karossii |
I'm looking at a character who specializes in a devil may care swashbuckling style, wielding a sword-cane pistol through which he casts his spells. I definitely do not want a straight spellslinger, for one since he is a Dex/Cha focused build, and for two because the archetype on the whole sucks as anything other than a 1-level dip.
My DM dislikes the gunslinger class, though not firearms. I am firmly in his camp. The grit/deeds mechanic is not my cup of tea at all. I debated on a black bladed myrmidarch magus, but while I like the concept, the DM is not a fan of the magus, so I will try to steer clear.
I initially thought EK was the obvious choice. in just 5 levels, ith a race with a 3rd level spell-like ability, I could go wiz 1/sor 1/trench ftr 3, and then EK10. It would give me a strong BAB, dex to damage rolls with both bullets and spells fired through the firearm, a couple of bonus feats, shore up my fort save, and etc. Several benefits to the build.
But then I thought of it, and I am losing 5 caster levels from the sorcerer (wizard caster levels will be next to useless, I think), and almost all of my bloodline benefits.
Would a straight Spellslinger 1/ Sorcerer 19 be able to pull off the derring-do desired, with spells, bullets, and occasionally the sword-cane?
What would you do?

karossii |
I am thinking either Arcane, or Imperious, or crossblooded with the two for bloodlines.
also, just started thinking of maybe going the arcane trickster route with this character. I'd still lose 4 caster levels (vs. the EK's 5), but the benefits are far more than an enhanced AB and a couple of bonus feats. Was looking at the various rogue archetypes, and none seem particularly appealing; the swashbuckler is nice but not amazing, sniper would be good for an extra 10' of sneak attack distance, scout for more easily getting sneak attacks... but none are amazing/must-have.

Zwordsman |
I'm a bit confused on what you actually want..
YOu said swashbuckler style.. what do you mean?
You want to shoot often, and then also shoot spells? Or just mostly shoot spells?
Or do you want to sword-cane melee once in a while shoot bullets or magic?
If you just want to shoot bullets/magic? You would lose sorc class benefits but if your just wanting to shoot bullets/magics and some Cha and dex skills?
I see you mentioned a few bloodlines but why are you wanting those in specific?
spellslinger+sorc, yeah you get most of hte bloodline stuff, but are they that important for your idea?
If you want to sword, shoot, and spell sling I would consider a bloodline that will just benefit your spells of choice..
Like cross blooded for damages, or some of the ones that don't scale with levels.
As for levels, Spellslinger 1 for the nifty gun tech, sorcerer, then I myself would drop a few more levels for 2 in Paladin (just to sure up the ability to actually take a hit, smite evil, damn good saves) then the rest being sorcerer and eldritch knight. You do loose like 4 spell levels which utterly sucks.. but if you wanted to sword with the sword cane, or be close enough to use the gun's touch range this'll help a lot more with that (i suppose if your build doesn't use arcane strike, or too often swift spells, could get arcane training)
Alternatively, if you want to melee/touch shoot less, and just blast from long range like a normal sorcerer, then yeah spellsinger 1, tons of sorcerer will work for it. Only lose 1 spell level. Pretty fragile but if your going to be far far away anyway.
Last one is something I did, but never got to play,
spell slinger 1, then sorcerer/Dragon disciple. Pretty trashy spell levels but I was after the stat boosts to str and con, and I was int based at the time. It wasn't bad with the sword cane able to melee, shoot, and lob some spells; though not as well as a pure caster of course. I got by but I didn't play this one too long so I don't know how much it would suck later. I loved the breath weapons and such. Eventually I picked up the feat that lets you apply bloodline special attacks to normal attacks and started just tacking that on everything too.

karossii |
By swashbuckler, I mean style. Which has less to do with class and more to do with roleplay; but class can definitely affect it.
Primarily, my thoughts in that vein are a dex/cha based ranged character, who can melee in a pinch. Not a full switch hitter, but capable of it. And as much social and noncombat ability as fighting prowess.
Ideally, I would like to cast some spells (more direct offensive/control than buff/debuff), shoot some bullets, and be able to fence if/when closed with. But the focus will fall between casting and shooting - with probably a bit more reliance on casting (bullets can be expensive!).
We have 2 bards in the group (one straight bard, one bard/evangelist cleric), otherwise I thought of using bard instead of sorcerer as the primary casting class. With the dervish dancer or archaeologist archetypes, it would be very fitting. It might still work out well, without stepping on toes; but it would waste the bonuses they're providing, as I'd give myself my own bonus. We do also have a rogue, but I think going arcane trickster would make me different enough from him (he is a crossbow sniper type) that I wouldn't step on his toes much.
Dragon Disciple is a good idea, but I want Dex as a focus, not Str. The reason I thought the Arcane bloodline is mainly because it would add benefits to my bonded gun (which is also my melee weapon). Imperious would just be very suited to the campaign (kingmaker).
We already have a caster and a pair of archers in the game, as well as melee, and healers, etc. - we have 9 players in all; so I am not needed as a primary anything, though I could build as if primary for any role I choose.