monk moving through threaten squares question?

Rules Questions

when a monk tries to go through a threaten square would he add his bonus from high jump and having an increased land speed? i just can't think of a way realistically get out of harms way without jumping, kinda like spiderman jumping out of harms way or something similar.

The ability says that it only applies to jumping, so I'd be inclined to say it can't be used for using Acrobatics to move through threatened squares.

i understand that but still if you can describe to me how to acrobatically avoid an aoO without jumping then please do because that is my main problem, and also can't my motion to avoid the aoO be to jump?

I know what you're saying and it does makes sense; ask your DM if he would allow it (I know I would). That aside, RAW seems to be that jumping and moving through threatened squares are two distinct uses of the acrobatics skill and the monk ability only applies to one of them regardless of how you describe it, hence my original reply.

yea i guess well thanks for the help

You aren't high jumping over the enemy. You are rolling or maybe somersaulting past the enemy. This stuff is all about spinning, I'm afraid. Spinning and good reflexes, I guess.

The use of Acrobatics to avoid an AoO used to be, under D&D rules, called the Tumble skill. It's about carefully controlled movement and moving in unexpected ways so you're not just leaving yourself open to an attack as you maneuver in combat. Can that happen with jumps as well? Probably, but I'd call that two separate Acrobatics checks, personally - one for the jump (with your special bonuses for that) and one to avoid attacks of opportunity (as normal). Your GM may vary.

Watch Jackie Chan, then you will understand.

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