Mythic APG

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Any plans to do mythic apg spells?

Without 3rd party material the spell options are rather limited.

Scarab Sages

I suspect Paizo is going to leave further Mythic support to 3rd party publishers.

I am just going to leave this here

Mythic Mania

BiggDawg wrote:

I am just going to leave this here

Mythic Mania

All I need now is a release date! Awesome!

Are there any release dates?

All the Levels of the Kickstarter point to summer of next year...

stuart haffenden wrote:
Are there any release dates?

The Kickstarter has to end first- it's not even done adding new groovy coolness to the books :)

But yeah, estimate is summer of next year :)

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