Christopk-K |
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There already is a rather long list of Wall of Fire Placement threads in the message boards. In summary they seem not to give a consistent and conclusive ruling on several questions though.
Due to this I tried to gather most questions in a single post. The goal of this post is to get a FAQ for the spell if there is sufficient interest in the community. Please mark this tread for FAQ if you also think a FAQ would be helpful. For some questions there seems to be a rule. I included these at the end of this post for completeness sake.
For Wall of Fire and the range of other Wall effect spells (Wall of .., Wind Wall & Blade Barrier) there are some questions I couldn’t find answers to. Currently these spells don’t seem to be covered in the Pathfinder FAQ. The message board has a huge number of threads on this topic but no definite answers.
I did make a graphic for point (A)-(E) below. Is there a way to post it in the board? I still hope the points below are understandable.
How would the wall be placed on a grid? (A) Would it occupy a line of squares as per Core Rule book p. 215 or (B) the edge of such a line or (C) would it pass down a straight line with model standing in whatever is the larger part of the square?
- Can you see/cast trough the walls? E.g. Ice could be crystal clear but would not have to be so.
- Can you attack through the walls, e.g. Wall of fire: Would you or the weapon take damage as passing through if you did attack?
- If the wall occupies whole squares would you take damage for every square you pass through? E.g. you have a wall running along a 5’ corridor filling it completely (D & E). Would
Please let me know if the answers already exist and I just looked in the wrong places.
- Which walls are straight lines and which could be shaped? => This question came up quite often, only spells with (S) at the end of the area of effect are shapeable. The rest will be straight lines only and other shapes like rings if indicated. (Core Rule Book p. 215). I also did this wrong the first time I used the spell.