Room Sharing Thread, 2014 Edition

PaizoCon General Discussion

I've just recently started relying on my own (student loan-centric) income, and money is a bit tight. I'm reserving a room in the block, but is anybody up to split with me?

Also, I hear there's gaming on Sunday night. Has anybody reserved a room for then? It'd be fun to take part, but I can't afford to pay for a whole extra night's stay. :P

Dark Archive

I'm willing to split the cost of a room. It would be my brother and I, and ideally we'd like Thursday-Sunday night.

Currently, I have Friday to Sunday morning reserved. Thursday to Monday morning will cost me the exact same, assuming we're splitting between two (and assuming we can still get the PaizoCon room block), so I'm a bit reluctant. But I'm game.

Liberty's Edge

I have reserved a Room in the block. Im actually staying elsewhere until the 3rd (In Seattle though) and then moving on to the Marriot. Ive reserved a room and they say its either a queen or a double. Does that basically mean I have a 50/50 chance of getting either? If so I have no issue splitting costs with someone if I get a double .

I do however snore apparently!..

I think that you can request one or the other.

Liberty's Edge

Excellent. Then If I see you , or you want to contact me Ive no problem sharing a room if you dont.

(In Aus its almost standard practice to pay before you actually get there. That way you dont have to worry about it when you get there. That practice seems almost non existent in America).

If anyone is reserving a room from Thursday through Sunday, I'd be willing to split the cost as well.

Liberty's Edge

Shadow: Do you snore? :)

I have no issue splitting the cost with you (Im a dude if you didnt catch it from my name.) Kobold Cleaver has gone quiet and I assumed he was going to contact me. If he hasnt done it by next week, then Ill gladly split the cost with you.

I'm not a snorer, unless I've got a head cold. :)

I'm comfortable sharing a room with anyone, regardless of gender. If KC doesn't get back to you, shoot me a pm so we can work out details. If all else fails I can stay in one of the fleabag hotels down the block like I did last year.

Sorry about the delay—I also received one additional offer off-thread, so I was a bit swamped trying to work out which one would be best.

Justin Sluder, if your offer still stands, I'd be happy to take you up on it. It looks like Matt and Shadowborn have already found suitable roommates. :)

Liberty's Edge

Thanks for the update Kobold. Sorry for pressuring you earlier, but Im a bit of a planner. ( I dont feel slighted too much :) )

Ive messaged you Shadowborn.

Dark Archive

Kobold Cleaver wrote:

Sorry about the delay—I also received one additional offer off-thread, so I was a bit swamped trying to work out which one would be best.

Justin Sluder, if your offer still stands, I'd be happy to take you up on it. It looks like Matt and Shadowborn have already found suitable roommates. :)

I wish I knew, but my mother had an emergency "procedure" yesterday, which may force her to quit her job due to no longer being able to physically perform, so I may not be able to afford to even split the cost of a room.

Sorry dude, life and all that crap....

That's alright. I have a friend who also offered to split at the cheaper hotel he chose—I was just aiming to get into the Marriott. ;P

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

I've got a room reserved for Thursday through Monday morning and my roommate cancelled on me, so I'd be up for splitting it with someone.

I should say up front -- I'm a transwoman. I'd be willing to share with queer folk of any gender or a straight female.

I'm thinking of taking time off for this and this would be my first time at the con. Looking to share a room for the same purpose. I'm a guy, I don't snore and I'm clean without being a Nazi. :)

From what it sounds, it's best to be there for Friday morning and stay over Sunday night, so I'd like to do the Thursday-Friday thing as well. Is there still room, or interest in splitting one?

Scarab Sages

I have a reserved room Thursday night to Monday morning with a double. My husband says I snore lightly and I am a light sleeper. So if anyone doesn't snore, can sleep through light snoring, and would like to share a room, let me know. ;)

Got a place and we're looking to share with one more person if anyone is still interested.

Dark Archive

I'm looking for floorspace for my brother and I for Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights at the Seattle Airport Marriott. I'm willing to pay up to $125, or $150 if I have my own room keycard.

Sent you a PM Justin.

Dark Archive

Thank you both. :)

Still looking for an additional person if someone is interested.

I had a party of 4 total, and two have backed out. I am also able to provide a ride from Pullman WA. I am looking for someone local first, to share in gas etc.. but its possible other agreements could be reached.

Dark Archive

My roommate just dropped out of the Con because of work. I am in need a roommate. I have a room at the hotel from Thursday through Saturday night. 2 Double Beds, Guaranteed.

If you are interested please drop me a PM.

I just wanted to say that rooming with different people each year has been one of the most interesting experiences from PaizoCon - I heartily recommend it for that, above financial reasons.

Shadow Lodge

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber
pH unbalanced wrote:

I've got a room reserved for Thursday through Monday morning and my roommate cancelled on me, so I'd be up for splitting it with someone.

I should say up front -- I'm a transwoman. I'd be willing to share with queer folk of any gender or a straight female.

I still have room available, if anyone is interested.

Scarab Sages

So, once again as the con approaches, all of my roommates won't be able to make it.
So, I've got a room with 2 queen beds reserved, and only me in it. I've got it reserved from Wednesday night through Saturday night. (Checking out Sunday).

Anyone interested in the extra bed, even if it's only for a couple of the days?
pH unbalanced, if you don't get any claimants, interested in dropping one of our rooms and combining?

So for all the roommates whose roommates dropped out are any of them attending the special. I forgot about signup and didn't get into that slot.

So send them my way. I'll buy them a PFS Character Folio for it.

Dark Archive

Hey Everyone,

I'm still looking for a roommate to join me or join up with some other great folks. I've sent a few of you messages to see if you still have a spot available. I'd be happy to be a 3rd roommate if we can get a cot.

It's funny to read through these posts and find out how anti-snoring Pathfinder are. You want to know who snores? Drendle Drang. Yeah, I said it.

Scarab Sages

I'd be willing to host a few folks at my place, about 10 min from the con, during the event. I've got a hide-a-bed, and a Lazyboy that I can provide blankets for. Beyond that, the floors are hardwood and not really the best for sleeping on.

Derfmancher wrote:
I had a party of 4 total, and two have backed out. I am also able to provide a ride from Pullman WA. I am looking for someone local first, to share in gas etc.. but its possible other agreements could be reached.

Suppose I should have updated this, but I have filled my extra spots.

Pat Luther wrote:

So, once again as the con approaches, all of my roommates won't be able to make it.

So, I've got a room with 2 queen beds reserved, and only me in it. I've got it reserved from Wednesday night through Saturday night. (Checking out Sunday).

Anyone interested in the extra bed, even if it's only for a couple of the days?
pH unbalanced, if you don't get any claimants, interested in dropping one of our rooms and combining?

Sent you a PM.

Dark Archive

I've roomed up with pH Unbalanced. Yay! Good luck everyone!

Grand Lodge

if anyone has a single room at the Con price ($100) that they are considering dropping, I'll take it. Just PM me to work out that details.

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