Too on the nose? (Themed Cohort Names)


So our group is more or less coming to the close of our current homebrew, my character Fenvara is a Lawful Good 13th level Vanaran Cavalier with a literal take on Order of the Seal (prevent Planar incursion at all costs). She took Leadership waaaay back at 7th level as a means of setting up a base of operations and giving myself a roleplay excuse for an 'organization' and farm plot hooks through my DM. This amounts to her using her secretive Order having eyes and ears out there gathering whispers of Chaos cults and rifts between the planes that my character and our party then put the boots to.

I have yet to take a cohort, that however is changing. Fenvara's goal is to close the 'Nightmare Gate' an Abyssal rift formed by some serious evil shit my CE Hobgoblin did at the close of our last campaign. A serious cigarette burn on the homebrew campaign setting's history. If the gate can't be closed her goal is to rally her Order and establish a foothold on the Abyss so that the nasty things can't come through. We found what my DM revealed to me to be 'my characters ending' and gave me the option of getting that characters 'Good End' now or try to survive through the coming darkness. A Hound Archon with 4 levels of Paladin (ECL 11) would be PERFECT thematically to show up and rally with Fenvara to go, pardon the pun, "Give the Abyssals some hell".

So the reason I formed this thread, is it too on the nose to name said Archon "Jacques". My DM is a bit of an Adventure Time fan and is it too eye-roll-inducing to have adventures with Fen and Jacques?

Nah. Have fun with it.

My half-orc summoner summons a giant, featureless yellow sphere that rolls along unless agitated, in which case it opens a great, gaping maw and chases after its opponents, gnashing its teeth together over and over.

The eidolon is named Puq.

In-jokes are a part of gamer culture at this point, and as long as it doesn't become one of those "ha ha that wasn't funny the first hundred times" situations, enjoy it.

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