Purchased Ultimate Campaign (only because I play PFS)

Pathfinder Society


While it's hardly news worthy that Paizo has a customer because of PFS, I post this as an endorsement of Mike Brock, John Compton, and the rest of the PFS staff.

Are they perfect? No, but only I am deserving of that label.

All seriousness aside, I would not have purchased any of the many products I own were it not for PFS. Anyone else attribute their Paizo purchases strictly to PFS?

4/5 *

Not only did I buy most of my Paizo stuff because of PFS, but I figure I have helped sell several hundred Paizo products by running PFS in my local area. There's no better marketing for a game store or a game company than having free demos of their product running on a regular basis.

PFS has always been the easiest way for a new gamer to try Pathfinder - whether it was after they dropped another Organzied PLay game or just anted to try it. There are games running every night of the week in public venues around the world, and most are open and welcoming to new players. TEven if they don't stick with PFS as a campaign, those new players get into Pathfinder and RPG's in general through this highly-public venue.

Liberty's Edge 2/5

My fiancee and I have a MASSIVE collection, because she and I have been collecting since Pathfinder came out. Both of our rule books are 2nd edition printings (and look it). We had been collecting for 4 years before we got into PFS fully. We just love the game and the world that was created. Pathfinder is by far my favourite game system and Golarion my favorite setting.

PFS only added fuel to the fire for us. When Inner Sea Combat and Gods came out, I bought the PDF's and immediately went to our FLGS and bought the hard copies. We have a MASSIVE collection of Campaign Settings, and Player Companions. We are simply trying to collect physical copies of Modules now.

When we go to cons we make sure to check out the Dealers Rooms for any harder to find Campaign Settings/Modules/Player Companions.

This is also why we enjoy playing at home. If someone needs a rule, we simply have to point across the room to the pathfinder shelf.

In all reality, its her I have to thank for dragging me into Pathfinder. I thought it was the silliest name for a RPG system I had ever heard, then she made me play it and I got hooked.

PS: We also have every dragon evolution, the huge black dragon from original limited release, and every gargantuan released currently...all on the shelf above the pathfinder products.

Grand Lodge 3/5

Prior to getting involved in PFS I only had the bare bones. I only allowed the CRB in my own home game, plus I had picked up the APG and ISWG for reference because I was playing in a game set in Golarion.

PFS hasn't gotten me to start grabbing every book that comes out, but I have purchased a lot of the supplement books, either because I was interested in the region or group that the book was about, or because there was something I specificly wanted access to as a player.

Now that I look at my shelf and remind myself that I only got involved with PFS in October, I just might have a problem with impulse control.

Grand Lodge 5/5

All because of PFS.

I was just totaling up all my online orders at paizo.com and astounded at how much money I've actually spent.

That does not include all the money I've spent on flip mats, map packs, figures, etc. I try to buy anything physical at my local game store.


My purchases are through a local store whenever possible, but I'll check Paizo.com first if it's not in stock. Haven't bought a lot (CRB, APG, UC, a few smaller booklets) but I won't be stopping any time soon.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 5/5

I'm a charter subscriber, so no.

There are a very small number of PFS-specific purchases that I've made, e.g. GameMastery Maps used by encounters in scenarios I'm running at conventions.

Silver Crusade * Venture-Agent, Florida–Altamonte Springs

I can't honestly say every purchase is based on PFS. As I tell people when they ask me "How do you have such a low pfs number" I reply I've been playing Pathfinder since Alpha edition. Trying to get my splatbook loving 3.5 gaming group to switch to some "third party crap printed off from the internet" was a pain but now they love it. For my home game I use the pantheon I've had since 2nd edition, so I can say that I bought Inner Sea Gods purely for PFS.

Scarab Sages 2/5 *

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I only switched due to the living campaign aspect.

PFS has filled the 4E decline nicely.

Also, the PDFs made the decision much more palatable. I wouldn't have purchased nearly as many as I have.

Keep up the good work.

Looking forward to Origins and Gencon...

Shadow Lodge 3/5

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It's a great incentive, even if it's only honour system, to buy books based on the crunch you use (or the flavour you like, if that's your thing - it's not mine). Something about it helps build community too.

I stopped buying hardcovers pretty quickly after I realised what I was going to have to bring to stores and cons after my 3rd book - I use resources from 10 or 20 of them now across all my characters. PDFs forever!

Shadow Lodge 4/5

I think the only book I bought just for PFS use has to be Ultimate Combat. Just too many things there that I use with every character. Although my PFS career began in season zero(Dralkard Manor <3), the books I acquired earlier were for adventure paths.

I think the biggest incentive for the purchases has actually been the playtests. Nothing quite like a demo to whet your appetite.


I buy sooo many PDF's almost solely for use in PFS. They're luckily cheap as PDF's, but I still think I actually spend too much money on this :)

Lantern Lodge 3/5

I bought all my PDFs thanks to PFS.

With my limited spending budget, I got to plan ahead on what books to get. Playing PFS is one of the main reasons I get most of my PDFs. I get those that I need for my characters or for GMing.

Sovereign Court 5/5 RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Paz wrote:

I'm a charter subscriber, so no.

There are a very small number of PFS-specific purchases that I've made, e.g. GameMastery Maps used by encounters in scenarios I'm running at conventions.

This as well for me.

Liberty's Edge 3/5

90% of my Paizo purchases can likely be attributed to PFS involvment.

Dark Archive

With a smart phone that could easily read the PRD, and the wonderful PFRPGrd app on my tablet, it was hard to justify rebuying so many PDFs , to avoid carrying my hard covers to the game but I waited for a 10% sale and rebought them only because of the PFS rule that I bring the.book or legal PDF, or printout of a legal PDF. If I could.have brought a photocopy of the game books I left at home, I would, but that is not legal. I still refuse torepurchase the softcover books I use in PFS, though I have switched to buying the digital PDF instead for those.

Repurchased material aside. I do not feel that I have bought most.of my Paizo items only for pfs instead of gaming as a whole except for Dwarves of Golarion, strictly for the Dwarven Dorn-Dergar and it's weapon specific feats, and the PFS field guide. Those 2 books are nit worth the money as far as I was concearned. Come to think of it seeker of secrets had great flawed and cracked ioun stone but the 4 or 5 pages if them was not with 20$. Boon companion is good but as I would rather have an 7int w/telepathy Eidolon, I will never take BC anyway. That book also had a good martial prestige class but as I would never lower myself to play a martial, that is also of littlevto no value. I would have to say Seekers of secretes seemed nice as it was a book with new options when we saw little to releases from WotC on 3.5 but I am not sure I could justify the purchase of it today. Maybe at the PDF price, but certainly not the $20 paper price.

I am thinking about buying the new PFS softcolor but am turned.off that I think there is only one thing useful in the whole book. At least at a 32 page price, reduced PDF cost, and the current 10% sale, I may finally to buy it, but feel a little resentment I would only buy it for one item alone and that makes me feel like PFS is a MMO based on micro transactions.

I feel annoyed at the feeling that PFS is a micro transaction economy. Considering I feel most of their products have next to no pages of content up to my standards if being worth played. Makes me.feel like.I am paying $8-14 per single item I use from a product. I know many other pages in these books are worth playing to other players with different play styles so I try to remember how many 3.5 books I bought for only a few pages, though I do feel I got a lot more moneys worth out of my 3.5 rulebook purchases since so many if them had so many pages on classes I loved. In all the Paizo material, I only found two archetypes I like, but oh wait. After u bought those books because I could use them in PFS, they quickly turn around and ban both if those archetypes. I would rather play a 3.5 class than those archetypes when not restricted to PFS material.

Damn micro transaction economy.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Currently, all the books I have purchased are because of PFS. The thing that isn't is the AP of Skull and Shackles.

Lantern Lodge 3/5

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Now that I think about it, I would like to add that i do plan ahead on which PDFs/Books to buy.

And it is mainly thanks to sites like Archives of Nethys that clearly list the sources for a spell, feat, item...etc

Without them, I would be much more hesitant on buying books and PDFs, since I would be clueless on what I will be needing from a particular book.
Thank you for the Community Use Policy and Open Game License.
Hope Paizo would support such websites. Combined with PFS, these sites are helping people decide what to buy.

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