AP Subscription UK

Paizo General Discussion


I am really wanting to subscribe to the Paizo Adventure Path products however I live in the UK. I am wondering if anyone has an idea of Shipping costs or any extra fees?

Even better if someone has an idea of total approximate cost in pounds sterling for subscribing to the AP would be fantastic (Including shipping)

UK dwelling AP subscriber here.

Shipping costs are around the $7 mark (Usually works out that Subscriber's price AP + shipping = Full price AP without shipping.)

Actual price is dependent on exchange rates, but estimate in the £14-17 range per issue including shipping.

I stopped my subscription after reign of winter, looking to start again for iron gods.

If I remember correctly it was about £20/month all in. A touch higher than Amazon but worth it for the PDFs and 10% discount in the store. It would normally take about 2 weeks to arrive in hard copy though (by which time I'd read the PDF) which was the only real downside IMO.

There was an option for express shipping but that was way expensive.

Edit: you can also bundle any other products you buy into the same deliveries as the APs to save on shipping. I ordered a map pack and other bits and the shipping price barely changed from what I was paying for the AP alone.

Hope that helps

Shadow Lodge

My solution was to join the US military, get posted in the UK, and have the APs delivered to my APO address.


Grand Lodge

Mine came to just under £14 this month. Well worth it considering the cost of just the paper copy over here and usually is with me within a couple of weeks of dispatch.

Right thanks guys appreciate the help. Looks like the AP's are getting one more subscriber :D

It's also worth mentioning that I have NEVER had a copy go astray in the post. Every item Paizo has ever posted to me (here in the UK) has arrived in pristine condition. :D

mikeawmids wrote:
It's also worth mentioning that I have NEVER had a copy go astray in the post. Every item Paizo has ever posted to me (here in the UK) has arrived in pristine condition. :D

Adding a ditto to that from me :)

The only things that work out uneconomical for me to get direct from Paizo are things like the pawn sets, which I end up grabbing from Amazon. Otherwise, I find it quite reasonable when you factor in the PDFs.

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