of Honor Events have been updated!

Pathfinder Rules Conversion, Frog God Games

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Wow, my man Frank! This is going to be a blast!

Sara Marie wrote:

Guest of Honor Events have been updated!

You might want to update the main PaizoCon page with guest of honor info. I've been checking it for the announcement, and just wandered back into this thread.

Shadow Lodge

I have a question about PaizoCon 2014: Midgard: Grandmother's Fire

it says "Pathfinder society characters welcome" does this mean it will be an official event for PFS or that you can just use that character

Liberty's Edge

I believe this means that you can bring a character that would be PFS legal, as a shorthand of saying what's allowed.

I played in a Midgard game last year ("Beyond the Ghostlight Reef", GM Christina Stiles), and that's what it meant there.

These are not official PFS games. You could use your PFS character, but it would be a "non-canon" adventure for that character-- that is, any changes (expenditures or gains) wouldn't "count" for PFS purposes. You'd (effectively) be using a copy of a PFS character, not the actual character itself.

Last year, I made my own character and brought that, and it was fine. But the GM had enough pregens for everybody.

I just noticed the "important dates" for events is, although updated.. apparently somewhat broken. Might that be an issue with the events lotto closing today?

Skeeter Green wrote:

Wow, my man Frank! This is going to be a blast!

I can't believe I didn't see this announcement! I got to play and hang a bit with Frank this past weekend and didn't know he'd be coming - I was even thinking he'd make a great Guest of Honor!

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

So, I just came to check the Lottery results.

If "my schedule" says nothing is available, does that mean I didn't get into any of the lottery events I signed up for?

Grand Lodge

The lottery event results will be available tomorrow.

Lantern Lodge RPG Superstar 2014 Top 4

Thank you verdigris!

Grand Lodge

:) My pleasure, Robert. Good luck in the lottery!

Dark Archive

I hate to be "that guy", but any ETA on the Event Schedule opening up?

Dark Archive

Yeah same here took time off work to do scheduling and getting nowhere.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I would like to know as well.

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