Special mount for undead antipaladin - suggestions? Also trying to invent a fancy type of net...


So I have an undead (wight template) antipaladin in an evil campaign and everyone has their own special projects to do during group downtime and I just don't want to take over the world with this one, so she's going on a quest to find a special mount. I'm just looking for some suggestions.

Thematically she's a beautiful elf that died spreading a deadly virus to human cities (intentionally, she's a horrible person)Everything about her is sort of beautiful but decayed. Or the perversion of beauty and goodness. With that in mind I was thinking she could kill a unicorn and have it raised as undead by the Lich NPC my GM invented, but ideally i'd rather not have help. Are there any already undead things that would make awesome mounts?

Or I might find and kill a centaur because any humanoid killed by the wight becomes a wight and takes orders from the sire.

Mechanical limitations aren't a HUGE problem because this Lich character is basically handwavium incarnate, just hoping to avoid the Antipaladin whining to her boss for help.

I will update this shortly with my Net question, running out of time right now.

Bumping and bringing up a new question:

Just how difficult IS it to make an undead monster? We just found a dire lion and I would love to make it undead so my channel could heal both of us.

(sorry if bumping after only a week is bad..)

Net question:

So there is another character in another game that uses a net and trident for her fighting and i wanted to craft her something that would augment the netting part. We're making her a trident with returning, but I thought maybe a net enchanted with "Animate rope" might up the dc to break out, or save her the time of untangling a target in the middle of combat.

Or any other ideas, damage dealt by the net etc. Any suggestions?

Make the net a spell storing weapon and have spells such as hold person stored in it.

Rogar Stonebow wrote:
Make the net a spell storing weapon and have spells such as hold person stored in it.

Or maybe calcific touch.

For low level spells touch of gracelessness

As for your original question.

A nightmare is a great mount. Or how about a fast zombie mastadon.

A wight centaur or lamia would work. Especially lamia for the dire lioness aspect.

Scarab Sages

Ideas for a mount:

  • Nightmare
  • Apply Skeletal Champion or Wight template to a horse/unicorn
  • As #2, apply template to a pegasus.

I second the idea of a nightmare. A creature pure evil who will be your mount/partner in crime.

Grand Lodge

Typically a Skeletal/undead Dragon would fit.

The nightmare idea is a good one.

Fruian Thistlefoot wrote:

Typically a Skeletal/undead Dragon would fit.

The nightmare idea is a good one.

The problem with skeletal undead dragons is that they can't fly.

Actually someone else in the party has a Nightmare already and...well he hasn't been playing long and he's SUPER excited for his evil character so I don't wanna take his idea on him. We're also doing a sort of horsemen of the apocalypse theme;
Orc Barbarian riding a worg = War (named Farod)
Cleric Necromancer on a nightmare = Death (named Fear)
Elf, Wight Antipaladin = Pestilence (named Plague)

So I guess I'm looking for the most thematically appropriate mount I can get because the other two really fit the bill for their themes.

The Lamia might be actually perfect, I was thinking of trying to find a centaur princess of renowned beauty, but that works too.

Thanks for the answers guys!

Spell storing on the rope is possible, but I don't think the character would want to rely on someone else to store the spell for her. Even if casters would always be available, she's pretty independant.

How about a young umbral dragon

Since she is Pestilence, how about a Fast Plague Zombie Unicorn mount. Or even a Fast Plague Zombie Lord Unicorn mount.

Samasboy1 wrote:
Since she is Pestilence, how about a Fast Plague Zombie Unicorn mount. Or even a Fast Plague Zombie Lord Unicorn mount.

I can't say I've heard of that but it sounds amazing.

Also in the meantime, i might just have a sedan chair crafted and make my wight minions carry me around. It won't be practical, but it will be excellent.

GreatEscapist wrote:

I can't say I've heard of that but it sounds amazing.

Also in the meantime, i might just have a sedan chair crafted and make my wight minions carry me around. It won't be practical, but it will be excellent.

Fast, Plague, and Zombie Lord are variants of the Zombie template. You can read about them here

Rather than a palanquin carried by minions, you could have a skeletal sedan with legs that walks by itself. Think like a skeletal spider with a chair on top.

Oh, or a undead elephant with a howdah would be visually striking too.

Nobody said Ravener yet. I recommend Silver.

Edit: Raveners apparently have to be evil dragons. so no silver

voideternal wrote:

Nobody said Ravener yet. I recommend Silver.

Edit: Raveners apparently have to be evil dragons. so no silver

Nice. I forgot about them.

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