Most Interesting Eidolons


Sovereign Court

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Summoner has always struck me as one of the most open-ended classes in Pathfinder - it essentially gives you a blank canvas when it comes to making your eidolon.

We've all seen plenty of variations on the pouncing animal, the dragon wannabe, and the hulking bodyguard. What eidolons have you seen or imagined that don't look like anything you might find in the bestiary?

Bonus points if the summoner's flavor meshes well, and if the pair manage to be both interesting and effective.

The Exchange

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I had this idea of a Pirate summoner whose Eidolon was a small pirate ship. The itty-biddy crew would shoot guns(bite) and attempt a boarding action(tail slap), as well as have this odd ability to sail anywhere, even up sheer cliffs or trees. Serpentine base at level 1 can use all of these. If your GM is lenient, and you can have both the Bite and the Gore, then the small crew says RAMMING SPEED!! Reach to bite means cannons on the sides, and increased armor for different types of wood or metal. Bigger eidolon means bigger ship! A schooner for a small, a Galleon for a medium, so on and so forth. Dreadnought for Huge... It also made sense for the eidolon to speak, since there was a miniature crew manning the ship.

Then there's the Summoner, who's decked out in pirate attire, shouting orders to the small ship. Certain orders like "Speed up, ya land lovers!" for Haste, and "Get the ship fixed, ya scalawags!" for rejuvenate eidolon, etc.

And plus, Pirate accent. Who doesn't love that?

Sovereign Court

Haha nice. What was the backstory on that one?

So, I have a summoner who is sort of a joke about cosplayers. Initially, her eidolan was a twin of herself, and I built them both to be as ninja-like as possible. Because sexy ninja twins. I called them "the twinjas." The character was Tian but had been raised in Absalom, and wasn't Tian at all, culturally speaking, but she thought ninjas were cool.

Later, she went to Numeria and decided that steampunk is cooler than ninjas. I dropped like 20 prestige and did a bit of a rebuild, as well as totally changing her eidolan when she levelled. Also I soon acquired her cool evolutionist power which went well with the new theme. I built three eidolans, a "scout drone," an "attack drone" and a "tank drone." All are steampunky type construct looking things. Obviously, she can only use one at a time.

The scout drone is the coolest. It has a double barelled musket mounted on a turret (the "turret" is fluff of course- it just actually wields the gun with EWP) that it uses to fight, but is otherwise not very effective in combat. But it has awesome senses (high Perception bonus plus scent and 120' darkvision), and it can go anywhere (climb and swim speeds). It's like a little spidery drone thing that turns into a submarine pod and has a gun turret that it shoots at things with. Also it's really good at sneaking around and disabling traps and locks and all. So much fun to use.

The summoner herself now uses a repeating crossbow, because it seemed like the most steampunk thing.

EDIT: And of course, she has now ditched her ninja threads for Victorian garb and a tophat with goggles on it.

McSquizzy, giant squirrel of headnomming. He followed young Paulie Dingle home one day and just kept growing bigger as the years went by and the gnome became a teleportation specialist.

biped base form, large size, bite, str boosts, nat armor increases for that extra thick fluffy coat, reach on the bite attack

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Some of the ones I've either dreamt up, stolen, or some combination thereof:

* A six-foot, featureless yellow sphere that rolls along the ground. When threatened, opens a cavernous maw, then chases and swallows enemies whole. Fond of fruit.

* A giant, writhing wall of bodies, all bent into tormented positions, screaming endlessly with a hundred voices.

* (Broodmaster) Seven dwarven caricatures, appearing as if drawn into existence. Lots of rounded edges and unnatural proportions. Each has its own personality which dominates interactions.

* A pool of silvery liquid with glimmering jewels dancing about within it. (This one's mainly a skill monkey, but it has some interesting abilities.)

Shadow Lodge

Quadrupedal eidolon with evolutions including wings, climb, and a tentacle with reach (a really long tongue). It appeared blindingly bright when you looked at it directly, but didn't actually shed light.

Its summoner, a preteen girl, vehemently insisted it was a pony.


Sovereign Court

Ooh, I like some of these. I'm working on one for an upcoming campaign that looks like a racecar (with feet), piloted by a tinker-happy machinist halfling; it'll start as a punch buggy and work its way up to a monster truck. I'll be drawing all kinds of inspiration from Battle Bots for that one - retractable buzz saw claws and a gnarly front-mounted clamp are just the beginning.

On the shelf I have a classic pair of Lucha Libre wrestlers - a pair of mustached masked men that use Paired Opportunist and Broken Wing Gambit to lure opponents in and hit them with devastating slam combo attacks. Probably going to have to take Two-World Magic just to get Ghost Sound for the end-of-combat bell ring.

I said it in another thread, but:

At low level: A chair
At higher level: A flying throne


My summoner was a fat gluttonous human sloth. He needed his eidolon to walk, walking 10 feets was to much for him.

Sovereign Court

Well, as soon as heard about the build to look like Shiva or some kind of weird caterpillar (multiweapon fighting has no limit, and so you only are limited by the evolution points for arms and your resources for weapons), I had this idea of a spinning disk-like thing similar to robot wars with arms coming out and holding wakizashis.

(Base form quadruped. Take pounce and as many arms / hands you can, and at least the feats Multiweapon Fighting and EWP: Wakizashi)

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