Blog: Rushing the Blog

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Goblin Squad Member

Okay can someone explain to me why saying that there was a weakness and it's no longer present thus making the entity formerly suffering from that weakness stronger somehow rude or not nice? Also who is this not nice or rude towards?

Goblin Squad Member

I have no idea

Goblin Squad Member

Ok cool.

Goblin Squad Member

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Papaver wrote:
Okay can someone explain to me why saying that there was a weakness and it's no longer present thus making the entity formerly suffering from that weakness stronger somehow rude or not nice? Also who is this not nice or rude towards?

As an outside observer, considering the sequence of the posts, an inference could be made that the weakness that you were referring to was taken care of by the leadership change in TEO.

It is my impression that is what Drakhan Valane was declaring was "uncalled for".

If that was not your intended veiled statement, you should clear that up, in my opinion.

BTW, and I hope this does not hurt his position, it shouldn't, Andius is right. The indication of that is when I, months ago, suggested that even crafters should train basic combat skills if they are needed to defend their own settlement. That idea was attacked by some.

If the majority of your membership is so adverse to PvP that they will not even defend their own settlement in its potential final hours, you have recruited too many players adverse to PvP. Your settlement will not last. Alliances built on one section being the military, and another crafting, and a third research, exploration or adventuring, is a model destined to fail.

The Devs have said, no settlement can be self sufficient, but that applies to resources. A company should be self sufficient in the roles that it can perform.

If you have to rely on someone else for your protection, in a PvP dominant MMO, you are weak.

Again, Andius is right. How could you expect to run two settlements, and neither has a strong military between them?

Goblin Squad Member

TSV will have a strong military branch. We are not suffering from an illusion that we won't need a strong military.

Now, true, TEO will be more 'militant' than TSV but we will be able to defend ourselves.

Now the thing with Andius runs deeper and that is TEO's business and should not be aired out on the PFO forum.

Goblin Squad Member

They will be fine Bludd.

Goblin Squad Member

Xeen wrote:
They will be fine Bludd.

I'm sure they will, it will be good business for us. We will contract ourselves out to anyone, coin is coin no matter who's hands it passes from.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Frankly, by the time settlement combat actually exists all of the current plans and groups will be completely different... and in my experience numbers matter FAR more than 'organization' and 'focus' (i.e. military vs crafting) in mass PvP.

Goblin Squad Member

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Well it's kinda hard for anyone to call themselves a "strong military" when we don't have characters yet. TEO and T7V both have a good amount of players with PvP experience and any assumption that we no longer have any players with experience in commanding groups in PvP is utterly false. As a matter of fact it is very possible that no group has "more PvP'ers" than TEO and T7V combined, even if our ratio of PVP'ers to non PvP'ers is a little lower than other groups.

I assure anyone who is curious that the majority of T7V is not adverse to PvP. We just won't turn people away because their only efforts to the war is producing awesome swords ;)

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:

I'm sure they will, it will be good business for us. We will contract ourselves out to anyone, coin is coin no matter who's hands it passes from.

And yes, it has always been our plan to hire mercs when necessary. We have been vetting mercs for a while now :)

Goblin Squad Member

Bluddwolf wrote:
Papaver wrote:
Okay can someone explain to me why saying that there was a weakness and it's no longer present thus making the entity formerly suffering from that weakness stronger somehow rude or not nice? Also who is this not nice or rude towards?

As an outside observer, considering the sequence of the posts, an inference could be made that the weakness that you were referring to was taken care of by the leadership change in TEO.

It is my impression that is what Drakhan Valane was declaring was "uncalled for".

If that was not your intended veiled statement, you should clear that up, in my opinion.

Thank you. That implication was not my intention. I think that Andius is absolutely a very skilled military leader and while I was frustrated with one thing or another the leadership change is a net negative. I also believe that our overall military situation has improved due to a separate factor I was not specifically mentioning in public that outweighs the negative effect of the leadership change. That is the reason I disagreed with Andius.

Goblin Squad Member


The Militia/Military is at least our 2nd largest, if not largest, branch in the guild right now I'd say actually (Explorer's League I think might be a -little- more popular). Even if we don't have huge numbers actively crusading, most are more than happy to take up a weapon to defend themselves and their home (or our allies, we like our allies).

Goblin Squad Member

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If a great many of us don't have extensive practice (and thus some skills at PVP) by the time that sieges go live, it will be a much tamer environment than I had thought. Many natural tacticians will arise that had no idea it was in them.

I don't think we should underestimate ANY group. Time will tell who catches on to this particular PVP system and who doesn't. Until then, it is all bluster.

Goblinworks Executive Founder

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Just a little question :

I wasn't following the day-to-day activity of this game for the last year, so I'm not up-to-date about all gameplay announcements.

So, my question is : Did GW officially announced a massive XP bonus for players daily trashing TEO ? It looks like a quarter of the posts on this forum sometime, so I'm wondering.

Goblin Squad Member

Ixiolander wrote:


The Militia/Military is at least our 2nd largest, if not largest, branch in the guild right now I'd say actually (Explorer's League I think might be a -little- more popular). Even if we don't have huge numbers actively crusading, most are more than happy to take up a weapon to defend themselves and their home (or our allies, we like our allies).

Didn't mean to imply anything competitive. Just highlighting that we do have plenty of potential PvP'ers at hand.

Goblin Squad Member

Would it be possible to get a clarification on the types and amounts of resources we could expect from Wooded Mountain hexes? I would assume it would be a combination of what is available in both Woodland and Mountain hexes but to what degree?

Goblin Squad Member

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T7V Avari wrote:
Didn't mean to imply anything competitive. Just highlighting that we do have plenty of potential PvP'ers at hand.

Oh me either, not in the slightest. Apologies for the misunderstanding. It was more in response to the posts higher up mentioning that most of our members wouldn't have any combat skills or be willing to take part in PvP, which is quite incorrect.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Nymerias wrote:
Would it be possible to get a clarification on the types and amounts of resources we could expect from Wooded Mountain hexes? I would assume it would be a combination of what is available in both Woodland and Mountain hexes but to what degree?

All hexes formerly shown as 'wooded mountains' show up on the newer maps as JUST mountains. Based on this I suspect that there may not be a distinction any longer.

Audoucet wrote:

Just a little question :

I wasn't following the day-to-day activity of this game for the last year, so I'm not up-to-date about all gameplay announcements.

So, my question is : Did GW officially announced a massive XP bonus for players daily trashing TEO ? It looks like a quarter of the posts on this forum sometime, so I'm wondering.

Such bad blood. For the right amount of coin it could be spilled blood or poison coursing through their blood. Don't much care which side it's on as long as the pay is good.

Goblin Squad Member

2 people marked this as a favorite.

TEO should not be underestimated, we have plenty of people interested in the PvP aspect of this game. As for the Military leadership, TEO isn't without several experienced military tacticians and strategists.

Where ever the chips may fall, TEO will at least be competent at PvP.

Goblin Squad Member

Was there a Kickstarter announcement that went out about this blog? I checked my email and I didn't get one. I think it would be in GW best interest to send one out as it might wake some of their backers up. Those backers might get more involved again and perhaps convince more friends who missed the Kickstarter to buy more EE spots. Just a suggestion.

Goblin Squad Member

Probably going out when the website upgrade goes live. The people that frequent here are much more understanding and willing to look for an answer, before flaming the message boards when they can't find the account creator.

CEO, Goblinworks

Yes that's right - the KS mail will go when the site is live.

Goblin Squad Member

Ryan Dancey wrote:
Yes that's right - the KS mail will go when the site is live.

100% reasonable.

Goblin Squad Member

CBDunkerson wrote:
Nymerias wrote:
Would it be possible to get a clarification on the types and amounts of resources we could expect from Wooded Mountain hexes? I would assume it would be a combination of what is available in both Woodland and Mountain hexes but to what degree?
All hexes formerly shown as 'wooded mountains' show up on the newer maps as JUST mountains. Based on this I suspect that there may not be a distinction any longer.

Thank you for the information CBDunkerson. Would it be possible for someone to provide a link to a newer map? The maps I've seen so far hav all had wooded mountains.

Goblinworks Lead Game Designer

3 people marked this as a favorite.

Hey all

So new option we are going to add to the Land Rush. Those three guilds that already have settlement slots (TEO, T7V and Pax) can all create guilds for for the land rush, have people join them, etc, but they won't be counted when we are apportioning out settlements. Basically they will show up on the guild list and on the leader boards, but won't actually be getting settlements aside from the ones they already have. This way they can get their description, motto, weblinks, etc out there with all the other guilds, plus it gives a guild for members of those guilds to join do during the Land Rush.

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

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ChaiGuy wrote:
Would it be possible for someone to provide a link to a newer map? The maps I've seen so far hav all had wooded mountains.

The most recent 'official' map I have seen is the one from phase 1 of the land rush.

There will likely be a further updated version of that map soon for phase 2.

Goblin Squad Member

Original Land Rush Map

This map has made everything so much easier for me. It has the original land rush settlement names, borders between low and high elevations, with crop, plains, forest, meteor, and only-mountain hexes (there are no swamps in the starting map according to Lee in the video)

Goblin Squad Member

My question is about the bottom of the full map. It looks like a nearly solid line of badlands and monster hexes. Is there something special down there or is that meant as a soft end-of-the-world deal?

Goblin Squad Member

Lee Hammock wrote:

Hey all

So new option we are going to add to the Land Rush. Those three guilds that already have settlement slots (TEO, T7V and Pax) can all create guilds for for the land rush, have people join them, etc, but they won't be counted when we are apportioning out settlements. Basically they will show up on the guild list and on the leader boards, but won't actually be getting settlements aside from the ones they already have. This way they can get their description, motto, weblinks, etc out there with all the other guilds, plus it gives a guild for members of those guilds to join do during the Land Rush.

Nice :)

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

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Proxima Sin wrote:
(there are no swamps in the starting map according to Lee in the video)

That statement was later corrected.

The four hexes immediately SE of settlement 'Z' (aka Toad Lake) are swamp hexes.

Proxima Sin wrote:
My question is about the bottom of the full map. It looks like a nearly solid line of badlands and monster hexes. Is there something special down there or is that meant as a soft end-of-the-world deal?

Edge of the map. "Here be monsters". :]

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