Best Golem-Creator Class Choice


My wife and I are selling our house and I do not have the same kind of time I used to for creating my own homemade adventures. Since this is the case, I've decided to pull out some of my very old 2nd Edition Ravenloft premade adventures and convert them for PF.

For the most part, its fairly simple. Take their monsters' concepts, open HeroLab, make them fit Pathfinder. I use things like the old THAC0 to figure a rough estimate of what their attack bonuses should be, and so forth.

The current quest their on involves tracking down a Golem-Creator, Emil Bollenbach, who has kidnapped Rudolph van Richten because he wants to put van Richten's brain into a "Super Flesh Golem". He wants to do this in order to continue his mad dream of ridding the world of golems. Naturally, he's completely insane and has not realized that by creating his own golems, he's only adding to the problem he sees with the world. I guess in twisted logic, he feels that if he's successful creating his "Super Flesh Golem", he'll be able to destroy all the golems, including those he made himself. The adventure is called "Surgeon's Blade" and extremely fun, if anybody wants to check it out. It's part of a a book of group of standalone adventures featuring van Richten called Chilling Tales, and available on Amazon.

Anyway, here's what I'd like to know. In 2nd Edition Ravenloft, Emil Bollenbach is listed as a Madman. There's absolutely no conversion for the class for Pathfinder, so I'd like to know which would you think is the best choice to make this insane golem-creator?

  • Wizard? If so, which specialty school?
  • Sorcerer? If so, which bloodline?
  • Cleric w/ Artifice Domain (or another domain)?
  • Artificer from Eberron?
  • Other choice?
  • How about any Prestige Classes that I should consider as well?

By the way, 5 of the 7 PCs are 11th level, the other 2 are 10th. I'd like to make Emil around 12-14th Level so their final encounter with him and his lackeys be challenging, but not impossible.

Thanks a lot! Looking forward to hearing back from you guys! I know I can count on you guys/girls :)

Liberty's Edge

I would make Bollenbach an Alchemist, probably a Vivisectionist or some such. Though another possibility would be a Sorcerer with the Impossible Bloodline from Champions of Balance. Of course he could also be simply a highly skilled Expert NPC or possibly an Aristocrat.

For the Golems, there are all kinds of ways to work them out to be challenging. Pathfinder has the Beast of Lepidstadt that is their version of the Frankenstein Monster, the self aware Flesh Golem.

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